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And another question: 

Am I right in thinking that "I'll get me coat" is somewhat similar to the classic line "I need to return some video tapes" from the movie "American Psycho" (2000)? The protagonist uses it as an excuse to get out of awkward social situations and, as someone commented here, "It's one of many clever things in the film that makes it such a subtle masterpiece".

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On 2/2/2021 at 10:46 PM, jetsetdanny said:

Am I right in thinking that "I'll get me coat" is somewhat similar to the classic line "I need to return some video tapes" from the movie "American Psycho" (2000)? The protagonist uses it as an excuse to get out of awkward social situations and, as someone commented here, "It's one of many clever things in the film that makes it such a subtle masterpiece".

Sorry, I didn't see that query as it went 'over the page' from your previous one.

I haven't seen 'American Psycho', so I'm afraid I can't confirm what you say. I would hazard a guess that it could be a similar scenario, except that I don't imagine the line in 'American Psycho' is said with the same comedic flourish!

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On 2/2/2021 at 9:55 AM, IRF said:

Incidentally, prior to me writing that, I had tried to translate "I'll get my coat" into Latin, but it came up as "Et lorica meum", but when I checked how that translated back into English, it ended up as "The coat is".  So I gave up on that.

Oh, and for Danny's benefit (and anyone else who might not be familiar with it), "I'll get me coat" is the punchline of a regular character from the 1990's BBC comedy sketch show 'The Fast Show'.  The character is in polite company (like a dinner party or something), after a few moments of everyone talking on a subject on which he is evidently out of his depth (like politics), he makes an inappropriate/irrelevant/childish/offensive gag - leading to stern silence from everyone else who just stare at him [if it was an American show you would see tumbleweed floating past at this point] - and then the character in question says, in a thick Brummie accent, "I'll get me coat".


I think the character 'Dave Angel' from The Fast Show would be very good to feature in a MM / JSW mod 😉

Probably my favourite from that show.

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On 2/4/2021 at 5:07 AM, IRF said:

I haven't seen 'American Psycho', so I'm afraid I can't confirm what you say. I would hazard a guess that it could be a similar scenario, except that I don't imagine the line in 'American Psycho' is said with the same comedic flourish!

IIRC, the guy in "American Psycho" says it very matter-of-factly, but it's the absurdity of it being said so matter-of-factly in certain situations is what makes it so great. For example, he has a dramatic confrontation with his girlfriend where they break up, or something like that, and then suddenly he gets up and is about to leave. She asks him, tearfully, "Where are you going?", and he replies, "I need to return some video tapes" and leaves. 

I'm quoting it from memory, I only saw that movie once and it was probably 20 years ago (!), but I remember it as a brilliant satire of modern consumer society and various aberrations related to it 👍.

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