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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community

Bugfixed, completable version of "Skint Willy"

4 Screenshots

About This File

"Skint Willy" is a JSW128 game by the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! (BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ) released in 2002.


The last gamma-released revision of the game, v. 0.7, suffered from critical bugs which made the game impossible to complete properly. They have now been fixed and the game has been made toilet-completable.


The problems and the fixes:




The problem: It was impossible to jump up into the room "Ding 'a' fuckin' ling" (138) from "Rescue Esmerelda" (014) and land on anything but Air. Consequently, the item in "Ding 'a' fuckin' ling" was unreachable, and the game - incompletable.


The fix: A Water cell was added in the lower right-hand corner of "Ding 'a' fuckin' ling", making both the entry to and safe exit from this room possible.


Technical solution: The value of the address #CA7F in bank 4 was changed from #02 to #06.




The problem: After the game was made bed-completable with the modification of one byte described in point 1, it was not toilet-completable yet, because during the toilet run Willy would crash repeatedly into the green horizontal guardian in "Cramped Conditions" (128).


The fix: This issue was solved by making Willy bypass the guardian in "Cramped Conditions" (128) and jump over the guardian in "The worst toilet in the world" (063) during the toilet run.


Technical solution: The value of the addresses #89E7 and #89E8 was changed to #18 and #97 so that the routine at #9718 (rather than the one at #9584) is called to check if Willy has reached the toilet. The new code, allowing Willy's manoeuvres mentioned above, is at #9718 - #974B (in previously unused space). The original code at #9584 - #9599 remains in place unchanged, but it is unused by the game.


No other changes were made to the original game file. The original game file and Readme are included in this ZIP package.


The game was modified using Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor v. 2.4.3 after the proper values were figured out using John Elliott's JSWED v. 2.3.7 and SkoolKid's JSW disassembly. The bugfixed game was never loaded into JSWED. Therefore, it preserves the original Hacklevel 8 of the JSW128 game engine (which the current version of JSWED would have upgraded automatically had the game been loaded into the editor).


This bugfixed, toilet-completable version is released with the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!!'s approval expressed in a message posted in the Contributor Lounge of this forum, where he wrote, "I give you the full blessing to bugfix the original games, and put them on JSW Central" (the message is only visible to those members who have Contributor status).



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