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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community

JSWMM Releases

Remakes and releases built by the jswmm.co.uk community

17 files

  1. JSW - 2024

    2024 marked the 40th anniversary of Jet Set Willy. 🏆
    Initially I had planned on something a lot more elaborate to celebrate this however for various reasons I decided a standard game with a few simple changes would fit nicely.
    There is a time limit of two hours game playing time enforced. If Willy runs out of time (at 12:00AM), the game is over! This is indicated with the game freezing and the word 'time' flashing for a few seconds, leaving the player in no doubt what has happened.
    There are 150 items to collect. Care was taken to place these mostly sensibly without detracting from the original game feeling. Also, some item shapes per room have changed, the main reason being at least one item shape looks like two bottles, so if and when Willy collects one of these it will count as two in his collection.
    The main loop was modified (thanks N.S for your guidance) giving a reasonable speed boost during play.
    Other changes and small fixes include:
    The four original bug fixes were applied with the change of not having an invisible item in The Hall.
    The rope top height was altered to prevent Willy leaving via the top of the room when he is not intended to.
    Aborting the game displays the Game Over page before returning to the title screen.
    The pause bug was remedied by preventing the game auto-pausing
    By default on starting a new game, the in-game tune is switched off. Enabling it will be respected so that starting a new game will remember the players choice.
    The status area was altered slightly, namely the room descriptor was moved down one row, room names were centred and the lives remaining were moved along one block.
    The usual text flicker back to 000 objects / time on losing a life or entering a room was altered to prevent this being so visible.
    Some internal changes to sprite location, mainly concatenating them hence no gaps between.
    Title screen tune changed a little bit (in-game music used) and in-game music from re-release version (MM in game tune)
    Upon reaching Master Bedroom and landing on the bed, the bug whereby Willy could get stuck has been rectified.
    There is one additional room that is accessible but its not necessary to visit it. This was done as a way of avoiding a 'teleport' effect , the alternative as seen in the 2015 bug fixed version required some earth tiles adding which I wanted to avoid.
    Lastly, it is quite possible within the time limit to complete the game. I have played a few times and averaged around 10 to 15 minutes game time remaining without really rushing around.
    I hope my small celebratory 2024 JSW version is welcomed!



  2. Manic Miner - Two Chance Challenge

    A small variation on the original.
    Two lives are provided per cavern.
    How far can you honestly get without rollbacks or any cheating ? 🙂
    Note 1 : Although there is a small piece of patch code in the loader to try to ensure the main loader works in later Spectrum models, it may be best to load in 48K mode on these machines.
    Note 2 : There is a very simple 'anti tamper' check present but rather than punish the player, it will simply remove the detected cheat.
    Otherwise, enjoy.



  3. Manic Miner - DarkLight Modification

    An interesting twist to a regular Manic Miner game!
    Miner Willy can only 'see' what his lamp would conventionally light, making the game much much harder to play.
    Both BB and SP variants are included in individual zip files (as .tzx tape format) as well as the authors instructions with patch file to allow this change to be applied to third party games too.
    The .tzx's are 'ready to play' complete with loader. A small change to the original loading screen was applied too, in essence the attribution text present in the SP variant loading screen is applied to the BB version as well as the removal of the 'flash' effect from the screen itself.



