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[File] What a Wonderful World of Willie

Jet Set Willie

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What a Wonderful World of Willie

Here is my JSWED48 game, What a Wonderful World of Willie.

Using of the TZX file is suggested for full experience! 🙂The .TAP is included, if somebody wants to check my game in JSWED. 🙂 

The built-in helping option will not be activated, if you should choose to load the .TAP.


You can find the release related post from here. Welcome to write any feedback there! 🙂 

Thanks to JetSetDanny, it´s listed now on JSWcentral, too! 🙂



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Congratulations on releasing your first JSW game, Jet Set Willie! 👍

I was involved in playtesting the game, so I know it already and I can recommend it to everyone 🙂. In some ways it's different from other JSW games created so far, which is refreshing.

A big thank you to Jet Set Willie for mentioning me in the credits 😁.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for your feedback. 🙂 

Perhaps I should add a warning to my game´s front inlay, "Warning! One game player has reported illness when he played while being drunk. Please stop playing immediately if are drunk and feel any symptoms." 🤭

The backgrounds of Willy games seem to be "empty", not all of them, but some at least, the platforms and walls and items being the only visible things among the guardians, everything else being usually just empty black. I wanted to bring the missing "3D" there, all the missing things, like the mountains, the clouds, all the scenery "behind" the "nearest" platforms. Also, in some rooms you can walk "further" away from the tv screen and back, too.


Edited by Jet Set Willie
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