About This File
Manic Miner for the BBC Micro. The conversion was written by D.J.Coathupe.
Two completely distinct versions are provided as separate disc (.ssd) images. Both versions feature a bypass to the inbuilt keypad/keylock protection. Simply enter any code or just press Return a few times to have it accepted.
1. Filename "Manic Miner Invulnerability" .
As the name suggests this provides near immunity during play. This does not provide infinite air, merely immunity to moving and static enemies as well as long falls.
Notes: Although the game will not immediately end when the air supply runs out, it will soon crash thereafter if MinerWilly does not complete the cavern within a timely fashion once the air is exhausted. It is also quite possible to stand on fire cells. Some small care must be taken to not jump out of the top of the cavern which again can result in a crash.
Both of the above small compromises needed during gameplay are very acceptable within this scope.
2. Filename "Manic Miner Level Skip" .
Notes: This version does not offer any extra lives, air supply or immunity! It simply allows you to choose the starting level. This in itself is a great boon if you wish to practise a cavern as the BBC version does not contain the ZX equivalent of a '6031769' teleporter routine. The game itself must be reloaded from disc if it is wished to change the level as the patch is applied before the game code is executed.