  4. MM2020 Special Edition

    Manic Miner 2020 - Special Edition
    This small eight cavern mini game is dedicated to all essential workers in any industry or sector who are continuing to keep things moving during these highly unprecedented times of the 2020 lockdown. We say "Thank You"
    The game engine itself is slightly modified from standard, the main changes of note being:
    The caverns themselves are identical in layout of guardians and cells to the original except they are mirrored versions!
    There is approximately a 30 seconds air grace period upon entering each cavern
    If the air supply should for some reason actually run out during play the game will continue without loss of a life
    The bonus for making Kong fall into the Portal is increased
    Pressing Break during play to abort the same will unlike the default Manic Miner update the highscore
    The caverns to play are as follows:
    Eugene's Lair
    Miner Willy meets the Kong Beast
    Wacky Amoebatrons
    Attack of the Mutant Telephones
    Ore Refinery
    Skylab Landing Bay
    The Warehouse
    Solar Power Generator
    Should perhaps also be noted that both Kong and Amoebatron's screens in the original game are used twice, here the versions used are the second appearance of each as these variants are a fraction more difficult.
    We will keep a top-x record of players scores too:
    :1st: - 41842 - jetsetdanny
    :2nd: - 40173 - Spider
    :3rd: - 36281 - MtM
    4th -
    5th -
    Thank you , and enjoy! 🙂



  5. Manic Miner - The Big Bonus Edition

    Manic Miner - The Big Bonus Edition
    This is a very simple modification of Manic Miner to provide a higher score compared to a standard version. In addition to this, a few small minor (miner?) changes were also made to improve the game a fraction. Care was taken in what changes were made to avoid an insane score value being obtainable.
    The 'score changes' performed were as follows:
    1. Item Collection: Changed to 1,000 points per item from its default of 100.
    2. Air Bonus: Changed to 10 from its default of 1 per air unit remaining upon cavern completion.
    3. Kong Bonus: Changed to 1,000 from its default of 100 per block the Kong Beast falls.
    4. Extra life: Changed to award an extra life at 100,000 points instead of its default of 10,000 points. This was necessary to prevent an excess of extra lives being awarded!
    Update December 2019 by Ian Rushforth
    A Cheat Mode has been added, which is activated by the BASIC loader if the player presses '$' during loading. i.e. the 'SYMBOL SHIFT' and '4' keys simultaneously. The game then enters 'Mega Bonus' mode, allowing the player to accrue even higher scores than in the 'standard' Big Bonus Edition! (Each of the four 'score changes' listed in bullet points 1-4 above are scaled up by an extra factor of 10.)
    The 'High Score/Score' row, which is printed at the bottom of the screen during play, is rearranged for the Mega Bonus Edition to allow for higher scores to be accommodated - it is now quite possible to reach a score of a million points!
    A 'bug/flaw/imperfection' in the original 'Manic Miner' has been addressed - it used to be the case that if you exceeded the previous High Score during a game, then the High Score was updated 'behind the scenes' at the beginning of execution of the 'Game Over' routine, but the new High Score could not be viewed on the screen until the next game had begun. In this version, once you attain a new High Score during a game, then as soon as that game ends the new High Score is printed onto the 'Game Over' screen just as the 'Boot of Doom' begins to descend!
    Finally, a couple of visual glitches from the original game were fixed. More technical details can be found in the 'Readme' .txt file which accompanies the game.



  6. Manic Miner: A ten-cavern challenge

    The initial idea of this game was to take a different twist on the release of the "Manic Miner - Hi-Score Challenge" game, which, although was reasonably successful in itself, did have some quite limiting factors, namely being forced to either POKE or reload to change the cavern, which meant multiple cavern completion times were not possible.
    With this in mind, Andy decided to make a cut-down version of “Manic Miner”, featuring a mere ten caverns. For the sake of traditionalism the first and last caverns, (those obviously being “Central Cavern” and “The Final Barrier”) were kept.
    It was decided to simply create two other, new versions of it based on what we had, so we would have a total of three games. The new ones being an ”easy” version and a ”hard” version. The thoughts here were to make the ”easy” version a little bit more player- friendly than the original and the hard version slightly more trouble for the player.
    More details of the changes and details between each version amongst other things are in the readme file.
    The download .zip contains a standard .tap file of the game as well as a more detailed readme.txt file
    We hope you enjoy this game as much as we did putting it together and look forward to seeing your high-scores, reading any comments and/or feedback on it. We feel it is an interesting slight twist to the original in offering the choice of skill levels to play at.



