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How to compile Vortex Tracker II .pt3?

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you. 🙂 

BZR Player is unstable, at least with .pt3 and .ay files, even I didn´t choose the unstable version. It has crashed many times when I added a file.

XMPlay has a problem, too. XMPlay.exe and XMPlay textfile won´t be unzipped for some reason. Only .dll files will unzip. I tried to download and unzip again, no luck.

Could somebody please send me a message, attaching the missing XMPlay.exe and XMPlay textfile, thank you. 🙂 

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Thank you! 🙂I did download it and tried the songs what came with it.

How KDFsoft´s AY Megademo Digital Part 2 is done? It clearly sounds it has digitized samples there. Does this work on the Spectrum, too? Can the Spectrum run this with some game, or does it need too much power? I am not thinking to use it with my JSWED game, just asking. 🙂 

I have tried XMPlay with ZXTune plugin, too, but I don´t know how I could get what I want with it.

How I can load .pt3 to Soundtracker Compiler anyway? Soundtracker Compiler is a .TZX file, ie used on the Spectrum, not Windows. To load you need to have either tape file or disk file, .pt3 is not either one.

Are you able to compile .pt3 file to use it in JSWED? I can send you my .pt3 testfile.

Edited by Jet Set Willie
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I wish I could help you more, unfortunately I don't have any experience with Spectrum trackers. My experience is with Amiga trackers, that's why I was aware of the software that handled those formats. Hopefully someone else here can give you more guidance regarding the ZX side of things.

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