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Falling variants


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Attached are two test files, built from the Bug-Byte version:


MM Fall Test One.Tap


MM Fall Test Two.Tap


There are slight differences between the two, as illustrated by the combi screenshot...




... In essence, the gap is larger in 'two' compared to 'one' , the portal and items immediately above are a block higher.


The reason for this second file is if M.W falls in 'one' he can land and walk on the floor area underneath the portal. The extra file was needed to confirm if the small gap at the top between the water platforms or the portal was the immediate cause.


The use of the conveyor and gaps left to right along with the conveyor being further down was to test out the effects of left/right exit with regard to M.W's position when he emerged on the other side of the screen. The 'saw' guardians are set to slow and mainly there as 'filler' along with the roof nasty fire cells, easily avoidable.


They were built mainly to test the effects as indicated above, falling and jumping through left/right nearby or onto cell types. The layout of the cavern was picked to be relatively simple to quickly tweak to do 'other things'


It should be noted this is a cut down game file, no cavern data exists beyond the first one! Attempting to teleport into the next cavern will result in a lockup! The INC A instruction to increase the cavern number at 36907 / #902B was NOP'ed out to prevent a crash when completing the cavern or running demo mode.


The files provided are the full 32K ones with a mildly tweaked loading pic (simply as I had it to hand as an executable file rather than screen data) but are JSWED editable (at the loss of the non-standard loader but that's not a concern, again I had that 'to hand'). It would be quite easy to provide a much truncated file but this would then preclude ease of editing.


Enjoy ? :unsure: :)

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Er, there isn't a floor underneath the portal??

Intended so he falls through to wrap around if the Portal is not active.


This can happen with 'Test One' , no cheats applied:


Short .rzx:


Under The Portal.rzx , plays back fine in Spin/Spectaculator


under the portal.png


First time as expected he falls through once he's clear of the 'top earth cells' even though he's on the lower screen.


Second time around note what he does, he can wander around the Portal to the right but not the left, the left floor area makes him fall through, assuming (untested) if he jumped up top via the left instead of the right he would be able to walk on the left but not the right.


Third time around shows the walking about in more detail.


I would not expect him to be able to walk underneath the Portal at all though :unsure: ? :) As there's nothing up top as such for him to be using to stand on...


EDIT... Either the Portal position or the top water cells permit this it seems as in 'Test Two' its not possible. I could be wrong! :lol:

Edited by Spider
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I think I see what you're getting at.  I've just created another recording (attached to this post), which I think illustrates the point well: Willy falls through the bottom of the screen on the first descent, but lands fatally on the second descent when he reaches the bottom of the screen.


I'll explain when I have a bit more time, but it's nothing to do with the position of either the portal or of the Water platforms!  (At least, not any of the red Water platforms that are present when the cavern is initialised!)

Under the Portal 2.rzx

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The simple explanation for the phenomenon is that when Willy is trascending the boundary between the bottom/top of the cavern, his white INK is permanently written over two pairs of cells at the top of the cavern.  That changes the nature of those cells from background to floor cells (Air defaulting to Water cells).  So he can stand/land on them!


A further recording which I have just created (attached here) proves the point that the second cell-row down from the top of the cavern is also turned to Water, not just the top row.

Under the Portal 3.rzx

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Great! :D Thanks both.


@Ian is interesting to watch and thanks for the detailed explaination too.


@Danny I had a vague inspiration (if you can call it that) from playing Frankenstein earlier in the day and the mirrored platforms thought partly came from that:




I'm attaching a third variant I did not get chance to upload late yesterday, it is quite similar however the positioning of the earth horizontal platform and conveyor is opposite, as in the conveyor is higher up than the earth platform. In addition the lower two items were positioned beneath the Portal itself. The screenshot will assist...




... and the file...


MM Fall Test Three.Tap


Finally the .rzx played a couple of times:


Fall Test Three.rzx


Finally I'd forgot to remove (as pointless as it was) 2048 bytes from 40960 / #A000 , the title screen top third pixel data, as it served no purpose given the fact the attribute data is not present. The first two .tap files in the initial post are updated to reflect this too, nothing at all else was touched.

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Please find attached another variant which I quickly knocked up - open up the file, walk left off the end of the platform, and see what happens!!




The only change from 'MM Fall Test Three' is that I changed the defined Air INK colour in the cavern to white.



MM Fall Test Four.Tap

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