  7. Jet Set Willy 25-100

    The initial idea of this small game occurred to Andy one boring weekend afternoon. It was to make a mini "25 items and 25 rooms" variant of JSW, but after trying this out, in reality it did not seem that much fun. Thoughts then turned to have a grand total of 100 items spread around 25 modified rooms. This involved much demolition and rebuilding of Willy's original mansion to accomplish sensibly!
    Some of the conventional paths to reach certain items are slightly altered, although the game room layouts are (broadly speaking at least) not too far from the original game.
    The download .zip contains a standard .tap file of the game as well as a more detailed readme.txt file
    We hope you enjoy this game as much as we did putting it together and look forward to reading any comments and/or feedback on it.



  8. Maria vs. Some Bastards 2019 Bug-Fixed Edition

    Maria vs. Some Bastards is a beautiful game by Vidar Eriksen (Erix1). It uses a modified JSW48 game engine that has come to be known as 'Erix1 Mode'. Its first short demo version was released in October 2001. The game was gamma-released on 6th March 2003, with four bug-fixed revisions (called Rev B, C, D and E) released within the next few weeks.
    A menu screen implemented by the BASIC loader allows the player to choose one of the three modes: Easy, Normal or Hard. According to the message which shows in the opening room, you need to collect 120 items to complete the game if you choose the Easy mode, 240 items if you choose the Normal mode and 246 items if you choose the Hard mode.
    Daniel Gromann raised the question of the game question of the game’s completability on the Manic Miner Jet Set Willy Yahoo! Group in June 2007, when he pointed out that Maria did not disappear after he had collected 251 items in the Hard mode.
    In March 2012, Vidar Eriksen promised to look into the problem and check whether some ‘end-game corrections’ he had done in Rev D were not left out in Rev E. He mentioned that a Rev F might be necessary, but it did not materialise in the following years.
    Ian Rushforth investigated the item-collecting code in Maria vs. Some Bastards and discovered the cause of the bug which made the game non-completable. He announced his findings on Manic Miner Jet Set Willy Yahoo! Group in February 2019, offered a bug-fix for the problem and also showed the way to collect one of the items Daniel had not been able to reach.
    After some further discussions, the Jet Set Willy Manic Miner Community Team produced a 2019 Bug-Fixed Edition of the game, with the following changes in relation to Rev E:
    - Ian’s solution to the bug in the item-collecting code was applied.

    - A way was provided to collect the rightmost item in the room "Stinking sewer" (27), which seems impossible to collect in Rev E.
    - Three items located in the very same (non-)rooms which are used by the Softricks game engine (on which Erix1 Mode is based) to store the item table - which are thus invisible and unreachable in Rev E - were moved to other locations so that they became present in the game and collectable.
    - As the total number of items possible to collect has now reached 256, the number required to complete the Hard mode was set to 256, with the corresponding changes in the BASIC loader and the message in “Master Bedroom”, where the game starts.
    - An item placed in the same location as another item (as happens in “The Beach” in the original JSW) in the room “Afterliving” (46) was moved within the same room to make its collection more demanding and make the player use a route they might not use otherwise.
    - A minor change to the layout of “Alien inferno 2" (49) was applied to force the player to press the special button in that room if they want to complete it without losing a life.
    - The middle item in the room “Bubbles and Bob” (41) was moved to make its collection more meaningful.
    - The up exit from "That slimy room" (11) was changed to itself instead of "The dungeon" (00), in order to prevent the protagonist from potentially getting perpetually stuck at the bottom-right corner of the latter room.
    - The spellings of the room names “Flooding sewer” (15), “Seagull corner” (36) and “Deadly descent” (54) were corrected.
    - A typo in the scrolly for Manic Mining Robot's Day Out, the ‘secret bonus crap game' attached to Maria vs. Some Bastards was corrected.
    - Information about this being the 2019 Bug-Fixed Edition was added on the loading screen and in the REM statements in the BASIC loader.
    - The Readme was also updated with the info that this is the 2019 Bug-Fixed Edition.
    All of the above changes were applied to the actual game file by Ian Rushforth, after some deliberations with Andy Ford and Daniel Gromann.
    We hope you will enjoy this Bug-Fixed Edition and the ability to complete Maria vs Some Bastards at long last. Have a go at it - it’s worth it! 🙂



