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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community

Tools and Patches

Various tools, patches and modifications to assist with both game creation and editing.

8 files

  1. JSW Fixer

    JSW Fixer
    A small tool written in Basic by 'Iceman' in 2010 to provide some bug fixes changes to JSW. No game file is included you must supply your own
    Part of the "CSSCGC" aka "BloodBaz - within compilation "CSSCGC Crap Games Competition 2010"



  2. JSW Utility for Dragon 32/64

    A small patch file for the Dragon 32/64 version of Jet Set Willy
    Written in 1985 by Paul Burgin
    There is a single option choice of:
    Extra lives , Infinite lives or Immunity
    The supplied .zip contains a standard .cas file for the Dragon. This should be loaded first then once options are chosen you're prompted to load in JSW



  3. MM Utility for Dragon 32/64

    A small patch file for the Dragon 32/64 version of Manic Miner
    Written in 1997 by Paul Burgin
    Several options are presented with either a Y/N prompt or numerical input:
    Infinite lives
    Number of lives
    Continue facility
    Starting level
    The supplied .zip contains a standard .cas file for the Dragon. This should be loaded first then once options are chosen you're prompted to load in MM



  4. JSW Keypad Trimmer

    A simple Basic program to remove the Keypad data completely from the JSW game code. Load in your game code, load the 'trimmer', run it and save the game code afterwards.
    Two versions are provided:
    1. The basic keypad only version. This replaces the long pointless startup routine with a much shorter (32 bytes vs 10 bytes) and removes the following:
    The keypad messages "Enter code at grid location etc" - 64 bytes starting 34187
    The keypad reading/display routines - 156 bytes starting 34463
    The keypad graphics and attributes - 255 bytes starting 39680
    The codes themselves - 178 bytes starting 40448
    Note this does not remove (most) of the 'garbage data' sat in the sprite editing area as its not all stritcly keypad related. For that see (2) below...
    2. The slightly extended version. This does not remove any 'unused routines' , it merely expands slightly on the above as some random data is present in the sprite area, this will remove it too. See the screenshot of the before/after for this. It is not recommended to use this one on a third party game before checking said areas have not already been recycled for sprite or other data however it is recommended to use this on a standard game before editing it. To clarify this, as well as the above the following are also emptied:
    Source remnant - 64 bytes starting 39936
    Data remnant - 333 bytes starting 40627
    Data remnant - 1152 bytes starting 42624



  5. Manic Miner (C64) Construction Set

    Manic Miner 'Construction Set' for the Commodore C64, by Tim of LCS.
    This provides a level editor, It does offer options to save or load sets of screens to disk as well as play the game upon finishing editing.
    If you were looking for Manic Miner in general for the C64, please see here for an original or here for a cheat version.
    The supplied disk image (.D64) appears to contain the standard level set and is playable as you would expect. There are no cheats built into the game core code.
    Unfortunately there are no instructions apart from what are provided 'in game' as such although it appears to be completely keyboard controlled for the editor part. The 'main' keys are:
    F1 Next screen
    F3 Previous screen
    F5 Return to menu
    F7 Edit mode



  6. JSW Designer for Dragon 32/64

    JetSetWilly Screen Designer for the Dragon 32/64 range of machines.
    As can be seen by the screenshots, it offers a screen and title screen editor as well as the ability to 'compile' the saved data into a stand-alone game with options on the total number of objects to collect as well as a 'finishing' room as well.



  7. JSW 4-Bug Fixer

    This is just a simple Basic program with the four bug fixes** in it as well as the keypad bypass. Its longer than it really should be by quite a way to make it easy to follow and edit if required.
    Simply load and run it and play in the original JSW tape.
    If you wished to save a 'modified' copy of the code block, simply delete line 440 or change it to include a STOP
    ** The 'Move invisible object from "Landing" to "Hall" fix' was very slightly tweaked to give the 'new' object a tiny square shape.



  8. JSW Positioner

    A simple Basic program to allow convenient calculation of the starting position of Willy.
    This is really more suited to games that offer multiple start positions as otherwise it is far simpler to move the position in JSWED or another editor. Games offering multi starts however this will assist as the default starting co-ordinates of one room may not be suitable for another.
    It should be borne in mind this is a simple tool to assist rather than a 'solution' it simply makes working out a calculation a lot quicker than either calculating it yourself or inputting X and Y co-ordinates manually and looking at the result.
    Although the calculations are provided in the excellent disassembly thus:

    This is convenient if you know the exact "AT Y,X" spot otherwise it can become a bit annoying to re-run the calculation, especially if you accidentally mix up your X's and Y's. A simple input X,Y program would suffice however I felt the need for something a bit more friendly than "INPUT Y,X and display a result"
    The 'Positioner' is intended to be very easy to use indeed. :) The program is reasonably well error trapped and you are not able to position him on the extremities of the screen which could cause potential issues.
    Simply use the Q,A,O,P keys to move Willy to the correct location on the blank screen and the POKES (excluding the room #ID POKE which is 34795,#ID) are displayed in real time. This is a great boon as you can have JSWED open alongside to view the room layout to verify you have chosen the correct spot.
    The file is a straightforward .tap , just load it into your emulator and away you go. There is no need (or point) in loading any game data, just load the positioner afresh.



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