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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community

Jet Set Willy [Patched]

Original JSW games for various platforms that may include various bug fixes, cheats and other enhancements but do not significantly change the core game itself.

19 files

  1. Jet Set Willy Mono Plus

    JSW Mono Plus
    A small expansion on the existing 'JSW Mono' variant offering a choice of colours!
    The download consists of a .tap tape file and a small 'tech notes' text file covering a few details of interest.
    Although the patch to set 'JSW Mono' is readily available from John Elliott's site (home of the brilliant JSWED tool) and  it is indeed quite possible to find a prebuilt game file with it applied from other sites, both with and without bug fixes it is by it's nature slightly limited in what colours are permitted.
    Monochrome does not always have to mean white text on black paper!
    Upon loading the player is presented with a neat and tidy menu offering a range of suggested presets, selectable by a letter key:
    White ink with black paper
    White ink with black paper and bright enabled (This is the original 'JSW Mono patch' effect output when applied to the game engine)
    The above options are also offered in inverse! That being white paper with black ink, again available with or without bright.
    A basic 'green screen' choice is available, limited to green ink on black paper but with the option of bright enabled or not. Thought was given to offering an 'amber' choice too as 'back in the day' there were amber 'mono' monitors around as well as the more common green-screen and black-white ones. Unfortunately it was felt that the Spectrum's yellow was not really quite adequate enough to pass itself off as an amber mono display, so the option of a preset for this is not initially offered however, read on about choices...

    To allow further visual entertainment, the player may select their own preference for desired ink , paper , bright and (if they insist!) flash options. A basic sanity check is applied to prevent the player choosing the same value for paper and ink and a further check to confirm they really do want flash enabled. Upon completion of picking the colour options the text for the custom option is displayed in those colours.
    Please refer to screenshots of the menu, it was written to be self-explanatory as far as sensibly possible.
    The player may at this stage change their mind and pick a default value or re-enter a choice of custom values.
    When happy pressing the 'R' key will execute the game code, this is necessary even if one of the pre-defined choices is selected. A basic check is present to ensure an option has been chosen before the 'R' key will function as no option is selected by default. The currently "active choice" is shown by the menu letter control key being set to flash. Again please take a look at the screenshots.
    We hope you enjoy this small expansion tweak to the existing 'JSW Mono' !



  2. Jet Set Willy - The R. D. Foord Software editor version

    The R. D. Foord Software variant of "JSW" from 1985 is a "3-room test" for their Jet Set Willy Room Designer. The new rooms are: "The staircase." (28), "The little room." (33) and "Top staircase." (34). Rooms 28 and 34 are early revisions of their counterparts in "Dr. Jet Set Willy" (1986).
    This version surfaced on the internet thanks to Steve Brown, who acquired the R. D. Foord Software tapes, transferred them to emulator format and uploaded to TZX Vault in March 2005.
    The game is impossible to complete, because of three of the four bugs which make the original "JSW" incompletable:
    1. It is impossible to climb the Banyan Tree (and reach the items in "Conservatory Roof") because of an Earth cell which stands in the way.
    2. It is impossible to collect the rightmost item in "Conservatory Roof" because of the adjacent Fire cell.
    3. A faulty arrow in "The Attic" corrupts the game.
    The fourth problem present in the original "JSW" - an invisible, unreachable item in "First Landing" - does not affect the R. D. Foord Software version, as this room has been turned into "The staircase.", with the item there visible and possible to collect.
    Once the game has been fixed by applying three of the four official Software Projects POKEs (56876,4; 59901,82 and 60231,0 or, respectively, #DE2C,04; #E9FD,52 and #EB47,00 in Hex), it becomes bed-completable, i.e. Willy can reach the bed and start the toilet run after having collected all items. During the toilet run, however, he gets killed by the horizontal guardian in "Top staircase." repeatedly, so the game is not toilet-completable.
    A bug-fixed version of this variant of JSW was created when the individual page of this variant was created on JSW Central and it is now made available for download also here. The ZIP file of this download contains fixed, completable files of the game in TAP and TZX formats. The new code necessary to create them was written using John Elliott's JSWED 2.3.7 and tested in some experimental files. The final fixed files were then created using Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor by applying some changes to a TZX file of the R. D. Foord Software version of "JSW" downloaded from World of Spectrum. After the changes had been applied, the file was saved in both TZX and TAP formats. Richard Dymond (SkoolKid)'s complete disassembly of "JSW" was very helpful in the process of writing the new code.
    The following changes were applied:
    1. Three of the official Software Projects POKEs (#DE2C,04; #E9FD,52 and #EB47,00).
    2. The value of #89E7 and #89E8 was changed to #18 - #97, respectively, so that the conditional call from there is made to #9718 rather than #9584. The original code at #9584 - #9599 is now unused.
    3. Additional code was inserted at #9718 - #9754 which makes the toilet run completable. The way Willy jumps over a guardian and a gap in the floor during the toilet run is probably a first in JSW games.
    I did mean to make this ZIP available for download here ever since I created the individual page of this version of the game on JSW Central back in March 2018, but it slipped my mind - I've just remembered it was one of the things I planned to do. So here it is :).