  9. Manic Mixup

    "Times are tough for poor old Willy. Decades of excessive partying have taken their toll on his finances. Despite already having downsized his mansion in 'Jet Set Mini', he is finding it increasingly difficult to afford the cost of maintaining his home, and keeping his formidable housekeeper Maria in the style to which she has become accustomed!
    And so, after dusting down his trusty hard hat, Miner Willy descends back into the subterranean realm where he first made his fortune 35 years ago. Emerging into the Central Cavern, he soon notices that things have changed somewhat since the last time he ventured down here..."
    'Manic Mixup' is a remix of Matthew Smith's classic ZX Spectrum 48K game 'Manic Miner', and is released in 2018, 35 years after the original game. It can be played on a real Spectrum, on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Vega/Vega+ or on a computer, games console or another device using a ZX Spectrum emulator.
    The starting point for 'Manic Mixup' was an amalgamation of two projects by Dr Andrew Broad: his laterally-inverted version of 'Manic Miner' ('reniM cinaM') and Andrew's 2008 remix of 'Manic Miner'. Into this melting pot was poured a cluster of newly-designed special features, making 'Manic Mixup' quite unique amongst games based on the MM game engine.
    Thematically, 'Manic Mixup' is a sequel to the authors' previous game 'Jet Set Mini', which was a modified version of 'Jet Set Willy' - that in itself being Matthew Smith's sequel to 'Manic Miner'. What a mixup!
    All of the original caverns (and their perilous occupants) have had an overhaul in 'Manic Mixup', and the in-game music has been significantly enhanced. Furthermore, nearly all of the routines in the 'Manic Miner' game engine have been rewritten or redesigned for this project, for various reasons: to provide additional functionality (such as new sound and visual effects, and additional gameplay elements - including putting Willy's hard hat to good use!); to increase the efficiency of the code; and to fix various bugs in the original game engine.
    However, the essence of this 8-bit, 48K game will be very familiar to devotees of 'Manic Miner'. We hope it gives you 'unalloyed pleasure'!
    UPDATE: A minor visual bug during the title screen sequence has just come to light, which crept in because of a tweak to the routine which plays the title tune ('The Blue Danube' by Johann Strauss II).
    When a single note is played, only one piano key is supposed to be lit up (whereas two keys are highlighted simultaneously whenever a chord of two notes is played). The rewritten routine caused two adjacent piano keys to light up when a single note was played.
    This bug during the title screen sequence has now been fixed, and the corrected game file re-uploaded. This change does not alter the gameplay of 'Manic Mixup' in any way.



