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8bit got a reaction from Spider in Spectrum 48K Version
Does anyone know the significance of the Swordfish graphic which appears on completion of The Final Barrier?
8bit got a reaction from Spider in Source Code of
From the Commodore Ninja -
"DrHonz was feeling extra generous today and has also published the source codes of Manic Miner.
The zip file available contains the D64 image file with the game ready to be played, as well as all the assembler source code to be compiled using DASM.
As far as I could see, the source code is super well organized and full of comments. I believe even I would be able to rebuild it and maybe add some modifications of my own! How about you?"
News source - http://commodore.ninja/source-code-of-manic-miner-rem-for-the-c64-has-been-released/
Source Code download available via csdb: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=145096
8bit got a reaction from Spider in Jet Set Billy Gumboot Software ( Colour Genie )
If you could dump it as a WAV, I have a working Color Genie?...
8bit got a reaction from Spider in [File] JSW 2015 Bug Fixed Edition
Congratulations on the new release.
As the Ti-99/4a conversion is still fresh in everyone's minds over at AtariAge, I've posted a link to this page over on the recent Ti-99 JSW thread.
Expect visitors.
8bit got a reaction from zub in New (2015) Ti-99/4a conversion of JSW
This is my first post here but I thought your community might like to know that even in 2015 there are still people writing new conversions of Matthew's epic game.
Over on the AtariAge forums, Ti coder Rasmus Moustgaard has just released a new conversion for the Texas Instruments Ti-99/4a, based on the ZX Spectrum original.
Rasmus has made some fantastic conversions to the Ti in recent years. Sabre Wulf (again, based off the Spectrum original) was his last completed project.
I've been playing his Ti conversion of JSW non-stop for the last couple of days and have assisted in fine-tuning Rasmus' code. He's since made a couple of updates based on my feedback.
Feedback from others would be welcome as Rasmus is something of a perfectionist and coming from JSW enthusiasts would only improve matters further.
Having played only the ZX Spectrum version until discovering emulation, I'm very biased toward the Sinclair original but the new Ti version is an almost perfect conversion which seems to be improved by smoother sprites. Even in its complete yet beta stage, it might become my preference over the ZX original.
The final release version, which will run on emulators or real hardware can be found over at the AtariAge forums at the link below.
8bit got a reaction from Spider in Manic Miner in development for Acorn Atom
I thought it was miraculous when they converted Chuckie Egg to it but getting MM is pure magic!
For its time, the Acorn Atom was a brilliant little machine!
8bit got a reaction from Spider in Manic Miner in development for Acorn Atom
This looks promising?...
8bit got a reaction from Spider in Simple loading screen
Is there a way to add this (or the patch loader) to a pre-existing tzx file? Are there editors and/or tools to manipulate tzx files in this manner?
It would be cool to have copies of the original release with code-bypass and official patch-pokes as well as the new 2015 bug-fixed version, both with this loader screen.
8bit got a reaction from Spider in New (2015) Ti-99/4a conversion of JSW
There are still a few bugs to iron out but Rasmus is doing a great job. Watch for the final "Final release", coming soon. :P
8bit got a reaction from Spider in Vic20 Version - Perils
I bought this back in the day and still have my copy of the original tape.
The short, continuous loop of the opening bars to "Stairway to Heaven" almost [almost] killed my liking of the track.
Still, for a Vic-20 willy game, it was cool to be able to play it.
For the BEST ZX Spectrum conversion to the Vic-20 though, Jet Pac couldn't be beaten.
AFAIR, it was only ever officially released on three platforms. 16K Spectrum (also on ROM), BBC Micro and Vic-20.
As a conversion from a more powerful system, the Vic version was as near perfect as it could've been, given the limitations of the Vic hardware.
AS with the C64 though, Utimate's Beeb conversions SUCKED! The big, chunky, colourful sprites in Jet Pac didn't look as good as the detailed (yet monochrome) sprites of the original Speccy version. Not to mention they missed the pull down to hover mechanic. Ew?!
8bit got a reaction from Spider in New (2015) Ti-99/4a conversion of JSW
Yes, I found the Watch Tower teleport "feature" in Rasmus' version but remembered I accidentally triggered this in the ZX Spectrum version back in the day, so I didn't report this as a bug.
Rasmus has included the April Showers screen from Your Sinclair in the new version. Being a purist, and knowing there are tens of versions out there which have modified or added to the original screens, I'd prefer a version which retains only the original rooms and objects but I'm not the author. It's Rasmus' game and he's doing a fantastic job of it, so I'm not complaining.
I informed him that his version has a visible object, requiring manual collection in The Swimming Pool. In the original release, this was auto-collected on first entry but Rasmus has decided to keep his as it stands. Again, I'm not going to complain. I'm just happy he's taken the time to write what I think is one of the best conversions available of this timeless classic.
He's already made a LOT of changes based on my feedback (including making the object on The Beach register as TWO items when collected) and the game is much more stable and playable than it was when he announced his first beta only a few days ago.
I'd be interested in playing the fixed, custom version when you're ready to release it.
And yes, please list the fixes you've made. I'd also be interested to know what changes you've made to enhance the original.
Edit: Incidentally, I'm typing this on a laptop, sat on top of an Acorn BBC Model B, which is currently running the Tynesoft Beeb conversion of JSW.
8bit got a reaction from Spider in New (2015) Ti-99/4a conversion of JSW
In the games current (beta 2) stage, there are currently a few places this happens.
At one point though, I jumped from one of the upper platforms in the "Rescue Esmerelda" screen and ended up in the Ballroom East. I figured this was a bug until it was pointed out the ZX Spectrum release had the same "feature". Talk about an authentic conversion?!
8bit got a reaction from Spider in New (2015) Ti-99/4a conversion of JSW
I've updated the link in the first post to the final release version of the game.
8bit got a reaction from Spider in New (2015) Ti-99/4a conversion of JSW
This is my first post here but I thought your community might like to know that even in 2015 there are still people writing new conversions of Matthew's epic game.
Over on the AtariAge forums, Ti coder Rasmus Moustgaard has just released a new conversion for the Texas Instruments Ti-99/4a, based on the ZX Spectrum original.
Rasmus has made some fantastic conversions to the Ti in recent years. Sabre Wulf (again, based off the Spectrum original) was his last completed project.
I've been playing his Ti conversion of JSW non-stop for the last couple of days and have assisted in fine-tuning Rasmus' code. He's since made a couple of updates based on my feedback.
Feedback from others would be welcome as Rasmus is something of a perfectionist and coming from JSW enthusiasts would only improve matters further.
Having played only the ZX Spectrum version until discovering emulation, I'm very biased toward the Sinclair original but the new Ti version is an almost perfect conversion which seems to be improved by smoother sprites. Even in its complete yet beta stage, it might become my preference over the ZX original.
The final release version, which will run on emulators or real hardware can be found over at the AtariAge forums at the link below.