  3. Jet Set Willy - The Softricks editor version

    Jet Set Willy Editor MkII by Mark Crawford and R. Kay (Softricks, 1984) contains two sample rooms: "The Moat" (47) and "The Vault" (61). The Softricks game engine is different from standard "JSW" - it has a double-length Guardian Class Table (with consequent relocation of the Item Table and toilet sprite), a demo mode after the title-screen scrolly, and it shows the title screen each time you lose a life. John Elliott has analysed the Softricks engine for technical details of these changes and described them on his website. In the editor, there are also minimal changes in a couple of the original rooms.
    If "JSW" is saved from Jet Set Willy Editor MkII without any changes, the sample rooms are inaccessible without cheating, and so the player cannot enjoy them. Therefore, a special version of JSW was created when the individual page of this variant was created on JSW Central, which makes these two rooms accessible and necessary to visit to complete the game, without introducing any changes (apart from a custom loading screen) beyond the minimum necessary to accomplish this goal and make the game completable.
    This version was created in the following way:
    - A copy of Jet Set Willy Editor MkII downloaded from World of Spectrum was loaded into John Elliott's JSWED 2.3.7, which imported the "JSW" game from the editor.
    - Two of the four official Software Projects POKEs were applied (#DE2C,04 and #EB47,00) to make the game completable. The third POKE, which moves the "First Landing" item to "The Hall", was also applied, but modified (#FEC7,0B), as the Item Table is relocated in this version. It was not necessary to apply the fourth POKE, which fixes the faulty arrow in "The Attic", because both arrows are removed from "The Attic" in the Softricks editor.
    - A passage to/from "The Moat" (47) was opened at the lower right of "The Off Licence" (00).
    - A passage to/from "The Vault" (61) was opened at the lower right of "Tree Root" (46).
    - Room exits were adjusted accordingly in these four rooms.
    - An item was added to "The Moat" in order to make it necessary for the player to visit this room.
    - An item was added to "The Vault" in order to make it necessary for the player to visit this room; the item's original shape was reflected horizontally for aesthetic reasons.
    - A custom loading screen was created using Claus Jahn's ZX-Paintbrush and various other tools. It was compressed using Andy Ford's Screen Compressor.
    - A custom BASIC loader was created using Claus Jahn's ZX-Editor.
    - The final game file was created using Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor and saved in both TAP and TZX formats.
    I did mean to make this ZIP available for download here ever since I created the individual page of this version of the game on JSW Central back in March 2018, but it slipped my mind - I've just remembered it was one of the things I planned to do. So here it is :).



