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Norman Sword

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Everything posted by Norman Sword

  1. Version Version L5


    JSW 128 VL5 This was written just after JSW 128 VK3. It is an extension of the game, which I pushed towards the feel of Manic Miner In this version changed over a period of two weeks, I took the idea of game save status and changed the way JET SET WILLY plays. If you can play JET SET WILLY then this version might actually be a hindrance to you. For the lesser player it adds the ability to keep on trying a sequence of the game until they master it. The only constraint to finishing is the time limit. There are no lives to be decimated, you are totally free to roam, and free to try any action. The catch is simply that for every instance that you would normally die and loose a life you transported back to the last portal that you visited. Infinite lives and lots of time, sounds easy to finish? The double catch is that every time you die the game re-installs all the objects collected since the last portal, it also resets the ammo. This makes collecting objects different from when you play with infinite lives, a death jump or leap to collect an object, will not collect the object but will transport you back to the last portal, which might be some distance away. You have to perfect all the paths that collect objects and manage to get to a portal and save them. It also changes the way willy re-appears back in a room after death. In this version that simply does not happen, he is moved back to the last portal. f you don't visit the portals then a death could take you back many many rooms and many, many objects collected. Those portals are the most important place to visit. If the game was easy in the standard format, then this version will not have any change in how you play, its design is for the casual player to permit wandering without real consequence. One technical change from JSW128 VK3 was that is Willy does not change colour when immune. This was changed to the room name changes colour when immune instead. This small change was to enable willy to jump on ropes when immune. It has an inbuilt cheat mode, which uses a different cheat code from all other versions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this demo version I have pushed previous attempts at upping the games speed into oblivion. The Title of the file is JSW VL5 demo.tap. Which has a lot more graphics than JSW 128 VL5.tap It does however display the fact it is a demo version.
  2. Updated to the 3rd method. (with the other 2) Was not happy with the speed. So decided to use stack copy with a sprite screen save routine. E.g. The sprite draws on the screen and at the same time saves the background it writes to. Doing this removes one of the long and slow stack copy routines. 100% this is easily fast enough to do perils of willy.
  3. wrote a stack copy version and wondered why it was so slow. Checked the code, and noticed I was redrawing everything on every loop. (it was a test file) With the stack copy the game is viable in this format.
  4. Interested in how this would look if written in the manor I would write it. File included. written over three hours. I have no intention of writing this game, and was more interested in the speed aspect of adding a big chunk of extra screen. Possible to increase speed with stack copy. Perhaps I should alter this code to see what a stack copy would do. The screen mapping is the same height as perils and the width would be mapped as 1.5 blocks per original block. Would still need platforms jiggling about. Again I will state I have no interest in writing this. 1st file "pow.tap" uses LDI 2nd file "Pow Stack 2.tap" uses Stack copy - can move left right. 3rd file "Power.tap" uses a block save and stack copy pow.tap pow STACK 2.tap power.tap
  5. The spectrum playing area and hence the editing area of jsw on the spectrum is 32 tiles wide by 16 tiles high, The perils of willy uses the Vic 20 screen which is 22 tiles wide and 23 tiles high. (this can be changed). Just the fact that the vic 20 game perils of willy has more than 16 tiles in height makes a conversion to the spectrum a non event using the existing clones of jsw on the spectrum. I am ignoring the tile aspect ratio, and the problems with the width. If the screens are remapped to use only 16 tiles in height, then it is not a rewrite onto the spectrum, but a re-design based on the Perils of Willy, which is not the same. The Perils of Willy has a set of known bugs that are used to progress in the later levels. These bugs might be present in JSW on the spectrum, but if they are not then a copy has to remap the screen and change the movement of the game, and hope that it bears resemblance to the original. Easier to start again- how about using PGD?
  6. Taking heed of advice (post 20) the two files (post 19 ) have been zipped into a folder. The original problem was the forums interface will not permit the uploading of executable files e.g. .exe and .com To overcome that problem I renamed the two files and uploaded them .TAP with the explanation for the need to rename back to .exe files. However post 20 pointed out that this forums interface will permit Zipped files, which removes the problem associated with .exe and .com files Since that is a neater and quicker solution for others, the files that needed renaming along with the text explaining the need to rename the files (in post 19) has been deleted. In their place is one single zipped file.
