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  1. update - found guide to loading pokes in issue 4 of crash ;) https://archive.org/details/Crash_Magazine_004/page/102/mode/2up
  2. Yeah think I'm going to have to get hold of another spectrum and try on that. In the mean time we really want to finish the game so might have to restort to playing with inifinte lives and keeping count manually!! Only problem is I have no recollection of how to use Pokes from tape loading. Can anyone point me to a guide for how to enter pokes from tape loader?
  3. Thanks for the replies and advice. Its def not air though - seems to hit at any time during the level. Its gotta be something wrong with the speccy itself i think. Its standard 48k rubber key but other than a new keyboard membrane I dont think anything much else has been done to it. No issues with JSW as well but will try some other games as do get occasional crashes in Jetpac. I been playing MM since the day so hard to see how it could be some bug no one has come across before. Just wanted to check there was nothing known or obvious but sounds like not.
  4. SOS!!! Hey is anyone aware of a bug in Manic Miner that causes you to randomly die? I've been playing MM through with my son and we've noticed that every so often you randomly die mid-jump without touching anything. this seems to happen on both Bug-Byte and Software projects versions. Playing on a rubber key 48k speccy using a kempston joystick but happens playing on keys as well. Wondering if its the machine at fault as can find no reference to this bug anywhere, but havent had problems in any other games. Driving us insane!!!
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