  4. Jet Set Willy - The Paul Rhodes' editor version

    JetSet Willy Editor by Paul Rhodes (Spectrum Electronics, 1984) was accompanied by two sample rooms: "The Space Station" (47) and an untitled one (61). They were on the tape after the JetSet Editor program and could be loaded into the editor using an option on the main menu.
    A special version of JSW was created when the individual page of this variant was created on JSW Central, which makes these two rooms accessible and necessary to visit to complete the game, without introducing any changes (apart from a custom loading screen) beyond the minimum necessary to accomplish this goal and make the game completable.
    Paul Rhodes suggested in the instructions accompanying JetSet Willy Editor that the upwards exit from "The Beach" (58) could be defined to lead to "The Space Station" (47). However, taking the unnamed Room 61 into account as well and its location to the left of "The Space Station", it seemed better to make "The Space Station" accessible from "Watch Tower" (50). Thanks to this arrangement, the player is able to drop down safely into "On the Roof" (18) from Room 61, which corresponds to an 'almost logical' layout (the only drawback being that the two rooms in space span the length of three rooms 'down here'; well, space travel can probably cause distortion in the space-time continuum ;-) ).
    This version was created in the following way:
    - A copy of JetSet Willy Editor downloaded from World of Spectrum was loaded into John Elliott's JSWED 2.3.7, which imported the "JSW" game from the editor.
    - Two of the four official Software Projects POKEs were applied (#A4C7,0B and #EB47,00) to make the game completable (it was not necessary to apply the third POKE, which fixes the Banyan Tree, because the Tree is already fixed in Paul Rhodes' editor, or the fourth POKE, which fixes the faulty arrow in "The Attic", because both arrows are removed from "The Attic" in the editor).
    - The data corresponding to "The Space Station" (47) was inserted at #EF00 - #EFFF.
    - The data corresponding to the unnamed Room 61 was inserted at #FD00 - #FDFF.
    - The new guardian sprites were inserted at #A700 - #AAFF.
    - The new guardian classes (75 - 7b) were defined at #A3A8 - #A3DF.
    All of the above data was copied from the sample rooms' data on a TAP file included in the JetSet Willy Editor ZIP.
    - Three items were added to "The Space Station" in order to make it necessary for the player to visit this room.
    - Four items were added to Room 61 in order to make it necessary for the player to visit this room.
    - The upwards exit from "Watch Tower" (50) was set to "The Space Station" (47).
    - The exits in the two new rooms were adjusted so that they are next to each other, the player can leave them dropping down to "On the Roof" (18) from Room 61 and cannot leave the playing area by exiting to a location which does not exist on the game's map.
    - A custom loading screen was created using Claus Jahn's ZX-Paintbrush and various other tools. It was compressed using Andy Ford's Screen Compressor.
    - A custom BASIC loader was created using Claus Jahn's ZX-Editor.
    - The final game file was created using Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor and saved in both TAP and TZX formats.
    I did mean to make this ZIP available for download here ever since I created the individual page of this version of the game on JSW Central back in March 2018, but it slipped my mind - I've just remembered it was one of the things I planned to do. So here it is :).



  5. Jet Set Willy: Mono

    "Jet Set Willy: Mono" is a black-and-white variant of "Jet Set Willy" created by tweaking the game engine, thanks to a path written by John Elliott.
    To make the items easier to spot, John Elliott he has also written 'companion' patches called "Wobble" and "Jiggle" to make the items move right and back left by one pixel column (Wobble), or up and back down by one pixel row (Jiggle).
    The patches can be downloaded from his website.
    The "Jet Set Willy: Mono" files currently hosted on World of Spectrum are impossible to complete, because they suffer from the same four bugs which make the original "JSW" incompletable:
    1. It is impossible to climb the Banyan Tree (and reach the items in "Conservatory Roof") because of an Earth cell which stands in the way.
    2. It is impossible to collect the rightmost item in "Conservatory Roof" because of the adjacent Fire cell.
    3. It is impossible to collect an invisible, unreachable item in "First Landing".
    4. A faulty arrow in "The Attic" corrupts the game.
    Moreover, the files hosted on WoS (and elsewhere) are only the 'basic' version of the game, without either of the companion patches.
    The ZIP file of this download contains fixed, completable files of the game in TAP and TZX formats. There are six files altogether: the 'basic' version of "Jet Set Willy: Mono" with items indistinguishable from the other elements in the room, the 'Wobble' version with the items moving sideways, and the 'Jiggle' version with the items moving up and down, each in TAP and TZX formats.
    The files were created using John Elliott's JSWED 2.3.7 and Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor. The four official Software Projects POKEs were applied (#A4C7,0B; #DE2C,04; #E9FD,52 and #EB47,00), and the tickable options on the main screen of JSWED were used to create the 'Wobble' and 'Jiggle' variants.
    I did mean to make this ZIP available for download here ever since I created an individual page of this version of the game on JSW Central back in March 2018, but it slipped my mind - I've just remembered it was one of the things I planned to do. So here it is :).



