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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community


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Everything posted by IRF

  1. The problem with this fix, unless I am mistaken, is that without the ability to jump upwards and teleport to the Offy, there is no way to escape from the top platform of the Watch Tower other than by entering an infinite death loop. Unless you extend your newly lowered platform laterally towards the right of the screen and allow Willy to jump into the Belfry (see my post http://jswmm.co.uk/topic/76-new-jsw-2015-bug-fixed-edition/?p=354).
  2. In The West Bedroom/Above the West Bedroom, there is a rather tricky but ultimately futile ladder towards the left of the screens. Is it possible that the extra item from The Beach was meant to go there somewhere? Either that or the tricky climb is a red herring!
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