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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community

JSW Sinclair Z88

About This File

JetSet Willy for the Sinclair Z88. Authored by Dominic Morris.

Title: Jet Set Willy z88 (v1.01)
Author: Matthew Smith (converted by Dominic Morris)
Uploader: Dominic Morris
Type: z88 Game
Short: Conversion of the classic Spectrum Game


Welcome to the z88 conversion of the classic Spectrum game written by
Matthew Smith. This conversion was made by Dominic Morris in July 1998,
and represents the game graphics and sound exactly, though colour, sadly,
is missing!


The aim of the game is to collect all of the debris left over after the
party the night before you can get to bed - Maria your housekeeper will
not let you sleep beforehand!


The program is written to be run from BASIC, so after unzipping the
archive using Garry Lancasters' unzip utility, enter BBC BASIC and then
you can load and run the program using CH."JSW.BAS" and you're thrust
into familiar territory!!


The playing area of Jet Set Willy is too large to fit onto the z88 screen,
so there are two display methods. The first is similar to that pioneered
in Sokoban - a vertically scrolling display which follows Willy as he
moves about the room. The second method is one where the entire screen
is compressed so that it can be displayed on the z88, this results in some
slightly strange looking graphics at time, but it does enable you to see
the entire room and hence spot the guardians.

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