  6. Jet Set Willy - Mark Woodmass's fast version

    Back in 2002, Mark Woodmass created a version of "Jet Set Willy" which speeds up the frame rate by replacing the slow LDIR instructions in the JSW game engine with a stack method to copy the screen data to the Spectrum's video RAM. He described the game as being "marginally faster but not as much as he'd hoped for". A ZIP file with his notes and the game in TAP format can be downloaded from http://www.oocities.org/andrewbroad/spectrum/download/fast.zip.
    The changes to the game engine provoke a critical problem with the ropes, because the stack-copying code overwrites the rope trajectory data at #8300. John Elliott has released a patch to fix this bug, which can be downloaded from http://www.seasip.info/Jsw/patches.html.
    Once the ropes problem has been fixed, the game is still impossible to complete, because it suffers from the four critical bugs which make the original "JSW" incompletable.
    The ZIP file of this download contains fixed, completable files of the game in TAP and TZX formats. The file was fixed by applying John Elliott's patch and the four official Software Projects POKEs (#EB47,00 - removes a Fire cell from "Conservatory Roof"; #E9FD,52 - fixes the 'Attic Bug' arrow; #A4C7,0B - moves the invisible item from "First Landing" to "The Hall"; #DE2C,04 - Changes an Earth cell in the Banyan Tree to a Water cell so the tree is climbable).
    I did mean to make this ZIP available for download here ever since I created an individual page of this version of the game on JSW Central back in March 2018, but it slipped my mind - I've just remembered it was one of the things I planned to do. So here it is :).



  7. Jet Set Willy - Mildly Patched

    JSW1 for the Spectrum with a few mild patches present.
    Care was taken to avoid over-doing any fixes with a few exceptions. The intention being to try to retain reasonable originality but taking a mild twist on the regular '4 poke' fix:
    1. The Basic loader was slightly altered (see screenshot) , the embedded codes for the flashing and colour blocks were replaced with their instruction counterparts. Care was taken to ensure the ordering was kept the same. The 'crash' poke was left intact but the real floating point value was changed from 23613 to 16384, thus ensuring the 'crash' poke did not have any effect as it was now just setting the first byte in the screen memory to 0 harmlessly. The combi-screenshot shows both original with 'exposed' embedded values and the 'replacement' one. Viewing them in 128K Basic they look about the same, the change is only really apparent in 48K Basic mode, however they function identically with the exception of not crashing if Break is pressed.
    2. The keypad routine was left intact however rather than change the first JPZ or the second JPZ to just a JP (to always pass the keycode) the reset the machine instruction was changed to start the game instead by just changing 00000 to 34762. This way if both key code entries fail, the code falls though to the 'reset' line but its now going to jump to the title screen instead. This also preserves both calls to the keypad code too, so that both instruction strings are seen.
    3. As per the official bug fix, the fire cell was removed from the Conservatory Roof. Viewing this screen on both JSW2 and on JSW1 and JSW2 on several other platforms, there is a mild variation in how it is fixed on those, generally it involves removal of one more fire cell but in this case, the single cell removal (although not perfect by any means) was felt sufficient.
    4. As per the official bug fix, the earth cell in Banyan Tree was changed to a water cell. There are other fixes to this such as modifying the tree 'trunk' and/or the lower 'roots' area however these are a bit too much for a mild bug fix, so the official fix was felt best.
    5. The self collecting item in Swimming pool, there are various ways to fix this however a fractionally different approach was taken. The most common one is to set the ink to 5 (cyan) however in this case it was set to 4 (green) as this may be a more suitable colour given Orangery is above, aka: a 'Vines' effect and that screen is mostly green too
    6. The invisible object in First landing, although the official 'fix' moves it, unless further action is taken it is still invisible and it is quite possible to miss it if you are jumping to avoid an arrow. Rather than give it shape/form it was easier to simply remove it from the game.
    7. The double object on the beach, there are two ways of looking at this. Previously splitting it into two and moving one further to the left so Willy is forced to use the water 'conveyor' seemed ideal however this file is meant to be a mild fix so the best approach here was merely to set it to be just one object not two.
    8. The pause bug caused by the presence of an Interface1, as per Skoolkids bug fix this was rectified by changing the IN A © to IN A (254) , along with a single NOP for the inactivity counter as well. This does not prevent pause it merely means the game will not auto-pause, the same as if the in-game music is playing.
    9. The ability for Willy to leap from the top of a rope where he is not intended to such as Beach , On The Roof were rectified by changing his height comparator from 12 up to 15. This usually prevents him climbing high enough to be able to 'jump top exit' while on a rope.
    10. Thought was given to the guardian halo effect, as well as corrupted conveyors although their fixes involve potentially putting some code into the unused areas, the same as the bug that effects Under The Roof if you happen to fall off. The latter two quirks were ignored and the former 'halo' ones were fixed by simply turning off the bright effect on the few effected sprites.
    11. The infamous 'attic bug' was rectified using the official method of setting its co-ordinates correctly as this is the most sensible and efficient fix.
    12. The incorrect animation counter for the Monk/Priest in Chapel as well as the saw in Cuckoo's Nest were fixed by setting them from 03 to 07 and setting their correct starting frames so they animate as intended and do not move 'backwards'
    13. Unlucky for some ? The slightly annoying effect of the time and item count temporarily flashing back to 000 and 07:00am was rectified by changing their initial display values to be a blank space, leaving the colon intact. This means that they temporarily flick out and back in again however this seems indefinitely preferable to having them appear to have the incorrect values displayed albeit temporarily. There is a small article in our Articles system describing this in detail.
    14. Finally, the existing bugs/quirks such as jumping from the top of Dr Jones and Watch Tower as well as Esmerelda are left in, as they were in the original file, along with the TRS-Dos code at the end of the file.



