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Sorry its the same resolution in that mode as the Spectrum 256x192 , I mixed the numbers up. 🙂 

The listing:


Note I've tried to name the loops with easy to follow conventions. The linelength I did try with a conditional if it was in a high res mode set it higher however I couldn't recall the specifics and had no online access to the manual. So its there doing nothing really. Yes it will go larger so the high res low colours mode only fills a portion of the screen.

You can see my experimentation in the video below, note unforuntately captured at half res so the text is not always readable sorry.

You'll see the Basic (from the Sam) is virutally identical the Spectrum too:

Its worth watching , despite what some say I do rate this machine highly however (don't lynch me) I hate the styling of it, the hardware I like a lot. IMO it should of been in a case like the Amiga 500 , or the Sinclair PC200 , drive on the side etc and keypad.

You'll see one mode is a single attribute line per row so 8 lines of colour per block as such, plus first the normal speccy mode , that one , then a high res low colour (like maybe 4 only selectable) then the high colour mode, 256x192

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Thank you again, your graphical point became clear despite one unreadable part. 🙂 

This was the first time I saw Sam Coupe in action, even on an emulator, it looked nice! 🙂

I had read about it, when Your Sinclair had a few pages long Sam Coupe feature 🙂 but I don´t remember anything as it was so long time ago, except I understood that Sam was at least ST quality, one picture showed a face of a smiling woman on Sam´s monitor. But I don´t remember how it fared soundwise and if Your Sinclair covered Sam´s sound well enough to compare it between ST and Amiga. But I thought it was a very good machine in it´s class. 🙂 I don´t remember much about the Sam´s case, except I think it had more "personality" in it´s look than ST and Amiga.

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The specs are OK... Sound is a SA1099 chip similar but higher spec than the AY chip found in the 128 Spectrum and Amstrad CPC ranges, amongst others. In particular its six channel , with stereo***

*** Technically the Spectrum is too but its been joined internally as I recall.

Here: https://www.worldofsam.org/products/sam-coupe-specifications


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Thank you, I did read worldofsam. Nice to see Sam Coupé specs and info, there were too much for a one go, though, I must continue later. 🙂 

I checked SA1099 from the youtube, the first example was just like AY, but the others introduced more than 3 channels, too. 🙂 After those videos, I am not sure, if sound quality wise SA1099 is near the ST or better somehow. Amiga seems to be still ahead, with it´s sample player. There were some really well made tunes there, showing what SA1099 can do. 🙂 Stereo is a nice thing to have, something what ST doesn´t have. With 6 channels even better! 🙂 

Graphicswise Sam looks good, but having just 128 colours was a surprise. Though, back in the day I think most people would have been happy with them and wouldn´t have missed 256, 512 or more colours.

According worldofsam specs, RAM delays were slowing Sam quite a much! So in average, the ST is faster?

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