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My JSW64[ troubles

Jet Set Willie

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I will start a new topic to ask help for whatever trouble I have with the JSW64, version [.

I have been working on two JSW64 [ games at the same time, the first one is about 50% ready and the other one about 25%. I hope to get them finished some day, I don´t know if I will make any more then. I will add some spoiling information now, please don´t click, if you want to get some surprise in the future. 🤭


Their working names are ´Diner´ and ´Mansion´. Here´s one screenshot from the latter one. 🙂




OK, here´s the first question.

Memory addresses on 128K JSW64 [ seem to be different than on JSW48, as when I tried to add something to my JSW64 [ game months ago, it didn´t succeed. Could somebody please tell me how much higher/lower the memory addresses are?


Edited by Jet Set Willie
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I've not really looked at the 64/128 variants sorry.

The actual 'running code' is quite near the original 48K version, not quite the same but not miles away from it. I base this on the fact that some of the original game pokes do function on these variants, but not all.

The actual extra memory will be paged in (and out again) as require, as 16K blocks into the upper memory area. The later black plus2 and plus3 are a bit different iirc but this is really about switching something into what was the rom area. I've very little (if any practical) knowledge of the 128 paging as I've never had need to use it myself.

If you can say what you're trying to do / would like to , perhaps someone can provide further guidance. 🙂 

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I had used Skoolkit´s pages (and Danny´s tips at first to understand how the Hex things work) to learn and make my effects for my 48 game.

I´d be glad to say, but I still would like to use Skoolkit as guidance first as I liked to learn these by myself and ask help if I really can´t understand something. That´s why I would like to know about the JSW related memory addresses of 128K machines. I hope some JSW64/128 veteran can help me. 🙂 

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Those disassemblies don't cover the 64/128 variants.

As far as I know (and its limited, as above) JSWED doesn't provide any inbuilt means to do much with the extra memory, by this I mean it uses it itself for the extra rooms/sprites/music. I've not looked at the documentation to see if its covered which pages (pages of memory) it uses.

If you are just wanting extra guardians per room or suchlike, there is a quite a variance in the 64/128 versions as I recall, that is listed in the .pdf itself. I suspect its not quite that simple though. 🙂 

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The first thing what I wanted to "Hex", was to move the addresses of few sprites, the way what I had done in the game over sequence in What a Wonderful World of Willie, perhaps touching the toilet sequence a bit, too.

Here is another problem with the JSWED 64.

While defining sprites to Options > Sprites, at least half of the time there will appear one "garbage sprite", usually arriving to the leftmost sprite and pushes other sprites to the right. Those eight sprites will work normally though, even pushed one sprite to the right. Sometimes there is another just after the eight sprite, making it impossible to use the last eight sprites. If I want to define more than just the first eight, one or more garbage sprites will cause that the second row of available sprites will show as empty.

When I try to add a guardian using the sprites from Options > Sprites, in some rooms there is nothing to choose there (Add/Edit a guardian > choose Sprite is empty) even I have just defined those sprites. I can´t add those sprites then, as the sprites list will show just blank space there. There should be two rows of those "sprites-per-room" sprites, but some rooms will show just one row. I have also seen both rows as empty, so no way to use that room´s own sprites there.

I think this problem can be solved by "Hexing", but how?

By the way, could you moderators please bring more "idle time" before JSWMM "kicks me out". It is annoying to write messages to only notice that when I am pressing "Submit reply" button, my message disappears because JSWMM has logged me out, as it thinks I am just an "idle person", even I am writing a message. 😟


Edited by Jet Set Willie
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On 10/27/2024 at 5:52 AM, Jet Set Willie said:

By the way, could you moderators please bring more "idle time" before JSWMM "kicks me out". It is annoying to write messages to only notice that when I am pressing "Submit reply" button, my message disappears because JSWMM has logged me out, as it thinks I am just an "idle person", even I am writing a message. 😟

I *never* get logged out of the forum. This could be because I tick the option "Remember me" or something like this when logging in (perhaps - I can't remember since it's been a long time since I had to log in for the last time). Wouldn't this help?

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On 10/27/2024 at 9:52 AM, Jet Set Willie said:

By the way, could you moderators please bring more "idle time" before JSWMM "kicks me out". It is annoying to write messages to only notice that when I am pressing "Submit reply" button, my message disappears because JSWMM has logged me out, as it thinks I am just an "idle person", even I am writing a message.

It is alas no longer adjustable since version 4 of the software here, this uses php's 'sessions' function for this purpose. Previous versions had a bit of control over this. IIRC I used to set it to 60 minutes, so assuming session and other cookies were present it wouldn't matter. I don't have control over this new one (afaik) php.ini won't override.

I'm assuming as Danny has said you're checking the option to remain logged in.

I will make a note to look into this more however.

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