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MathUseMyth reacted to a post in a topic: [FIle] Jet-Set Willy II PC
jetsetdanny reacted to a post in a topic: [FIle] Jet-Set Willy II PC
Spider reacted to a post in a topic: [FIle] Jet-Set Willy II PC
From the same save file I used to create the picture above, I went back to the Trip Switch and then all the way round to get to the Cartography Room again. Still the Trip Switch does not show up on the map. Has anyone on here been able to collect all 175 items and complete the game, triggering the ending? Am I crazy or is there one items missing? (Feel free to tell me I'm crazy; that at least would mean the game is able to be completed.)
Spider reacted to a post in a topic: [FIle] Jet-Set Willy II PC
jetsetdanny reacted to a post in a topic: [FIle] Jet-Set Willy II PC
jetsetdanny reacted to a post in a topic: [FIle] Jet-Set Willy II PC
That's very interesting. If Forgotten Abbey and Willy's Lookout are registered as visited, then there's no way I could not have visited the Trip Switch. As mentioned in my previous post, there's a weird bug with that Trip Switch item.
MathUseMyth started following [FIle] Jet-Set Willy II PC
Hi there! Thanks so much for having this game! I've completed the excellent PC remakes of Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy, so I'm grateful for the opportunity to round off the trilogy. Except that I can't. I'm stuck. I've noticed two major differences between the remake and the original: 1. Some jumps can only be cleared if you are moving; simply standing at full stride is not enough. 2. Collecting 150 items will not end the game; Maria will still block the Master Bedroom. I manage to get through the game without saving/loading (because at the time I did not know that feature existed) with 152 items collected. Upon discovering that Maria had not moved, I tried to get more items, but exhausted all my remaining lives in the attempt. After finding out about the save feature, I decided to go for a 100% run. In doing so, I noticed 3 bugs in the game: 1. If you hit the switch in the Trip Switch room before collecting the item, the item will disappear. This would make a 100% run impossible. 2. If you save your game in Deserted Isle, collect the item, teleport out and then reload, collecting the item will result in the tree disappearing (instead of sinking in the ground) and the "rescue" counter instantly moving to 0000. 3. After doing the Trip Switch, collecting the items to launch the yacht in a certain order (first the Bow, then the Yacht) will result in the Yacht showing up in the Cartography Room as a solid red square, indicating that an item has not been collected there even though it has. I've been through the game 3 times trying to do a 100% run and keep coming up one item short. I have a screenshot of the Cartography Room and every single square is green, indicating all items in those screens have been collected. This can only mean one of two things: 1. There is a bug making the game impossible to finish. 2. There is an entire screen somewhere that I have missed. I watched the part of the intro that shows you all the screens to see which one I might've missed. Nope, didn't miss any. I would very much like to see what happens at the end, but what's going on? Sorry if I've pointed out stuff that everyone already knows, but I thought I'd share it just in case. I'll attach the Cartography Room screenshot as well so that any eagle-eyed player might know which screen I might have missed. Cheers!
jetsetdanny reacted to a post in a topic: The elusive Jet Set Willy II remake for PC
Spider reacted to a post in a topic: The elusive Jet Set Willy II remake for PC
Thanks, I've tried it. It's OK, but definitely not the one I had before. I must have been crazy to lose that. The version you have linked to seems easier in some ways (the enemies in the Study and the Forgotten Abbey all move in sync, the bouncing ball in Downstairs has been removed), but the enemy sprite patterns are different. Anyone who was a pro at the original would have to get the new patterns down. Eh, might be worth a try. But if anyone has info on that mystery version that only I seem to have played, let me know! Remember: there was a room editor (maybe as a separate exe).
Spider reacted to a post in a topic: The elusive Jet Set Willy II remake for PC
Thanks, I'll try it, but I'm pretty sure it's not the version I had before. There was one that looked like it could have been taken from Andy Noble's source code for JSW because it was so similar in style. Still, I'm always willing to give a new version a look! Cheers!
Spider reacted to a post in a topic: The elusive Jet Set Willy II remake for PC
Hey everyone, This might seem like a dumb question, but does anyone out there have the Jet Set Willy II remake for the PC? It's the one that's done in the same style as Andy Noble's remake of the original JSW, but I don't think he did it. It came with a room editor. I had it a few years ago, but somehow lost it. I'd really like to play it again. After having beaten the Spectrum version (got to be the hardest game I've ever beaten), I'd like to try my hand at the PC remake. Thanks
Spider reacted to a post in a topic: Information for a book needed!
Oh, you have a source for the article with the POKEs! That is hugely helpful. Thanks again!
Wow, thank you for such a thorough answer! I'm not sure I fully understood, but I certainly have enough info to move that part of my story forward. That's awesome. Thanks again.
Thank you! Your help is invaluable. I have a subsidiary question. Since it was only possible to complete if the player had first inputted the four POKEs, would they have to input them every time they wanted to play, or could they save the modified version of the game to cassette?
Hello, good people of the Spectruming world! I was referred to you by a good chap named Daren at the RZX Archives. I need some help! I am writing a novel set in the 1980s, which revolves heavily around some kids who play computer games. A pivotal point of the story as a whole involves Jet Set Willy. The way I write it depends upon how you answer my questions. Here goes. Did Software Projects ever release a bug-free version of Jet Set Willy, or did one have to use the 1984 release with Holman and Else's POKEs in order to complete the game? If Software Projects did re-release it, when did that happen? If the Holman/Else POKEs had to be used on the original, when and where were they printed for players it input? Dumb question: How does one input a POKE on a Spectrum? (It's easy enough on an emulator, but I've no idea how to do it on an actual Speccy.) Looking forward to your response! All being well, you'll be mentioned in the acknowledgements when the book is completed!