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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community

Jet Set Willy [Originals]

Original JSW games for various platforms, including any bugs or issues present in the original releases.

18 files

  1. JetSet Willy 2 (C16)

    JetSet Willy 2 'Final Frontier' for the Commodore C16 and Plus/4. Written by Ian Davison and published by Tynesoft in 1986 under licence from Software Projects.
    The game is very unusual in that it actually consists of four separate games, each is a 'section' of Willy's mansion and the space station areas. The idea being (with the tape file version at least) you complete one section and you are prompted to load in the next. There is however nothing to stop you loading in for example section 3 to play just that.
    Most of the mansion is present with the exception of the "top row" such as "On the roof" and beyond. The Attic and Emergency Generator are present as is Holt Road, The Sewer and The Beach area. Regarding the 'space station' area most of the rooms are present however the Teleporters are non functional as you would expect.
    Both tape and disc versions are provided, the disc version has been purposely split into four files one for each section to make it easy on an emulator to load in the required one without having to resort to entering disc commands manually.
    There was a map available however I decided to split this into four individual slightly larger maps, once again one for each section. This makes it far easier on the eye to examine the area of interest. I have also included the original map by Reuben Cornwall.
    The same as the C16 and Plus/4 versions of JSW1 there are no ropes and no arrows. Given the slightly odd behaviour of ropes in the C64 version of JSW1 and JSW2, this may not actually be a bad thing although the lack of arrows is slightly disappointing.
    The game plays very well indeed. There is no scrolling message on the title screen simply the game title and author name. The room layouts do closely mimic the other major versions as do most of the sprite choices. The 'stairs' are a traditional line instead of 'squares' too. The lower screen area with the status has a border around it almost mimicking the Amstrad version in this respect.
    A final point of interest is the object count: It counts down with "Items to collect: x" as far as I am aware this is the only original commercial release of a JSW game that does this.



  2. JetSet Willy (Plus/4)

    JetSet Willy for the Commodore Plus/4, written by Ian Davison and published by Tynesoft
    This in effect an 'enhanced' update of the C16 version with approximately thirty-nine rooms instead of the C16's nineteen. That 'cut down' version can be found here
    It too features the 'square stairs' as per the C64 version although they seem slightly easier to negotiate and it is easy to jump through them when appropriate. The choice of rooms included is generally quite sensible and the sprites and colour choices are a good match for the Spectrum/C64/Amstrad/BBC versions given the difference in platforms. There are very few in-game sound effects but the general 'feel' and play of the game is good.
    Most of the interior rooms of Willy's mansion are present. The object placement reasonably matches the other main variants however there are more objects to collect given the fact there are less rooms.
    There are no 'upper' screens beyond the Conservatory roof area although on the other side of the mansion the East Wall Base is present however there is no upper access beyond East Wall (so no Priest's Hole) and no Beach or West Bedroom.
    The Banyan Tree, Wine Cellar and Tool Shed are present however there is no access beyond the right hand side of the Forgotten Abbey. To compensate for this the platforms in the Wine Cellar are slightly re-arranged to allow Willy to climb back out to escape, however an interesting "twist" on this is he cannot then simply jump out to the Back Stairway, the only escape is he must then negotiate the Tool Shed. Another interesting feature is there is no Swimming Pool although Orangery is present there is no downwards exit. The MegaTree is present too, complete with 'all branches'
    Please see the screenshots for specifics, there is a screenshot of every room included.
    The title screen is simply a mid-centred 'JET SET WILLY' line of text and a scrolling message which reads as follows:

    As per the message it can be reasonably assumed this was 'built on' the C16 version even though as I understand it, it was released as a separate version. 




  3. JetSet Willy (C16)

    JetSet Willy for the Commodore C16, written by Ian Davison and published by Tynesoft
    This version contains a reasonable adaptation of Willy's mansion given the memory limitations, there are are total of nineteen rooms.
    It features the 'square stairs' as per the C64 version although they seem slightly easier to negotiate in this variant. There is no scrolling message on the title screen and very little in-game sound but the general 'feel' and play of the game is quite good, along with sensible choices of sprites being used.
    Interestingly some of the missing sprites include the Bathroom toilet and Maria from the Master Bedroom. Although the 'bed' is therefore accessible it does not 'activate' until all objects are collected.
    Both tape and disk (.tap and .prg) file formats are included, each one contains the standard C16 version and the tape version also contains on its reverse 'side' the enhanced version for the Plus/4 however a separate file is available for that enhanced version, please see here for details as it is recommended to use the specific version for that variant if you wish to play the 'enhanced Plus/4' version.
    A map (author: 'Csabo') is also included too of Willy's smaller mansion.