  8. Jet Set Willy - Turbo Edition

    Speed patched version of the game with improved frame rate on both 48k and 128k Spectrums.
    Use on a 128k machine for best results.



  9. La casa di Jack / La casa de Jack

    These are slightly modified Italian and Spanish versions of JSW with full Italian / Spanish text translations throughout. They were both released by Load 'n' Run.
    The Italian version, called 'La casa di Jack', was released on the Italian Load 'n' Run tape 11 in December 1984. There is no visible personal credit in this version.
    The Spanish version, called 'La casa de Jack', was released on the Spanish Load 'n' Run tape 1_02 in March 1985. It was created by Juancho Mart



  10. JSW - The Attic Bug

    The well known 'Attic Bug' , less commonly known as a "bad program bug" back in the day has been quite well documented on various sites over the years however apart from a small test file submitted here a while ago and a selection of screenshots not a great deal else was provided.
    The cause is relatively simple: A misplaced arrow which then overwrites various sections of game code, it damages the guardian entity bytes for the following rooms:

    Room 01: The Bridge Room 06: Entrance to Hades Room 08: Inside the MegaTrunk Room 12: Tree Top Room 13: Out on a limb Room 14: Rescue Esmerelda Room 15: I'm sure I've seen this before Room 16: We must perform a Quirkafleeg Room 23: The Kitchen Room 24: West of Kitchen Room 26: East Wall Base Room 27: The Chapel Room 38: Priest's Hole
    One of the best detailed but 'easy to read' descriptions is the one provided by SkoolKid in his excellent disassembly here of the JSW game.
    This submission contains a standard JSW game (with keypad bypass) although all the keypad routines, data and unused code is still present.
    To assist in the exploration of the mansion, a few small 'helper' tweaks were necessary otherwise an instant IDS would occur upon entering certain screens, Kitchen and East Wall Base for example would trigger this due to the damaged guardians.
    Immunity to arrows, guardians, fire cells and long falls Infinite lives 'Writetyper' enabled

    The starting location has been set to The Attic to ensure the 'bug' is triggered more or less immediately. If you would like to reset this back to normal (after starting the game once) then its simply POKE 34795,33 applied via your emulator/multiface.