  10. Manic Miner - Highscore Challenge

    We are pleased to introduce a fun variant of Manic Miner, a 'High Score Challenge' The object is very simple, just obtain the maximum possible score for a cavern! The idea was inspired from a topic on the WOS forum a while ago.
    Upon loading, you will be presented with a menu list of the standard caverns, simply press A to T to select one. This will then become the starting (and only) cavern to play. The caverns are completely unaltered from the standard game, as are the scoring counts.
    Upon completion of a cavern once all the air has been removed, the game will purposely freeze. At this point you can make a note of your score. To restart the cavern at this point simply press BREAK (Caps+Shift)
    The game is provided as both a conventional .tap tape file as well as a .z80 snapshot image.
    Please feel free to tell us your best scores and we will update the rankings below!
    Please note the following very minor changes were necessary to the game engine itself to facilitate:
    There are infinite lives provided
    A loss of life will cause both the cavern to be reset as normal as well as the score
    The "Teleporter" (603179) function is disabled
    There is no demo mode as such, as there is nothing really to 'demo'
    As noted above, once a cavern is complete the game will freeze until BREAK is pressed
    If you wish to change the cavern it will be necessary to either reload the snapshot or do a POKE 34274 , x , with x being 0 to 19 for the cavern choice.
    Enjoy! 😄
    The order in which players who achieved the same score are mentioned shows who achieved this score first.
    Central Cavern
    :1st: - 1724 - Pgyuri, jetsetdanny & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 1722 - Woody
    :3rd: - 1721 - crunchy_frog & geoff
    The Cold Room
    :1st: - 1975 - Pgyuri, JianYang,  crem's algorithm & jetsetdanny
    :2nd: - 1965 - Woody
    :3rd: - 1953 - Spider
    The Menagerie
    :1st: - 1904 - crem's algorithm & jetsetdanny
    :2nd: - 1903 - Pgyuri
    :3rd: - 1900 - JianYang
    Abandoned Uranium Workings
    :1st: - 1854 - Pgyuri, jetsetdanny & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 1852 - crunchy_frog
    :3rd: - 1851 - JianYang
    Eugene's Lair
    :1st: - 1748 - Pgyuri, jetsetdanny, crem's algorithm & JianYang
    :2nd: - 1559 - Spider
    :3rd: - 1195 - crem
    Processing Plant
    :1st: - 1821 - jetsetdanny & crem's algorithm
    :2nd:  - 1820 - Pgyuri
    :3rd: - 1814 - JianYang
    The Vat
    :1st: - 1825 - jetsetdanny, mzx, JianYang & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 1824 - crunchy_frog
    :3rd: - 1684 - Spider
    Miner Willy meets the Kong Beast
    :1st: - 4047 - jetsetdanny, Pgyuri & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 4042 - JianYang
    :3rd: - 3927 - crunchy_frog
    Wacky Amoebatrons
    :1st: - 1376 - crem's algorithm & jetsetdanny
    :2nd: - 1345 - Pgyuri
    :3rd: - 1335 - JianYang
    The Endorian Forest
    :1st: - 1841 - DigitalDuck
    :2nd: - 1840 - crem's algorithm & jetsetdanny
    :3rd: - 1834 - Pgyuri
    Attack of the Mutant Telephones
    :1st: - 1749 - crem's algorithm & jetsetdanny
    :2nd: - 1720 - Pgyuri
    :3rd: - 1719 - mzx
    Return of the Alien Kong Beast
    :1st: - 4276 - jetsetdanny & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 4275 - Pgyuri
    :3rd: - 4244 - JianYang
    Ore Refinery
    :1st: - 1866 - jetsetdanny, JianYang & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 1722 - crunchy_frog
    :3rd: - 1650 - mzx
    Skylab Landing Bay
    :1st: - 1808 - jetsetdanny & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 1806 - JianYang
    :3rd: - 1790 - Pgyuri
    The Bank
    :1st: - 1709 - Pgyuri, JianYang, jetsetdanny & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 1679 - mzx
    :3rd: - 1668 - Spider
    The Sixteenth Cavern
    :1st: - 1830 - jetsetdanny, JianYang & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 1814 - Pgyuri
    :3rd: - 1510 - Spider
    The Warehouse
    :1st: - 1951 - crem's algorithm, IRF & jetsetdanny
    :2nd: - 1909 - JianYang
    :3rd: - 1907 - crunchy_frog 
    Amoebatron's Revenge
    :1st: - 1314 - Pgyuri, jetsetdanny & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 1228 - JianYang
    :3rd: - 1174 - Spider
    Solar Power Generator
    :1st: - 1137 - crem's algorithm & jetsetdanny
    :2nd: - 0862 - JianYang
    :3rd: - 0821 - crunchy_frog
    The Final Barrier
    :1st: - 1776 - Pgyuri, jetsetdanny & crem's algorithm
    :2nd: - 1774 - JianYang
    :3rd: - 1767 - Spider



