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Working on Manic Miner in Scratch


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7 hours ago, DigitalDuck said:

This is very similar to the format I used for Manic Miner Redux:

Miner Willy meets the Kong Beast
@ x   a   x      @b @          @
@                @  @          @
@            + cc@           --@
@                @             @
@                @             @
@---     ------  @--           @
@             +  @   ----     -@
@ ---            @         -   @
@ +     ---      @             @
@                @-----        @
@-          ---  @         ----@
@        --      d             @
@   --           d    -----    @
@          >>>@  @--         + @
@             @  @     z       @
  0000 blank black
- 0001 floor b.red
= 0002 crumble red
@ 0003 wall b.yellow b.red
> 0704 rconvey b.green
z 0008 nasty green
x 0709 nasty cyan
+ 0710 item b.magenta
a 0711 switch yellow black a>e d>f hg1xright=18
b 0711 switch yellow black b>g c>h kn0state=1 score=2500
c 0001 floor b.red
d 0003 wall b.yellow b.red
e 1111 floor yellow
f 0000 blank black
g 1111 floor yellow
h 0000 blank black

0000 willy 2 13 0 0 white
0708 hguard 9 13 1 9 -2 b.green
0708 hguard 11 11 11 15 1 b.magenta
0708 hguard 18 7 18 21 2 cyan
0716 kong 15 0 0 12 4 b.green
0724 portal 15 13 yellow blue

I guess it's just natural to want a text-based implementation.

Wow. I've seen a video of CPL doing MM Redux previously and it looks amazing. I'm gonna have to try and get that going soon. Love the format. Makes it easy to edit and see what is happening. I never heard of Godot before so I looked it up. Seems quite nice. I'm not a games programmer so not familiar with any of this stuff. Truth be told MM in Scratch is my first attempt at a game since some of my spectrum basic attempts back in the day. Fun stuff.


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7 hours ago, Norman Sword said:

And nothing like the Z80 - zx spectrum listing I use in Manic Jet Set Willy V3.02


           defb    %00101010,%00010001,%00001010,%00001001,%11110000,%11110100,%10111000,%10000100
            defb    %01110000,%10000001,%00110000,%10000001,%00010101,%01001001,%01001101,%10100100
            defb    %00100110,%10011000,%00100010,%01001111,%00001001,%01011001,%00000100,%11001100
            defb    %10001000,%01110110,%01000001,%00101101,%01010001,%10011100,%10110001,%00000011
            defb    %11101100,%11010110,%11000110,%01001011,%10100001,%00001101,%11101000,%10110101
            defb    %11000010,%10000010,%00111100,%10000010,%10000011,%00000111,%01011110,%01000000
            defb    %00000010,%00000000,%10101000,%00000000,%11000000,%00100101,%00100101
Control             %0001000$0
slice                #00
            tiles    #42,#01
            tiles    #72,#02
            tiles    #04,#03
shave    4
            tiles    #05,#11
            tiles    #06,#1A
            tiles    #44,#1B
edge                #02,#1C
            tiles    #AB,#87
            tiles    #AF,#8E
            tiles    #3F,#80
            tiles    #A2,#01
spx            MM_S_12,9
spx            MM_S_13,11
spx            MM_S_14,18
spxe            MM_S_15,15

                mask1_text    #00,"M","i","n","e","ò","W","i","l","l","ù","m","e","e","t","ó",2,9

That looks like the "Lost in a sea of 1s and 0s" level to me @Norman Sword. Seems like you have encoded and compressed things rather than the original attribute approach. Not quite sure what you are doing but it saves a lot of space! Thanks for sharing.

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On 7/17/2024 at 5:19 AM, DigitalDuck said:

As for the quoted part, the short answer is "yes". Willy's sprite is always two cells wide, even when every single "ON" pixel sits within a single cell width.

Thanks again @DigitalDuck. I updated the code tonight and it improved several other hard to get items such as the item closest to the portal on level 20 when you jump over the eye at the end of the conveyor. I previously had to be very lucky to get that key without jumping back. Much improved!

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On 7/26/2024 at 2:42 PM, CPL said:

Hi! Glad you found us. Considering the limiations of scratch I think you've done an amazing job. Looking forward to trying it!

Thanks. Traveling currently so going slowly. Got to figure out audio also and I want to try create a screen joystick for playing on iPad without a keyboard. 

On 7/26/2024 at 2:42 PM, CPL said:

Redux is definitely worth checking out - it's the best version of the game out there as far as I'm concerned.


Yeah. Certainly looks it. Need to figure out Mac version though 🙂

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17 hours ago, manic986 said:

Yeah. Certainly looks it. Need to figure out Mac version though 🙂

Unfortunately publishing on Mac is such a hassle when you're not on a Mac; you have to download three separate programs, register for an Apple Developer ID Certificate, go through a few dozen steps signing and notarising the app, and then have no idea at the end of it whether it'll even run or not.

Needless to say it's not something I want to go through too often...

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  • 1 month later...

It is so hard to finish a game and put it out there. I completed the 20 levels last weekend after a holiday where I thought I would actually have more time to work on the game than I do during my working week. Turns out that its easier to grab time with a routine in place. Anyway, my kid is back in his Saturday scratch school and my starbucks time waiting for him is being put to use again. I think I'm going to do my own sound rather than just copy the game sound. That of course can go horribly wrong. Not sure what to do yet about the game music. I guess I have a bit of testing stuff out ahead of me. I think I'm also going to allow folks to continue after there lives run out but penalise the scoring somehow to still encourage perfection. What do you think of that? I'm in two minds about it. One one side, it lets you enjoy more of the levels but on the other, that is kind of what made the game so addictive... trying to get to that next level and then trying to get to it with 1 more life in hand so you didn't just die immediately...

I'm also assuming that I won't get into any legal issues with this as 83 is kind of a long way back and the scratch game is all free etc.

off topic but when I was back in my home town over these holidays I passed the pharmacy where a tall man in the white coat and moustache sold me my ZX Spectrum 48K. Back in the day, that was the only place in town that sold home computers and games. They are still trading under the same name but the computer counter is long gone and replaced by beauty products etc. They used to have a nice window display also of the latest demos running. How I'd love to see the inside of that shop as it was again and chat to that moustached man.

Here are the 20 levels running through the demo mode.


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  • 1 month later...

I had sometime again today so I got a few things done and a few things started. I am working on the Blue Danube at the moment. I've pulled in some sheet music and have done my best to translate the chords appropriately from the sheet music rather than the game. I was just now about to start to figure out how to get the keys to light up on the piano when I noticed for the first time ever that the layout of the piano is whacky. Now, I think I have to try and rectify that as that will not do at all... Maybe tomorrow.

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