    It is hoped this small submission will allow those still curious about the effects of this to be able to explore the mansion and see it in action as it progresses in relative safety, at least until the corruption becomes too heavy and/or the game itself crashes completely.
    Interestingly the effects do seem to vary a little bit each time it is played although this is likely due to differing player routes and / or the amount of time spent on a room. You'll note various odd effects such as invalid characters appearing the description and clock, sometimes these are permanent and will not clear upon starting a fresh game. A reset would be needed in this case.
    Although it is stating the obvious but please bear in mind this is merely a test file: I would strongly not recommend attempting to recycle it or use it for building a game from.
    Enjoy the potential mayhem! :)



  11. JetSet Willy 2 (C64) Cheat

    JetSet Willy 2 'Final Frontier' for the Commodore C64 written by J.Darnell and S.Birtles. This is a cheat version, based upon the original tape (.T64) file. The cheat author is currently unknown.
    If you are looking for an original, unaltered JSW2 please see here instead.
    Upon loading the following cheat options are offered:
    Unlimited Willy's ? Y/N
    Stop time counter ? Y/N
    It should be noted there is no protection against high falls, guardians or fire cells. There is a 'practise' option but it is limited to a single screen typically so it is not quite what it seems.
    [O] Move Willy left
    [P] Move Willy right
    [F1] Pause game
    [F3] Music on/off
    [space] Jump
    [RS/RES] Restart game



  12. JetSet Willy (C64) Cheat

    JetSet Willy for the Commodore C64, written by Shahid Ahmad. This is a cheat version, provided by 'Luis/CMM'
    If you are looking for an original unaltered game, please see here
    The following options are offered upon loading:
    Unlimited lives: Y/N
    Stop time: Y/N
    Sprite collision: Y/N
    It should be carefully noted that there is no 'fall from any height' cheat nor will the collision cheat protect from fire cells, only from guardians.



  13. JetSet Willy 2 (Amstrad) Cheat versions

    JetSet Willy 2 "The Final Frontier" for the Amstrad CPC range of machines, complete with cheat options.

    If you are looking for original, unchanged versions please see here for JSW1 and here for JSW2
    Two disk (.dsk) images are provided, offering different ranges of cheats. Both images work with the 464,664 and 6128 machines. Both lack the keypad entry system.
    Cheat1 is the more basic and offers Infinite lives and / or immunity to moving enemies. There is no protection against fire cells nor against high falls.
    Cheat2 is the advanced one, offering a lot more, these are offering during game load:
    Infinite lives: Yes/No
    Fall any height: Yes/No
    Nasties kill: Yes/No
    Fire cells kill: Yes/No
    In addition to those selectable options, three extra features are provided during gameplay too:
    Pressing 1 will disable guardians. Press 2 to re-enable them.
    Pressing 3 will disable gravity ( ! ) , pressing 4 will restore it. This feature deserves a little more explaination, simply when you disable gravity, when Willy jumps up he won't fall down and you can move left / right 'mid air' if desired. This is a lot more useful than it sounds as you can simply jump up in a clear space then move across to reach an object.
    Finally, pressing keypad 3 will cause Willy to lose a life. This is helpful if you have managed to get stuck somewhere, such as the conveyor on The Yacht for instance. Losing a life will usually return him to a "safe start" position in that screen.
    I would recommend using 'cheat2' , 'cheat1' is provided simply for completeness.



  14. JetSet Willy (Amstrad) Cheat versions

    JetSet Willy for the Amstrad CPC range of machines complete with cheat options.
    If you are looking for original, unchanged versions please see here for JSW1 and here for JSW2
    Two disk (.dsk) image files are provided and one tape version. One is only compatible with the 464 (it is clearly marked) and based on the original release. The other is suitable for the 464,664 and 6128 and is based on the Re-Release. Neither of these retain the keypad protection either.
    The tape version is Speedlock protected and manually edited directly to provide infinite lives.
    The disk versions provided offer the following cheat options during game load:
    Infinite lives: Yes/No
    Harmless enemies: Yes/No
    It should be noted that there is no protection against high falls nor any against fire cells, however given the JSW1 for the Amstrad uses a very similar "safe start" as seen in the Spectrum (and Amstrad!) versions of JSW2, a high fall in most cases will not result in an infinite death scenario unless you are very careless.