  11. Jet Set 40-40

    'Jet Set 40-40' is a redesign of Matthew Smith's classic ZX Spectrum 48K game 'Jet Set Willy' with a few interesting and unique features!
    The layout of 'Jet Set 40-40' is very similar to that of the original 'Jet Set Willy', so those who have played the original will feel 'at home' immediately.
    The number of rooms has been reduced to 40 and there is only one item per room. However:
    The player has to collect four complete sets of items; once the last item of one set has been collected, the items of the next set will appear. The difficulty of the game will increase with each consecutive set of items, as more and more guardians emerge to threaten Willy's progress through his mansion and its surroundings!
    The player is offered a choice of rooms in which they can start the game. An option of playing without some of the most extreme challenges can also be chosen.
    We hope you will enjoy this 'quadruple quadragesimal' challenge!



  12. Jet Set Mixup

    'Jet Set Mixup' is a redesign of Matthew Smith's classic ZX Spectrum 48K game 'Jet Set Willy'. It can be played on a real Spectrum, on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Vega/Vega+ or on a computer, game console or another device using a ZX Spectrum emulator.
    The layout of 'Jet Set Mixup' is almost identical to that of 'Jet Set Willy', but most of the original guardians have gone on holiday, and have been replaced on duty by sprites from 'Manic Miner' and 'Jet Set Willy II'. Furthermore, the player is offered a choice of sprites with which they can play the game. We hope you enjoy this 'mixup'!



  13. Jet Set Mini

    "Willy has fallen on hard times. After living the high life for several years, he had frittered away his mining fortune, and found himself struggling with the upkeep of his sprawling mansion. So he had no choice but to downsize to a more modest pile.
    Things settled down for a while, but then he made the mistake of inviting a few of his old friends over to his new gaff for a housewarming party: 'Just a few quiet drinks, nothing major...'
    The morning after the night before, Willy wakes up in the bath with a throbbing hangover, to observe a disturbingly familiar scene. His house is trashed, all his friends have deserted him, an assortment of dangerous denizens have taken up residence - and his tyrannical housekeeper Maria won't let him go to bed until he's tidied up the place..."
    'Jet Set Mini' is a redesign of Matthew Smith's classic ZX Spectrum 48K game 'Jet Set Willy'. It can be played on a real Spectrum, on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Vega/Vega+ or on a computer, games console or another device using a ZX Spectrum emulator.
    Willy's new abode in 'Jet Set Mini' is rather scaled down in comparison with his original mansion. But size isn't everything! Much of the code which was freed up by paring back the layout has been recycled, in order to insert a whole host of special effects into the game!
    Many of these changes are implemented via tools known in the trade as 'Patch Vectors', which are called up on a room-specific basis. There are also a number of generic modifications and enhancements to the game engine. However, the essence of this 8-bit, 48K game will be very familiar to connoisseurs of 'Jet Set Willy'. We hope it gives you 'no small measure of pleasure'!



  14. Manic Miner / JSW 1 / JSW2 Combi (BBC Micro)

    A compilation disc for the BBC Micro combining:
    Manic Miner
    Jetset Willy
    Jetset Willy 2 (both the 'cut down' and the 'full disc' versions)
    Note that none of these have any cheats applied, I've merely combined four disc images from the stardot archive, renamed a couple of files (to avoid conflicts) and created a simple selection menu to build this compilation.
    I hope you will enjoy it. :)



