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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community

Richard Hallas

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    Richard Hallas reacted to TobyLobster for a file, Manic Miner 2021   
    A greatly updated and enhanced version of the original BBC Micro Manic Miner.
    Changes and improvements include:
    Flicker free player movement
    Fixes to cavern layouts, graphics, and colours
    Better air bar and colours
    Fixed the shape of the jump to match the Spectrum
    Better collision detection
    Better music
    High Score is shown
    'GAME OVER' added
    Master compatible
    The .zip in the download contains the ssd (single sided disc image) of the game and two text files:
    > A simple 'read_me" explaining a little bit more about the game
    > A 'tech_notes' file covering the updates in more detail.
    Control Keys:
    Z = LEFT
    X = RIGHT
    S = MUSIC ON
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    Richard Hallas reacted to Spider for a file, Manic Miner Electron 2021   
    This is the Acorn Electron version of Manic Miner, written by "0xC0DE" and built from Toby Lobster's greatly updated Manic Miner for the BBC Micro ( you can find that here )
    To quote the coder of this version, " 0xC0DE "
    The files attached here are two .zips:
    One containing four game files and two readme files, the original GitHub readme.md and a shortened plain text .txt of the same. Inside this zip are also the game files themselves, consisting of two tape .uef and two disc .ssd images, one for emulators and one for real machines.
    The other .zip file contains the screenshots used here, for convenience.
    The game controls are:
    Z = Left
    X = Right
    RETURN = Jump
    DELETE/COPY = Pause / Un-pause
    Q/S = Music off / Music on
    ESCAPE = End game
    Original (ZX) game by Matthew Smith
    Initial BBC Micro release by D.J.Coathupe
    Updated 2021 BBC Micro release by Tony Lobster
    This Electron version presented here by 0xC0DE
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