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  1. Hello there: Some months after my last post in 2020 my father died from COVID-19. It has been almost three years since, and I'm still suffering from anxiety-depression. "Jet Set Jason in Röddenwald" is gathering dust in my hard drive and, sadly, I'm no longer fit to finish it, so if anyone would like to complete it, I could share all my files with them. Thanks for all your support during those years, even if you think you didn't do a thing.
  2. Wow. That's devotion to a goal. Amazing and quite respectable...
  3. Korzy_iz_Adb


    Hey, hello there! It's good to see you around again.
  4. Wow! Congratulations! You two are amazing.
  5. I confirm neither affirmation. I think it's the possible the room was unfinished and wasn't designed as impassable...
  6. No, I don't think I have any 'real' doplets in the game. Concerning your guess about the guardians in "Nothing here but debris...", you are right, those guardians are Ionic capitals. But my question was about the other guardians, the ones that look like 'embedded' Willies... In Danny's playthrough room 047 was impassable, that's true, but nevertheless he visited all rooms that were finished or almost-finished. It's true I didn't say anything about the rooms in playthrough 2, but that's just because they were only four and I hadn't anything very interesting to say...
  7. Between both playtests, he has seen all the finished rooms. The rest, whatever little there is, is still unfinished.
  8. Hello there: No, I don't think you missed any rooms in your playtest. Time to go to the drawing board and create some new rooms and sprites. Hahaha...
  9. I'm running out of lives, getting caught in IDSs (several) and failing to avoid guardians and fire cells. I've simply hadn't the chance to run out of time. :D
  10. I'm enjoying this game, but it's sooo difficult... wow.
  11. My further comments on your comments, Danny: My further comments on your comments, Danny: “Nothing here but debris…” (077) The guardians in this room were inspired by real world phenomena. I'm quite proud of them. “A Bunch of Trees – Another Wall” (047) I have written down all your comments about this room, specially about the teleport puzzle. “The handless Clocks” (078) Same as above; the teleport puzzle. Glad you liked the clocks! “Through the handless Clocks” (079) Ditto. “Up the broken Stairs” (086) I have to fix the bug when you go to the upper screen. The quirky jump was totally unintentional, but I think I will leave it there. It is cool. “They said this School was gone” (081) Nice. “The Assembly Hall” (082) Yep; the background colour changes because you are indoors. “The Gymnasium – Ada’s Girls” (083) Glad you liked the trampolines. Yes, Non-Player Characters with personal names are those in green, so Ada is the one in the middle. “The Locker Room – The Showers” (084) I think you didn't notice the showers, but they share the graphic pattern with the showers in the boys' school; nevertheless, the room is unfinished. “The Toilet Racket” (085) Yep. “A Waiter and some Waitresses” (102) I have to fix the problem with getting that token. “The Kitchen / Bertha’s Lair” (103) I have to do something with the upper right corner. “Lazy Schoolgirls” (090) Cool! “The Corridor / History Classroom” (095) It is supposed to be a candle. “Botanical Experiments” (089) The room is, maybe, too hard on the eyes... “Classical Drama: The Bacchantes” (088) Glad you liked having to flip the switch beforehand. The Bacchantes is the name of a classical tragedy by Euripides; it is the name of a group of bloodthirsty priestesses of Bacchus. “The Music Classroom” (087) Thanks for your comments. “The Headmistress’ Office” (091) I have to check whether it is possible to get the token without sacrificing a life. “Teachers’ Room / A Coffee Break” (092) I'll check your books in Willy's New Mansion. “The Mathematics Classroom” (093) I'll think about the title of the room. “The French Classroom” (094) I guess I wanted to say that there is only an Eiffel Tower (the item) and many imitations (the Fire cells). “The Cabinet of Natural History” (099) Cool. “The Science Classroom” (098) Cool. “Library / The English Classroom” (097) Thanks. “Chapel of the Ladies of Sorrow” (100) Above it? A classic "Promised land" (I think that's Andrew Broad's term for it). “Schoolgirls’ Bedroom” (096) Yep, the zzz are meant to represent snoring. A classic graphical metaphor. “I can see Roddenwald from here!!” (101) Thanks. “A School Wall? / Schoolgirls!” (080) Thanks. And that's it.
  12. Thanks, I'll check it. Have you tried Roddënwald, IRF? What do you think?
  13. Maybe they thought that "triggering" a trap would remove it... sounds like a likely explanation, hahaha...
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