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[File] Manic Miner By S.P. And Bug Byte

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Manic Miner By S.P. And Bug Byte
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Manic Miner By S.P. And Bug Byte

When Matthew wrote manic Miner he released the game originally with Bug Byte. When he re-released the game with Software projects some small changes were made to the graphics.


This version is not a new version of the game and its main novelty is the ability to swap between the versions of the game.


Whilst I made minimal change to the games playing style or data I changed some of the ways that the game plays.
This is not a simple edit of the game it is a rewrite but leaves the basic data intact.


I have added :-
item collection sounds.
sound effects for being hit by the solar ray
sprite collision sound effects
heavy landing sound effects.
death collision graphic and sound effect
an extensive cheat.
an explanation to why you have died
an animation of the high score being added
a redraw of the title screen (fixing the keyboard graphics)
a title screen animation of a spectrum analyser
a credits screen
a title screen animation showing the version about to be played (Bug Byte graphic or S.P. graphic)
a sprite mask on the main character
a redesign on how the screens update (to stop sprite glitching)
the list of changes is extensive (Some listed above) the overall feel will still be that you are playing the original Manic Miner.


This file is listed elsewhere on this site, Having been asked by several people where this file is listed, I realise it needs to be placed in the Manic Miner Download section so it can be found easier.

Addendum To include extra keys - 


Each game play alternates between Bug-Byte and Software Projects. The version can be seen as an animated graphic, displayed while the title music plays.

To enter the cheat -- start game, and in the Central Cavern  type 6031769. If the cheat value is accepted a magenta boot will be displayed.

Once cheat is enabled. It stays active until the computer is switched off or the computer rebooted.

To activate icons.

  • Press 1 - Toggle fast turn  - indicated by an icon on lower right with Miner Willie's legs and arrows
  • Press 3 - Toggle tool kit activation - allows collapsed floor rebuild - press 9 to rebuild a collapsed floor
  • Press 4 - Toggle Medical tool kit activation - This stops normal death events.

Now the more convoluted keys.

  • Press 9 and hold, now press the 1 key - the Cavern shown will be the previous cavern - if on the Central Cavern if will move to the Final Barrier
  • Press 9 and hold, now press the 2 key - The cavern shown will be the next cavern. - If on the Final Barrier it will move to the Central Cavern 

Note the 1 key icon toggle - does not need the activation of cheat - it is always available.




Edited by Norman Sword
Added the cheat keys.
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The icons for various options is very welcome as usual. I do not immediately understand all of the ones I've seen so far. I have accidentally (perhaps) seen the cheat mode too, I like the way it works. I'm not going to post at this stage exactly what I saw however as that would be a spoiler.


I appreciate the score 'movement' effect if its a new highest score and the effect on the credits page. Also I note:


The scroll effect on the 'game over'


The 'triangle' on the title screen indicating the version, I suspect that is what it is indicating


The changed 'air bonus' sound and the Solar Ray 'zap' effect is very good


The scrolly message also seems quite a bit smoother too

Edited by Spider
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  • 5 years later...
1 hour ago, Rev. Stuart Campbell said:

HOW do you enable all these things? I've pressed every key and none of them seem to activate cheats or switch between the two versions

I thought the file was with a readme, obviously not. The text was in the original post elsewhere I expect. But anyway for now as I do recall these. 🙂 


To toggle between versions restart the game. The title screen will show next to the sunset a razor blade (Bug Byte) or triangle (Software Projects) , this is alternating. No key to switch between iirc, just quit and restart if needed till the title screen is showing the version you want to play next. FWIW: I usually play with the SP version as I prefer the changes.


During play:

H/K/L/Enter = Tune on / off , indicated by music note icon

Press 1 = Toggle fast turn on / off , indicated by an icon on lower right with Miner Willie's legs and arrows

6031769 = Enable cheat mode. Usual 'boot' appears

With cheat mode enabled:

Hold down 9 and press either 1 or 2 to move forwards/backwards between the caverns

Hold down 9 and 4 to enable first aid (immunity in effect) indicated by a green first aid kit , during 'accident's it will state the cause too

Hold down 9 and 3 to enable toolkit (crumbly cells will rebuild after a short time)

Pic of these enabled:




Hopefully I've not missed any controls out...

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