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About Dasse

  • Birthday 10/09/1968

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    Manic Miner & Jet Set Willy, Retro gaming, Skateboarding, Alice in Wonderland and Dragracing!

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  1. Dasse

    JSW 2 Amiga

    I Remember I was impressed by the gfx, but the controls are terrible, no pixel perfect here! :)
  2. Yes! no copies :) You can see two C64 MM but one of them have the unique Black & White cassette! Don't know why it is B & W even :D /Dasse Hehe, your welcome! :)
  3. I've made a video of my collection :) I have post the link at Facebook (group Central Cavern) but if you don't have facebook here comes the link! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qqRkurMg8A
  4. Dasse

    Atari ST ( JSW )

    Found this one at Atarimania: My friend Carl Whitwell and I produced the Atari ST version of Jet-Set Willy for Software Projects, circa 1989. The guy we were working for was Tommy Barton, who was one of the directors of Software Projects. We finished writing the game, which was as perfect a reproduction of the original ZX Spectrum sound and graphics as you could get. If you saw it, you would think it was the Spectrum. At the Software Projects offices, we were also given the opportunity to play the Commodore Amiga version of Jet-Set Willy, which was not yet finished at that time. Tommy took us through to a different room with an Amiga in it, and remarked that Shahid Ahmad was working from home but had left a recent copy of it as a demo. It looked like many Amiga games of the time, full of hardware sprites with smooth movement and lots of colour shades. I particularly remember The Forgotten Abbey, as it revealed the flaw in this approach: each of the monks looked exactly the same. In our version, being an exact replica of the original, each monk is a different colour. Other screens in the Amiga version just had coloured blocks instead of proper sprites, since he hadn't finished them yet. Our Atari ST version was created in two stages. First of all, we disassembled the original Z80 code and reverse engineered it into C. Then, we re-coded some of Matthew Smith's graphics and sound routines for the Atari ST. We worked using a Sinclair Spectrum with the Zeus Disassembler and the original Jet-Set Willy program, and an Atari ST 520FM with the Sozobon C compiler. We had no physical link between the computers - the disassembled code was listed on the Spectrum screen, and entered into the Atari by hand! Each screen's data was dumped as hex, and dictated to a typist who entered it into struct { } statements in the C program. By the end of the 1980s, Software Projects felt that Jet-Set Willy had had its day, and decided to cancel both the Amiga and the Atari ST projects. (However, the Amiga version of Manic Miner, also by Shahid Ahmad, had been on sale for a few months by this time). Since Software Projects weren't interested, we gave a copy of our ST version away to someone in England who wanted a copy for himself. Apparently, he gave copies to lots of people. That version can be identified in a number of ways. We altered the authorship message to read "Perfect Conversions, Hamburg", for example.
  5. Dasse

    Atari ST ( JSW )

    Howdy! I wonder if somebody know if the Atari ST version was 100% complete with inlay etc but never released? I know it was canned but still wonder if any real copies was ever made? /Dasse
  6. Sorry for my huge break from the forum but first I had some personal issues and now I am in the middle of a move ! Will be more active later on :D
  7. Really nice reading! :) not so much news ( as I thought ) but Its always a joy to read everything about MM or JSW!
  8. Great stuff! :D
  9. Hehe.. yeah QL games looked a bit different :) I think I tried this game many years ago in a emulator but couldn't start the bastard! .. maybe something to do with 64 bit processor today and the emulators only work on 32 bit or XP etc etc.. gosh I am talking to much! haha
  10. Here we have that game! :) seems quite fun! http://www.rwapadventures.com/ql_wiki/index.php?title=QL%20Cavern
  11. No I am afraid I dont have that, I remember I read about that game in Your Computer and they described it was "A Manic Miner game for QL" .. I will try to find it :)
  12. Hehe..thanks for correcting me! :) It's not easy every time I see! :D Do you own that other one?
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