  7. I will upload two versions of this program. Please take notice of my comments. Since this has only ever run on my machine, and I can not be expected to stretch my knowledge to unknown and untried machines. I recommend the host directory to be close to the root directory. e.g. the directory c:\games\jsw\test should prove no problem The directory c:\game\versions\test\root\jetset\modified\deep\problems\test\ might have problems Version 1. TRY THIS VERSION FIRST. File:- No_Otput.exe The reason I say try this version first, is because it has no output file. and apart from opening files to read has little impact on the host machine. The purpose of this file is to identify that the other version has an environment that it should be happy with. If this version runs with garbled output, can not find the files, or has opened the wrong directory. Then DON'T RUN the other file, because it will create a file called "Zxxx9876.txt" somewhere on your drive... version 2 File:- My_dir2.exe The same program as above, with the ability to output the text into file "Zxxx9876.txt". This is opened in the directory of the files it lists. ----------------------------------- common to both versions (unless stated otherwise) Two lines top left, brief list of keys (My_dir2.exe will have an extra option s=save) The direction keys duplicate the keys "Q","A","N","M" lowest line on the left is the dos path that is used for the save file and the files opened The next to bottom line on the left is just confirming the name of the text output file "Zxxx9876.txt" The lines in between (on the left) will show the file names found in the current directory (if any) key "Q" move up a file key "A" move down a file key "N" move back a room name (if names are displayed) key "M" move forward a room name (if names are displayed) The current file name will be highlighted when moving up and down the file name list No idea what will happen if the room names are scrolled into silly positions. e.g. room number 300 or room number -150. Key "S" only in "My_dir2.exe" . this will save the list of room names, up to 64 (might need the text file to be edited at a later date to remove junk names) The saved files are added to the end of the file. If "s" is repeatedly pressed it will just keep on adding the room name list. It is up to the user to decide what if any files are to be added to the file name list ----------------------------------- And something not mentioned anywhere else. The files are PC executable files, and will not run on any other machine. Taking heed of the advice on using a zip file. the two files are in the zip folder And finally if these prove to be useless, I will delete the files.... My_dir2.zip
  8. I wrote a small program in Qbasic7. Which showed up some problems (for me). Multi load TAP files could/can have the data anywhere, no idea where to look. Compressed files are Compressed and need expanding before searching for data Both the multi load and compressed tap files, can have their data extracted by running and saving the game as a memory dump. Even if the dump will not run it is good enough for the room listing program to examine and find the rooms. 128k files are not considered in any form outside the original 48k memory dump. Qbasic7 has basically no real DOS interface--- (windows is a foreign entity) and disc searching is not on the cards. The routine I wrote is very, very, very restricted in usage. It does not traverse directories, it assumes and only uses the directory that is current. The strange thing with the current directory is that I can run a program that permits the usage of directories and allow me to run programs from them. BUT when my QBASIC derived program is run,it is still using the default directory as set by the system, and not the directory from where it was run from. The output file generated is sequentially added to, and the assumption made is it does not already exist. (if it does it will add text data to the end ) And the last big hurdle was QBASIC7 (as used by me) still lists file names under the old dos system. e.g. [filename.ext] , none of the long extended file name syntax such as "JSW the continuing adventures in 23 parts" ------------------------------- What the routine I wrote did. It reads the current directory in dos format and displays the file names in a big long list (in dos format) A cursor can be moved up and down the list and it scrolls if necessary. The current highlighted file is searched for some data that should be in the code (if it isn,t then it is assumed it is not a JSW FILE) when the data is found it then adds a known offset and lists what should be the room names. These are displayed on the right of the screen and can be scrolled up and down. If the data looks like a jsw file, then it can be saved with the dos file name. It is added onto the end of the text file. the output is similar to the data I dumped above. NOTE it searches every file in the current directory.... I just plonked a selection of JSW files in one directory, added the search program file into that directory, and then ran the search program from that directory. The text output file is generated into the same directory. ---------------------------- The basic (no pun intended) routine is simple, but this needs to be done with a language that permits windows and directory traversing. Whilst the routine I wrote is a routine that could have existed 30 plus years ago in DOS