  15. Jet Set Willy (Spectrum) Cheat

    The original JSW for the Sinclair Spectrum.
    These are 'patched' games with a choice of two cheat modes. Simply put there is a choice of either:
    1. Basic protection: "Infinite Lives" and "Fall Any Height"
    2. Immunity: This obviously includes the above and adds immunity to fire cells, guardians and arrows.
    For completely original (with bugs!) versions please see here and for original (but with the four official bug fixes applied) see here
    A total of eight files are included, these are two versions of each of the following (one for each type of 'cheat' choice) , they are clearly labelled as to which is which
    1. The 'Pre-Production' version, The in-game tune is 'In The Hall Of The Mountain King' (the same as Manic Miner)
    2. The 'original' release. This has 'If I Was A Rich Man' as the in-game tune.
    3. The VentaMatic Re-Release. This is based on the original release with a Spanish 'scrolly' message and loader. The code is otherwise unchanged.
    4. The 'They Sold A Million' Re-Release. This is actually based on the 'Pre-Production' version of the code but has the four official Software Projects bug-fixes applied as well as bypassing the keypad entry screen too. This version was supplied as Speedlock1 protected. Care was taken to alter this without having to take the loader to pieces so it appears more or less original, the loading screen does state which cheat version it is however.



  16. Jet Set Willy (Spectrum) Sofware Projects Bug Fix

    JSW for the Sinclair Spectrum.
    These are originals with the sole exceptions of having the four official Software Project bug fixes applied as well as a choice of bypassing the keycard. This was done simply to make it more 'friendly'. The Basic was very slightly changed to remove the embedded codes (for the English versions) to make it more readable (and editable!) too.
    For completely original files (with bugs!) see here
    Six files are included, these are:
    1. The 'Pre-Production' version, this is most easily distinguished by having the in-game tune of 'In The Hall Of The Mountain King' (the same as Manic Miner)
    2. The 'original' release, this was the most common one. This has 'If I Was A Rich Man' as the in-game tune.
    3. The VentaMatic Re-Release. This is based on the original release with a Spanish 'scrolly' message and loader. The code is otherwise unchanged.
    There are two versions of each. One with keycard still present and one without. They are clearly labelled as to which is which and the Pokes themselves are purposely applied in the Basic rather than altering the code block itself to allow for user preference and convenient editing if required.
    The 'Sold A Million' Re-Release is not included here as it already has bug fixes 'factory applied' so qualifies as an 'original' release as such.



  17. Jet Set Willy 2 (Spectrum) Cheat Versions

    Jet Set Willy 2 for the Spectrum, note these are patched versions. For the original files please see here
    The download offers two versions:
    An original Software Projects release with the 'keypad' modified to accept any code (but no game cheats at all) as well as a modified 'fully immunity' version..
    The loader for the 'any keypad code' version was very slightly tweaked from the original in that you get to see the screen (INK 7 vs INK 0) otherwise it is the same apart from a minor attribute swap on the 'picture hanger', this is not visible in the original due to black ink but stuck out when it was INK 7.
    The 'full immunity' version varies a bit here with both a colourful 'what's included' page as well as the loading screen. A unique feature I added to this was to 'draw' the screen data after the attributes, giving the impression they are being added at the same time. This effect is really only visible at normal tape loading speed however.
    The 'full immunity' version is just that, along with a minor tweak to ensure the 'Trip Switch' is always active too meaning Willy does not have to take a long route around the house to take a quick voyage on his Yacht if needed. Be aware of falling into the water though!
    In summary the 'immunity' cheat comprises of:
    Fall any height
    Infinite lives
    Immunity to fire cells
    Immunity to guardians
    Trip switch is always on



  18. JetSet Willy 2 (cheat) BBC Micro

    Jetset Willy 2 for the BBC Micro, written by Chris Robson.
    The download contains two .ssd disc files, both the 'cut down aka tape version' and the 'full disc' version.
    Note these are cheat versions with immunity applied. The author of the cheat/patch is unknown.
    The 'disc' version is about 95% identical to the Spectrum version in its layout and most of the familiar rooms are all present and correct. This version features all the mansion too, they are loaded in chunks as you progress through the game.



  19. JetSet Willy (cheat) BBC Micro

    Jetset Willy for the BBC Micro, written by Chris Robson.
    Note this is a cheat version with immunity applied. The author of the 'patch' is unknown.
    It closely mirrors the Spectrum version in the map layout.



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