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About dm_boozefreek

  • Birthday 11/19/1978

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  1. I dunno I see videos of people playing the Souls games, and it's like they're doomed to make the same mistakes over and over. I'm almost left wondering if us older gamers really have the advantage? I've read posts from younger people about so many games I've breezed through laughing all the way about how hard they are, and I've been left thinking "really? That was hard?"..... I dunno? I love save states these days due to time constraints, but back then we didn't have them :lol:
  2. dm_boozefreek


    Late to the party again, but I'm gonna say I went through hours and hours of torture to convert some of your patch vectors for one of my 48k remakes, and in the end I corrupted my save, and ended up using one of your games to actually finish off what I started. The last game in the Fucked Internet Trilogy uses the engine from one of your games, and I can not remember which one it was. I remember while I was trying to convert your patch vectors over I was billing the game as being "Half-Geoff Mode". I have no idea what I did, but somewhere I corrupted something that broke the game? I could still open it up in JSWED, but it wouldn't play at all in any emulators the game was completely broken, and at the time I had no real idea about checking certain addresses for certain things, so I panicked basically... I scrapped my original project and took one of your games, and used what was available to me from my own botched job to remake it essentially. I thought it was a bit of a disaster, but it got a few fans, so not all that bad really.
  3. Hey you guys you're welcome :) After all these years, and shall I say some...or erm...several requests from Daniel....for possibly over a decade :p I figured I'd release em' after his fixes. They needed it, and I didn't really have time to fix them myself especially not this year, so it would've been another dead zone, and like I said I was glad to give Daniel the go ahead to finish what I couldn't. I know Daniel has always liked those games since way back in the day, and his dedication to the JSW scene made him a perfect candidate for doing it, and I was glad to nominate him as the man who did. Thank you very much Daniel by the way, it was a pleasure to make those games at the time, and it's an honour to have you fix the bugs, I genuinely mean that :) Do keep an eye open though I'm still intent on trying to get those SE's I promised about 17 years ago out there, maybe one day eh? :lol:
  4. Thanks Daniel gotta say I feel kind of bad for not signing up here about 5 years ago when it first went online, but I was kind of out of the JSW loop, at least on the author side of things, don't get me wrong I had a lot of fun playing all the new games you guys on here have posted over the years ;) Also you know how it is reality sucks, but unfortunately it's there, and I wasn't camped at my PC like I was back in 2002 churning out 5 or 6 games in 3 months, which I wish sometimes I could have :lol:
  5. This topic is what finally brought me here :( After receiving a post or 2 in my email inbox, which I rarely bother checking these days, I posted a message of my own on the JSW/MM Yahoo Group which I've been a member of for about 17 years. Shame it's over, lot of memories on there :(
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