Pixel Stonk
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Pixel Stonk got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Jet Set Willy 3
Ha ha, thanks. I will probably get a cheap one at some point just for this purpose anyway as I do intend to publish other games for Mac eventually.
It was made using a game development program called Stencyl.
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Jet Set Willy 3
Sorry @MtM, I don't have a Mac and I would need one to do this.
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Jet Set Willy 3
I have attached a zip of the latest version of Jet Set Willy 3.
This has the bug fix for The Tower. It also replaces the Sound menu option with Options, to which has been added the option to change the game size (full screen or various window sizes).
Replacing the old version of JSW3 will not remove any existing save data, so feel free to start using this without worrying about losing progress.
Jet Set Willy 3.zip
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from MtM in Jet Set Willy 3
Ha ha, thanks. I will probably get a cheap one at some point just for this purpose anyway as I do intend to publish other games for Mac eventually.
It was made using a game development program called Stencyl.
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from MtM in Jet Set Willy 3
Sorry @MtM, I don't have a Mac and I would need one to do this.
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from MtM in Jet Set Willy 3
I have attached a zip of the latest version of Jet Set Willy 3.
This has the bug fix for The Tower. It also replaces the Sound menu option with Options, to which has been added the option to change the game size (full screen or various window sizes).
Replacing the old version of JSW3 will not remove any existing save data, so feel free to start using this without worrying about losing progress.
Jet Set Willy 3.zip
Pixel Stonk reacted to Sendy The Endless in Jet Set Willy 3
Ok, I got the normal ending on the easiest mode! Still one teleport area I haven't unlocked. I have a clear map in the Cartography Room, with no red blocks on it, and it feels like I've been everywhere : )
Here are my post-game stats. Minor spoilers for number of rooms and items in the game!
Pixel Stonk reacted to Sendy The Endless in Jet Set Willy 3
@Pixel Stonk Just to say, I am still enjoying your game, and keep finding new stuff. I expect I'm going to be enjoying this for a long time to come.
Last night I unlocked a game mode called The Tower, which crashes the game when I select it. Has anybody else got this problem?
Pixel Stonk reacted to SymbolShift in Jet Set Willy 3
Not had too much time recently to pursue my exploration. One quibble I did have (which may not be fixable), was that I would love to have the desktop version minimized, so i can keep it open and explore at my leisure. I can press Alt-Enter, which reduces from fullscreen to windowed mode, and then minimize it. However, once minimized (for some weird reason), it disables my screensaver and monitor standby functions, and my monitor stays on forever with JSW3 open.
Not sure if Stencyl has any control over this behaviour? Also, the windowed mode is a little small, if there was an option to double that size, that would be fantastic.
Whining aside, it's a great game!! 😁
Pixel Stonk reacted to Sendy The Endless in Jet Set Willy 3
I really like the meta to this game. The Perk Points system really opens things up and lets you make progress in a way that seems impossible when you start playing. I have explored 255 rooms now and have 320/??? items collected.
I'm playing on the easiest difficulty but might upload my next playthrough on a harder difficulty to youtube. More people need to see this game!
Pixel Stonk reacted to Sendy The Endless in Jet Set Willy 3
👍 All working with the Tower, now!
It's difficult, though! 😅
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from Ligan in Jet Set Willy 3
I have attached a zip of the latest version of Jet Set Willy 3.
This has the bug fix for The Tower. It also replaces the Sound menu option with Options, to which has been added the option to change the game size (full screen or various window sizes).
Replacing the old version of JSW3 will not remove any existing save data, so feel free to start using this without worrying about losing progress.
Jet Set Willy 3.zip
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from Sendy The Endless in Jet Set Willy 3
I have attached a zip of the latest version of Jet Set Willy 3.
This has the bug fix for The Tower. It also replaces the Sound menu option with Options, to which has been added the option to change the game size (full screen or various window sizes).
Replacing the old version of JSW3 will not remove any existing save data, so feel free to start using this without worrying about losing progress.
Jet Set Willy 3.zip
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from SymbolShift in Jet Set Willy 3
I have attached a zip of the latest version of Jet Set Willy 3.
This has the bug fix for The Tower. It also replaces the Sound menu option with Options, to which has been added the option to change the game size (full screen or various window sizes).
Replacing the old version of JSW3 will not remove any existing save data, so feel free to start using this without worrying about losing progress.
Jet Set Willy 3.zip
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from Spider in Jet Set Willy 3
I have attached a zip of the latest version of Jet Set Willy 3.
This has the bug fix for The Tower. It also replaces the Sound menu option with Options, to which has been added the option to change the game size (full screen or various window sizes).
Replacing the old version of JSW3 will not remove any existing save data, so feel free to start using this without worrying about losing progress.