  4. JetSet Willy (C64)

    The original JetSet Willy for the Commodore C64, written by Shahid Ahmad.
    A tape file (.t64) is provided.
    The game plays quite differently in 'feel' to most other popular versions, in particular note are the square stairs. There are quite a few IDS's present too moreso than in the original game. The room layout does closely mirror other variants however.
    The scrolling message is quite interesting, compared to 'altered' versions at least:



  5. JetSet Willy 2 (C64)

    JetSet Willy 2 'Final Frontier' for the Commodore C64 written by J.Darnell and S.Birtles
    This is an original tape (.tap format) minus any protection system. It is otherwise unaltered.
    The game itself plays very well and mimics the Spectrum and Amstrad versions. There are a few extra rooms (an IDS sequence if you jump into the Bathroom toilet) and some names are slightly different too.
    The 'game over' sequence is completely different and is not too far off what is seen in Technician Ted (Spectrum and Amstrad versions) , there are three pictures of the 'sequence' in the listing.
    The scrolling message reads as follows:



  6. JetSet Willy (Atari)

    JetSet Willy for the 8 bit Atari range of machines, released by Tynesoft, the same company who also released the Acorn/BBC Micro versions of JSW and MM.
    The .zip includes three files:
    1x .cas tape file and 2x disk / image files (.atr and .xex)
    The game does not play too well mainly due to collision detection being a little bit over enthusiastic, however this could be down to hardware emulation issues. This is apparent in the screenshots too.
    The scrolling message reads:
    The game itself is a reasonably faithful in layout but it is a cut down version, there being less sprites per screen as well as quite a few of the original mansion screens missing, although to be fair it was a squeeze no doubt to get what there is in as such.
    In particular regarding the room layout there is no access to the right of The Wine Cellar (so there is no Forgotten Abbey or Under The Drive etc) present and the top rooms are also missing, right from Nomen Luni takes you to Rescue Esmeralda and from there to Top of the house. A map is also provided as a download too although it is present in our Maps topic here too.
    Plenty of emulators to choose from however if stuck for choice Altirra is quite reasonable to use and offers plenty of emulation options.



  7. JetSet Willy 2 (Amstrad)

    JetSet Willy 2 aka "The Final Frontier" for the Amstrad CPC range of machines, written by D.P.Rowson & S.Wetherill
    Two original tape (.cdt) versions are provided:
    V1 is the first original release and has the keypad code. It should be noted this does not run properly on the 6128 machines.
    V2 is the later / re-release version. This is compatible with the 464,664 and 6128. There is no keypad.
    I'd recommend using V2 in most cases, although the keypad codes (all seven pages) of them are included in the download if required.
    The game is about identical to the Spectrum version, which is no surprise as this version was written first then ported across to the Spectrum. The 'in game' tune is different but the game play is much the same.
    The scrolling message reads as follows:



  8. JetSet Willy (Amstrad)

    JetSet Willy for the Amstrad CPC range of machines. It is compatible with the 464,664 and 6128.
    This is an original disk and tape image. The tape is a .tzx file (can be renamed to .cdt if required) and is Speedlock protected.
    The game closely follows the Spectrum version and plays just as well. The 'in game' tune is different but the game play is much the same.
    The scrolling message reads as follows:



  9. JetSet Willy (Atari ST)

    JSW for the Atari ST range of machines, written by Paul Taylor and Carl Whitwell
    This very closely mimics the Spectrum version, right down to the font and sound effects. The 'jump' sound effect is slightly different and is more like the BBC Micro version in that its a higher pitch.
    The only real addition (apart from the scrolling message change) is a built in attract mode, this is very similar to the one in JSWED but without displaying Willy on each page. It does not appear to go through every room however.
    The Attic Bug and Banyan Tree bugs are fixed, and the Conservatory Roof layout mimics the BBC Micro version (or the JSW2 version, whichever you prefer) , a screenshot of this room is shown.
    The other "minor issues" are still present:
    Its possible to leap off the top of The Watch Tower
    The Beach object still counts as two
    The Swimming Pool object is 'auto collected'
    The 'Landing Invisible Object' has been relocated to The Hall and it has a suitable wine glass shape applied, a screenshot of this is shown.
    There's no 'writetyper' built in unfortunately. It may have another key-combination to do this however no doubt various pokes are available anyway.
    There is no built in Keypad protection on this release and after examining it with an alternative one, I'm 99% confident this is 'original' as intended.
    The scrolling message reads as follows:



  10. JetSet Willy (Dragon)

    JetSet Willy for the Dragon 32/64 range of machines. These are tape .cas files.
    Two versions are included as well as the four page code sheet.
    V1 tends to ask for the code but the game seems to crash a bit, possibly due to emulation issues.
    V2 (recommended) very rarely asks for a code and does not crash.
    Control keys:
    Cursor Left / Right = Move left / right
    Shift or Space = Jump
    P = Pause
    C = Continue
    Q = Quieter / Volume -
    L = Louder / Volume +
    Shift +A = Abort
    The game features a few screens not seen in other versions such as "The Guest Room" , "The Pub" , "Hall Of Mirrors" amongst others.
    There is also a in-built cheat mode for game, allowing you to move to any room. To do this:




  11. Jet Set Willy (Spectrum)

    The original JSW for the Sinclair Spectrum.
    Please note these are 'as originally provided' tape files and do not have any bug fixes (attic bug etc) applied! You'll also need the keycard with three of them as this is still present too.
    For versions with the 'official' Software Projects fixes, with and without keycard, please see here.
    Four files are included, these are:
    1. The 'Pre-Production' version, this is most easily distinguished by having the in-game tune of 'In The Hall Of The Mountain King' (the same as Manic Miner)
    2. The 'original' release, this was the most common one. This has 'If I Was A Rich Man' as the in-game tune.
    3. The VentaMatic Re-Release. This is based on the original release with a Spanish 'scrolly' message and loader. The code is otherwise unchanged.
    4. The 'They Sold A Million' Re-Release. This is actually based on the 'Pre-Production' version of the code but has the four official Software Projects bug-fixes applied as well as bypassing the keypad entry screen too. This version was supplied as Speedlock1 protected.



  12. Jet Set Willy 2 (Spectrum)

    Jet Set Willy 2 for the Spectrum.
    The download offers the original Software Projects release as well as the two re-releases by Richochet (Mastertronic) and DroSoft
    The Software Projects version requires the keycard which is included in the download. The re-releases do not have this.
    These are the original tape files and are not modified in any way.



  13. JetSet Willy 2 BBC Micro

    Jetset Willy 2 for the BBC Micro. Written by Chris Robson.
    The download contains several files:
    1. A tape version as a .uef file , this is commonly referred to as the 'tape' or 'cut down' version
    2. A disc version of the tape version as an .ssd , this is just a .ssd of the .uef above
    3. A disc version of the disc version
    That may not make sense but the 'tape' version is very much cut down and a lot of the 'mansion' rooms are absent to make room for the 'space' rooms instead.
    The 'disc' version is about 95% identical to the Spectrum version in its layout and most of the familiar rooms are all present and correct. This version features all the mansion too, they are loaded in chunks as you progress through the game.



  14. JetSet Willy BBC Micro

    Jetset Willy for the BBC Micro. This version was written by Chris Robson.
    The download contains both a tape (.uef) and disc (.ssd) image. The game code is identical in both.
    It closely mirrors the Spectrum version in the map layout, minus the four 'built in' bugs in that version.



  15. JetSet Willy 2 Acorn Electron

    JSW 2 for the Acorn Electron. The conversion itself was written by Chris Robson.
    This contains three files:
    The tape (.uef) as well as both types of disc image (DFS .ssd and ADFS .adf)
    The game code is identical however the disc versions include a loading screen too. Given the Electrons memory this version is in effect based on the 'tape' BBC Micro version, which is quite cut down. In summary most of the 'Space' screens are present but very few of the Mansion screens.



  16. JetSet Willy Acorn Electron

    JSW 1 for the Acorn Electron. The conversion itself was written by Chris Robson.
    This contains three files:
    The tape (.uef) as well as both types of disc image (DFS .ssd and ADFS .adf)
    The game code is identical however the disc versions include a loading screen too. All screens appear present matching the Spectrum/BBC/Amstrad versions.



  17. JetSet Willy (Tatung Einstein)

    JetSet Willy 1 .dsk disk image for the Tatung Einstein range of machines.
    This includes the 'keypad' protection similar to the Spectrum version of JSW as well as the Acorn/BBC version of Manic Miner
    The scrolling message reads as follows:



  18. JetSet Willy (C16)

    JSW for the Commodore C16 machine.
    The tape file is a conventional .tap format.



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