  15. Jet Set Willy: The Nightmare Edition

    Jet Set Willy: The Nightmare Edition


    Experience the timeless classic with a refreshing wave of new challenges and surprises! Solve the mysteries and find all the items... and be quick!
    Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner Community (jswmm.co.uk) is proud to present a new, enhanced version of "Jet Set Willy".
    The project was launched in the Contributor Lounge of jswmm.co.uk on 26th October 2015. The founding idea was to have a new JSW build, using the existing 48K engine, "with a few minor tweaks to platforms and the like". The plan was also to have 256 items to collect and to locate them in interesting places where Willy might not otherwise venture.
    The project exploded in the following weeks, when several Contributors joined in and launched an avalanche of ideas and suggestions for the new build. By the time "The Nightmare Edition" was ready for release on 26th January 2016, over 2000 posts related to it had been published. More than 100 working builds of the game were created, as well as various minor revisions and numerous working files related to the loader and loading screens.
    The general ethos of "The Nightmare Edition" was to work within Willy's original mansion, whilst maximising the difficulty of the classic rooms. However, a few extra screens have been added, inspired by the mythology surrounding the game. Another notable feature of "The Nightmare Edition" is that all unused graphics that were buried in the original JSW game engine since 1984 have been recycled and placed throughout the layout.
    The name "Nightmare Edition" was adopted at some point along the way to reflect the increased difficulty of the game and the devious puzzles designed to make the player suffer. The game contains a substantial number of changes, including technical novelties such as different tunes in various areas of Willy's mansion, and a suitably nightmarish font style! Unlike in the original, the time limit is a serious factor.
    The team of Contributors have worked hard together to convert their enthusiasm for "JSW" into a final product both enjoyable and challenging to the members of the wider ZX Spectrum community. The end result optimises the potential of Matthew Smith's original game layout, somehow managing to be both reassuringly familiar whilst at the same time fiendishly difficult - all within the 48K game engine!!
    A detailed readme file of the building history, credits and technical changes is included in the package.
    "Jet Set Willy: The Nightmare Edition" can be completed without losing a single life. The game has been play-tested extensively and is believed to be bug-free. However, if you find any problems, please report them to us at the community.
    Enjoy... and suffer!
    The download contains the following formats:
    Standard .tap file, suitable for general use and transfer to other formats such as +3 disk or Sinclair Vega.
    High speed .tzx file, suitable for transfer to use on a real machine. This tzx version must be loaded in 48K mode only.



  16. JSW 2015 Bug Fixed Edition

    Here's a jswmm special. :) A bug fixed edition of the original Spectrum version. The following changes were incorporated:
    1. Black instead of blue initial loading page, the reason for this is (2) , it still retains the 'beeps' however they are played after the message not before.
    2. New loading screen to replaced the 'loading' message present on the normal variants. It is compressed to save much time (down to 1485 bytes from 6912)
    3. To further save loading time, the main code was also compressed (reduced from 32768 to 22459 bytes)
    4. The decompress routine purposely returns to basic so it's easily savable as a standard 32768,32768 if desired. Also permits easy POKE entering too. Loader (used BlockEdit to display as it did not fit into one Spectrum screen) ignore odd spacing it looks fine in reality:
    5. Built a ready-made Microdrive version and a +3 disk image as well. Identical to the tape version except a minor filename change for the disk due to +3DOS limitations.
    6. The keypad entry was disabled as it seems superfluous these days.
    7. Auto-pause has been disabled to prevent a lock-up when using an Interface 1. You can still pause the game via the usual keys but it will not 'auto pause' , also a patch was applied to prevent said lock-up if the user decides to pause the game for any reason.
    8. The code that causes the in-game tune to deteriorate with each loss of life was disabled. Although intentional I've always considered it a bug in some way. I also noted (Thanks Skoolkid) that the length of each note slightly increases too with each life loss.
    9. The otherwise invisible and unreachable object in the First Landing was given a form and simply moved down a few characters to enable it to be collected. This 'fix' replaces the official Software Projects fix of moving it to The Hall (where it would still be invisible) , this seems a better fix in some ways as the object is kept on the screen it was intended to be displayed on.
    10. The official Software Projects 'fix' for The Banyan Tree was retained. This simply involves changing an earth cell to an air cell so the tree is climbable.
    11. The official Software Projects 'fix' for The Attic was also retained with a minor alteration. The staring position of one arrow was altered slightly so that both arrows actually appear and function as was originally intended. Some 'fixes' for this it was noted remove one arrow completely.
    12. The minor auto collect bug when Willy enters the Swimming Pool was fixed. There are a few ways of rectifying this however the simple method of simply changing the rope colour to cyan was used. The object form and placement remain unaltered where Matt placed it.
    13. The 'double object' on The Beach was split into a single object and the 'extra' one was moved further down the beach into the 'waves'. The thought behind this is that way Willy is forced to use the conveyor to get that object.