Jet Set Willy 3.zip
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from Spider in Jet Set Willy 3
@Sendy The Endless Wow! That's fantastic! I see you're missing one location. It's not so easy to find, but doing so will help enormously. ; )
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from Sendy The Endless in Jet Set Willy 3
@Sendy The Endless Wow! That's fantastic! I see you're missing one location. It's not so easy to find, but doing so will help enormously. ; )
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from Sendy The Endless in Jet Set Willy 3
@Sendy The Endless Thanks for letting me know about the bug with The Tower. I'm not sure why that's happening as I've only recently tried that myself. I'll try to get that fixed this week.
Also happy to hear you are still enjoying the game and have made so much progress in it! The game changes significantly now you have reached that important milestone!
@SymbolShift Thanks a lot for your suggestion of allowing the game to be played in a window. I'll try to implement that option this week as well.
Once I have made these changes I will upload the new version.
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from MtM in Jet Set Willy 3
@Sendy The Endless Thanks for letting me know about the bug with The Tower. I'm not sure why that's happening as I've only recently tried that myself. I'll try to get that fixed this week.
Also happy to hear you are still enjoying the game and have made so much progress in it! The game changes significantly now you have reached that important milestone!
@SymbolShift Thanks a lot for your suggestion of allowing the game to be played in a window. I'll try to implement that option this week as well.
Once I have made these changes I will upload the new version.
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from Spider in Jet Set Willy 3
@Sendy The Endless Thanks for letting me know about the bug with The Tower. I'm not sure why that's happening as I've only recently tried that myself. I'll try to get that fixed this week.
Also happy to hear you are still enjoying the game and have made so much progress in it! The game changes significantly now you have reached that important milestone!
@SymbolShift Thanks a lot for your suggestion of allowing the game to be played in a window. I'll try to implement that option this week as well.
Once I have made these changes I will upload the new version.
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from SymbolShift in Jet Set Willy 3
@Sendy The Endless Thanks for letting me know about the bug with The Tower. I'm not sure why that's happening as I've only recently tried that myself. I'll try to get that fixed this week.
Also happy to hear you are still enjoying the game and have made so much progress in it! The game changes significantly now you have reached that important milestone!
@SymbolShift Thanks a lot for your suggestion of allowing the game to be played in a window. I'll try to implement that option this week as well.
Once I have made these changes I will upload the new version.
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Jet Set Willy 3
@Sendy The Endless Thanks for letting me know about the bug with The Tower. I'm not sure why that's happening as I've only recently tried that myself. I'll try to get that fixed this week.
Also happy to hear you are still enjoying the game and have made so much progress in it! The game changes significantly now you have reached that important milestone!
@SymbolShift Thanks a lot for your suggestion of allowing the game to be played in a window. I'll try to implement that option this week as well.
Once I have made these changes I will upload the new version.
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from MtM in Jet Set Willy 3
Wow, thanks everyone for such a positive response so far!
Sorry to hear that lag is apparently such an issue on this version. I have uploaded an executable of the game for PC now, which should run much more smoothly and remove any weird glitches that have been cropping up. I was averse to doing this as I thought some people may be dubious about running a .exe, but I can assure everyone it is completely safe. However, one downside of running this is that any progress made on the browser-based version won't carry over to the .exe one (yes, progress is tracked and rewarded in this game...)
To answer a few questions:
@jetsetdannyThe main game has nearly 400 rooms, plus there's an unlockable side area with another 100. I've just had a look at the video of Willy's New Mansion and the cinema does look quite similar actually! That's quite amusing as I'd never seen that before.
@SymbolShiftThe game was created using a development tool called Stencyl. It's ideal for creating simple 2D games.
Thanks again all. I hope you continue to enjoy it. 😄
This file has been removed and a later version attached to a more recent post
Pixel Stonk got a reaction from MtM in Jet Set Willy 3
Thanks everyone. I've decided that it is too much hassle to pursue making this an official release. As such, for now, I have setup a website that will allow anyone to play an HTML version of JSW3. You can simply visit this website on any modern browser and play the game here:
No downloading is required as the game is entirely in the page. It takes a while to load for the first time (it is quite a big game), but once it does it is all fully playable in the browser.
Controls are simple. Left and right arrow moves Willy, up or spacebar makes him jump. The game does not play 100% like the original games. Certain quality of life changes have been made to make things a little smoother. One of these changes is in how ropes work, as left and right make Willy climb based on different rules than in the original JSW games.
Please bear in mind that this although it has been tested quite extensively, it was never completely finished and tested, so there may some small bugs.
I hope you enjoy JSW3. All feedback is appreciated. 🙂
Thanks again.