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About zub

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    Cambridge, UK

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  1. Thank you for sharing that: I had not actually bothered to check what was there in memory! Given that the graphic drawn will vary, that makes the case for saying it's less of an issue if an unbounded search is used. From a computer science PoV, I still really dislike that sort of code, but I suppose I must admit that on the Spectrum, it wouldn't be much of a practical concern.
  2. That seems reasonable. However, it may worth noting that mine was a fix for both MM and JSW, and I wanted to avoid unnecessary differences between the MM version of the fix and the JSW version. It did occur to me that JSW might be immune for the very reason that you state, but given that the JSW engine tends to be full of interesting
  3. Ah, I guess I had no way of knowing, then! Looking back, I included an acknowledgement of SkoolKid
  4. Okay, so it turns out that SkoolKid committed his fix in the SkoolKit disassembly about a month before I posted my fix! I
  5. BTW, as it has been asked about: it
  6. Sorry to revive an old thread, but are you sure about that? I tried my best at the time to search for an existing fix, and would feel rather rotten if it turns out I overlooked someone else
  7. Cool! Is there a disk image of this on the net that we can play with? It seems Dragon disks use MFM so should be dumpable with a PC (although admittedly an old one) with the right software. The floppy formats seem to be the same as those used for the PC, so perhaps these will work in some USB floppy drives, although I won
  8. zub

    Jet Set Willy V1 = Boing

    For anyone who
  9. Hmm? I thought you just pressed 1, 2 or 3 at the title screen to choose a level set. The game lacks the charm of the Spectrum version in my opinion. I really dislike the conveyor belts, in particular. I
  10. Yes. Believe me, I tried it a million times too. :-)
  11. I have uploaded to YouTube a walkthrough of JSW for the MSX based on Geoff Neil
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