    14. The Conservatory Roof bug was fixed. The official Software Projects 'Fix' for this involves removing one fire cell so the object on the far right is just about reachable, however in practise is it almost impossible to collect them all without any life loss. After studying other variants of this screen, a different 'fix' was applied: The fire cells were moved into groups of two, followed by two objects, two more fire cells and finally two objects.
    15. The issue where Willy can jump from the top of the Watch Tower (and ending up in The Off Licence as the 'Up' location is not defined) was fixed by simply shortening the ramp one block and moving the conveyor down one block. This fix is simple and it also means Willy cannot jump high enough to leave the screen via the top.
    16. The concern where Willy can jump up from Dr Jones Will Never Believe This and end up hitting a fire cell in We Must Perform A Quirkafleeg was reduced by adding a fire cell to the top of the structure, making it very difficult for Willy to accidentally jump up and out of this screen in that manner and in addition the exit for 'up' from this screen was set to be the same screen so if Willy does manage to leave via the top, he will re-appear at the bottom of the screen.
    17. The odd effect where Willy can jump through the top of Rescue Esmerelda and end up in The Ballroom was looked at. It's unclear if this was intentionally left in or an oversight however it did not make logical sense to allow Willy to 'teleport' in such a manner. The fix simply involves adding some earth cells to the top near the conveyor to prevent Willy from being able to exit the screen via jumping up. We gave some thought to using the empty room 47 here as The Belfry as per JSW2 but decided that would be an addition rather than a 'fix', something we wanted to avoid.
    The download offers the following files:
    Jetset_2015_Bugfixed_Tape.zip , containing both .tap and .tzx versions
    Jetset_2015_Bugfixed_Microdrive.zip , an .mdr image for microdrive users
    Jetset_2015_Bugfixed_Disk.zip , .dsk image of the tape file
    Jetset Willy_BugFixed2015Edition_Speedlock_Loader.tzx , Speedlock1 based loader for real machines. 48K Mode only
    Additional Files:
    JSW 2015 Bugfix.rzx , rzx recording of the game being played to completion courtesy of jetsetdanny
    Jetset Willy 2015 Bug Fixed Edition With Cheats_V1.tzx , Speedlock1 based loader with a selection of cheats pre-applied



  17. Manic Miner Updated

    We are pleased to release a mildly updated Spectrum version of Manic Miner.
    1. The new loading screen I put together here has been used.
    2. The code was again assembled using a 'real' speedlock loader for both its intended use (on a real machine) and for tape loading fanatics too. This is not intended as any form of 'protection' it is simply to cut down loading time from approx 3m15s to 2m30s. :) Only the game code is loaded rather than an emulator 'built' one as that would load all the memory which is not needed.
    3. The game code was based on the Software Projects release rather than the more common Bug-Byte one, the reason for this was simply as the Software Projects release was later so it made more sense to base it on the 'last' code as such.
    4. The 'typewriter' cheat was removed. The Software Projects version was "typewriter" instead of "6031769"
    5. To make the game a bit more initially friendly, Willy starts with seven lives instead of three however:
    6. There is no bonus life awarded every 10,000 points any more.
    7. Minor detail: The scrolling message was slowed down a fraction so its more readable.
    8. Minor detail: The scrolling message was altered very slightly to correct a few concerns:


    In essence the changes are to capitalisation, spacing and the 'forgotten' pause keys.
    Enjoy. :)
    Note: Load in 48K mode



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