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Manic Miner [Patched]

Original MM games for various platforms that may include various bug fixes, cheats and other enhancements but do not significantly change the core game.

8 files

  1. Double Miner

    A double-width variant of Manic Miner with the caverns in left/right pairs with a double air supply, created by Mr. Anonymous in 2008 and finished by Daniel Gromann in 2018.
    Please refer to the Readme in the ZIP file for all pertinent info.



  2. Manic Scroller

    A double-width variant of Manic Miner with stretched graphics and horizontal scrolling, created by Mark Woodmass (Woody) in 2008 and finished by Daniel Gromann in 2018.
    Please refer to the Readme in the ZIP file for all pertinent info.



  3. Manic Miner - Turbo Edition

    Speed patched version of the game with improved frame rate on both 48k and 128k Spectrums.
    Use on a 128k machine for best results.



  4. Manic Miner (C64) Cheat

    Manic Miner for the Commodore64, written by Chris Lancaster & Kris Lancaster.
    Note this version has in built cheats, which were applied to the file by "Jack Alien". If you are looking for an original, unaltered version please see here instead.
    The file contains both a standard CBM tape image and a pr file (.t64 and .prg)
    Upon loading the following options are offered:
    Infinite Lives: Y/N
    Unlimited Air: Y/N
    No Collision: Y/N
    Starting Level:
    Level Skip:
    It should be noted the no collision cheat does not offer any protection against fire cells.
    Control keys are:
    Joystick (in P2) or keyboard:
    Q,E,T,U,O = Left
    W,R,Y,I,P = Right
    Shift or Space = Jump
    A = Pause
    S = Resume
    L = Music on
    K = Music off
    R/S = Restart level



  5. Manic Miner (Amstrad) Cheat versions

    Manic Miner for the Amstrad CPC range of machines, these versions offer built in cheats to make game play a little bit easier.
    If you are after for original unaltered files please look here instead.
    Two disk (.dsk) versions are provided, both are compatible with the 464,664 and 6128. One is the original Software Projects branded and the other is the re-released Amsoft branded. Apart from the loading screen and very small wording variations in the cheat options selection they are practically identical.
    The range of optional cheats is identical, selectable during loading:
    Infinite lives: Yes/No
    Infinite air: Yes/No
    Immunity to moving enemies: Yes/No
    Level skip: Yes/No
    Starting Level: 1-20
    It should be noted that the 'immunity' cheat does not provide any protection against fire cells! The level skip is activated during game play by pressing the ESC key and simply moves you forward one cavern.



  6. Manic Miner (Spectrum) Cheat Versions

    These are simply pre-built cheat versions of the Spectrum releases of Manic Miner. For original releases please see here
    The download offers not one but two choices of cheating and these are additionally available in both the more common Bug Byte version as well as the Software Projects version too. The game loading Basic has been preserved to as near original as possible but the code block itself is compressed to reduce loading time.
    In summary the cheat choices are:
    1. Infinite lives, fall any height and infinite air
    2. Infinite lives, fall any height, infinite air, harmless guardians and harmless fire cells (full immunity in effect)
    As indicated above both of these variants are available in BB and SP formats, making a total choice of four tape files which are clearly marked as to which is which.
    Regarding the loader and code compression:
    I purposely ensured that the decompresser code returns to Basic after running rather than executing the game code immediately. This makes it very easy to alter or save the game code if required for further editing or suchlike.
    To do this simply "STOP" the Basic at line 20 for the Software Projects version and line 40 for the Bug Byte version. At this stage you can then "SAVE" the game code as usual 32768,32768 for loading into an editor or whatever you wish.
    Note that the call to 33280 is calling the decompression code, so if you are adding any pokes to the loader itself, do not add them before this has ran, simply add your pokes in the usual place ie: just before the USR 33792 statement.



  7. Manic Miner Amiga

    Manic Miner for the Commodore Amiga
    The submission contains two variants as they tend to work on different hardware configurations.
    They are both (unfortunately) not quite untouched original versions however the 'trainers' can be ignored if required. The 'Mayhem' variant seems slightly more compatible with differing hardware configurations.
    I recommend the following initial configuration on an emulator for best results: OCS or ECS (Full) chipset , 512KB Chip Ram , 512KB Slow Ram , 0 Z2 Fast Ram , Extra chipset either 'Generic' or 'A500'



  8. Manic Miner (Cheat Versions) BBC Micro

    Manic Miner for the BBC Micro. The conversion was written by D.J.Coathupe.
    Two completely distinct versions are provided as separate disc (.ssd) images. Both versions feature a bypass to the inbuilt keypad/keylock protection. Simply enter any code or just press Return a few times to have it accepted.
    1. Filename "Manic Miner Invulnerability" .
    As the name suggests this provides near immunity during play. This does not provide infinite air, merely immunity to moving and static enemies as well as long falls.
    Notes: Although the game will not immediately end when the air supply runs out, it will soon crash thereafter if MinerWilly does not complete the cavern within a timely fashion once the air is exhausted. It is also quite possible to stand on fire cells. Some small care must be taken to not jump out of the top of the cavern which again can result in a crash.
    Both of the above small compromises needed during gameplay are very acceptable within this scope.
    2. Filename "Manic Miner Level Skip" .
    Notes: This version does not offer any extra lives, air supply or immunity! It simply allows you to choose the starting level. This in itself is a great boon if you wish to practise a cavern as the BBC version does not contain the ZX equivalent of a '6031769' teleporter routine. The game itself must be reloaded from disc if it is wished to change the level as the patch is applied before the game code is executed.



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