Jet Set Willy [Remakes]
Remakes by third parties of JSW based games
30 files
JetSet Willy 2 Plus (Amstrad)
By Spider
JetSet Willy 2 + , an updated version of JSW1, MM and MM3 by Andrew Cadley.
Please note this disk image will only work on the 6128Plus machine as it uses some features that are not present on the conventional 6128 machine.
More colours per screen than the usual Amstrad versions are present, as these run in Mode1 which is typically limited to 4 colours out of a pool of 27. This version does not seem particularly hampered by this limitation despite it appearing to use Mode1, likely a feature of the Plus hardware. The enhancement is greatly appreciated.
If curious about the screen modes and limitations then the cpcwiki page here is as good as any place to read up.
It should be noted the normal Amstrad JSW/MM pokes do not work on these versions, likely due to the code being relocated in different memory banks or addresses.
Upon loading you are presented with a choice of JetSet Willy+ , Manic Miner+ or Manic Miner 3+
JetSet Willy+ is in reality JSW2 aka "The Final Frontier" , the Amstrad version being written by D.P.Rowson and S.Wetherill
Manic Miner+ is conventional Manic Miner, again the Amstrad version being written by DP.Rowson and S.Wetherhill
Manic Miner 3+ is the third party remake of MM aka "Manic Miner 3 - Tales from a parallel universe" , written by Lee Tonks. The Spectrum version can be found here on the World of Spectrum site. As far as I am currently aware MM3 was never ported over to the Amstrad by its original author.
The games themselves play as well as the originals although as noted they are distinctly more colourful. The screenshots should assist with this. They all share the same scrolling message (see below) and 'JSW' style title screen too.
Its noted there is no timer / clock counter active in any of the games and in the MM games there is no 'air' supply as such. The JSW style clock is displayed forever locked at 00:00AM. The 'items collected' total also functions in MM indicating they likely share a common core codeblock.
The only very minor correction I felt had to make was to the disk image loader itself to stop it attempting to autoload a game if an accidental keypress was detected as well as a very over enthusiastic 'timeout and load' effect. I also added a small message to the menu page as well to indicate its compatibility as there is otherwise no indication anywhere of it not being suitable for the other machines and attempting to load it on a conventional 6128 just results in an eventual lockup of the machine.
I would consider this a 'bug fix' so I have included this 'fixed' disk image as well as the original untouched one. There are no other changes to it at all.
The versions are clearly marked as to which is which:
"JSW2 Plus" and "JSW2 Plus Fixed Menu" , both are standard disk (.dsk) images.
The scrolling message complete with typo's for all the games reads as follows:
JetSet Willy 2007 (Atari) ZX Port
By Spider
A JetSet Willy Remake for the 8bit Atari range of machines. This is a port / conversion of the original Spectrum edition.
The game plays very well, the colours are obviously different due to the differing hardware and it features the same 'in game' tune as used in the original "official Tynesoft" JSW release for this machine. For the official original release see here
The quality of the screenshots I've taken is not brilliant however from what I understand this is more an emulation issue as I'm not 100% familiar on its correct configuration for these machines.
The .zip contains a standard .xex file format suitable for most emulators.
The title screen and scrolling message also mimic the Spectrum version, as do the rooms and sprites in general. The scrolling message reads:
"Henry's Hoard" (bugfixed versions)
By jetsetdanny
Bugfixed files of the three versions of "Henry's Hoard". All changes have been discussed and described in the Readme.
JSW+ Ve22 rv1
By Norman Sword
The last update of JSW2+. This version was written to correct escaping the "Off licence" in the final game sequence.
JSW Sinclair Z88
By Spider
JetSet Willy for the Sinclair Z88. Authored by Dominic Morris.
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