  9. JSWUTIlityCubicals 0< The Green Oasis > 1< Back Exit > 2< Ancient Astronaut Control Room > 3< The Hidden Tomb > 4< Various Passageways > 5< The Pyramid Entrance > 6< The Green Room > 7< Far Side of the Pyramid > 8< The King's Chamber > 9< The Queen's Chamber > 10< Above the Pyramid Entrance > 11< Synthetic Lair of the Pac-Worm > 12< Tip of the Pyramid > 13< Swinging on a Rope > 14< Crossing the Gap > 15< Incomplete Structure > 16< Base of the Tower > 17<Central Administration Building > 18< A Typical Dwelling Place > 19< Hot and Stuffy > 20< Pathway to the Pyramid > 21< Easy Money? > 22< The Submerged Cavern > 23< Big Clam > 24< The Pier at Grimton-Under-Sea > 25< Nemo's Cave > 26< Confusion Pipe, Primary Level > 27< Sub-Atomic Particles > 28< Economy of Space > 29< Big Mushroom > 30< Banyan Tree Growth > 31< Excavations > 32<Confusion Pipe, Secondary Level > 33< Utility Cubicles > 34< The Overhead Compartment > 35< Master Bedroom > 36< More of the Banyan Tree > 37<Strange Fruit of the Banyan Tree> 38< Confusion Pipe, Tertiary Level > 39< Ore-Rich Cavern > 40< Burrows > 41< Echo Chamber > 42< Entrance to the Caves > 43<A Mysterious Dome-Like Structure> 44< East Wall of the City > 45< Deep Down Beneath the Ground > 46< Haven't Been Down Here in Ages > 47< Abandoned Uranium Workings > 48< West Wall of the City > 49< An Underground Room > 50< Top of the Tower > 51< Part One of Two > 52< Source of the Flood > 53< Part Two of Two > 54< Broken Pipe > 55< Secret Temple Chambers > 56< The Flower > 57< Temple of the Circle > 58< Zing-Crash-Bang > 59< Scraping Down Walls > 60< The Bit at the End > 61< The Red Room > 62< The Blue Room > 63< Doc Shiels' Sea-Head Factory > JSWVAMpire lord 0< Sickle Brick Road........Warp>> 1<Eugenes New Chemical Toilet!! > 2<The Devil and the Cream Cake > 3<LOoK At thE GrinGo MaGinGOwNGOO > 4< The Mournings Oak > 5< All's Quiet On Bodmin > 6< Entrance to Hades > 7< The Palace Look Out > 8<The Floating Ice Palace > 9< Willy Watches The Sunrise... > 10<The Balcony (wormwigs) > 11< The Court/Graveyard > 12<Dole-ite Death Grip in Gamma-Qwa> 13<up Hi In'th Sky To Heaven^^^> 14< Shadows of Bad Bad Memorys > 15< All 4 a Little Patch of Green > 16< The Magama Floods Of 76 > 17< Attack of The Baracuda Slugs > 18< The Rancid Plauge Pit > 19< The Bottemless Bog > 20<The Wine Cellar...Free Booze!!!!> 21< The Family Sepulchre > 22<Bow to The Vampires , Willy!! > 23< Mingers Disco!! > 24< The Skull of the Dead Giant > 25< The Mansions Power Supply > 26< My Auntie is a Werewolf!! > 27< The House Pusher?!?!? > 28< Hall of Tortured Souls..... > 29< Countess Bathorys Empty Tub > 30< The Plains of Living Infernos > 31< The Fountain of Virgins Blood > 32< Whintstanley's crevice > 33< Woods outside the house > 34<The Paraniod Skull Brothers!!!! > 35< Dank Passage to the End > 36< The Box Room > 37< The Prosthetic head room > 38< The Broken Passage Squater > 39< The Room of Blood And Bone > 40<Kong Beast Crash Landing NO BODY> 41< Army of Darkness > 42<Blah Blah Leading To Fwanna Fwar> 43< Vampire Lord Watches Over > 44< On top of the house > 45< The Roots of Mourning > 46< The Strange Abandoned Clone > 47< [ > 48< The Sealed Up Room > 49<Bloody Tomb of the Vampire Lord!> 50< Belfrys Private Eyeball Museum > 51< The Dank Underground Garden > 52<Nowt's Changed That Much Our Kid> 53< To the Subterranian Garden > 54< Dead Dark Clouds > 55< Aliens Prepare 4 Attack > 56< The Engine Room > 57< Mecha-Kong Beast > 58< The Broken Shore And Sea Cave > 59< Charons Boat > 60<<<River Styx > 61<!.he:.S7(.MqwaC.W"ATAQEqk...m0kp> 62<Onwards! to Your Next Adventure!> 63<In the Presence of The Almighty!> JSWWEPretty 0< ZERO WATE STATE > 1<T HEB ADDR EAMH OLE > 2< THENEARLYINGONESERRED > 3< DIA MOND B O Z Y > 4<J AN GLING F O R K S> 5<T HE M ILL EN N I UMF ET I S H> 6<T HEM IND WAR PP AVI L ION> 7<T HE S TAR R Y L AS S O> 8<KHEN HAUS KA RI CZUCHS ENN EGG> 9<KIANO TF OR ALL THEE GGSIN SLOVA> 10<P L A IS TO W G R OV E> 11<ST AT EOF E ME R GEN C Y> 12<EM ERG ENCY SB A C K Y A R D> 13<S Y S T O L IC F I E LD S> 14<F ARM ERB R OW N SCO W D I P> 15<T HEG OLDEN DOG TURD> 16< C > 17<S U B M ARI N ER S> 18< THESA FET YZ ON E> 19< GEN ITALIA > 20<A R M YO FM E> 21<S EVE N S U N S> 22<O J O DE P I R A T ES> 23<S A T AN S S H ED> 24< IF W IS HE S WE RE F IS HE S > 25<T HE HOL LOW M O O N> 26< > 27< B L O O D > 28<S TEA KANDBE AN CURD> 29<M O P A L LA G A O L> 30< AN D RE WS AT TIC > 31<K A R IK RIS NI K O V ASL AIR> 32<T H E B OIL ERR O OM> 33< WE PRETTY > 34<PE OPLE A R E TUR N I NG TO GOLD> 35< PLAY HOUSE> 36<SKYLIFE A V I A T I O N AVATAR> 37< G U ARD I ANA NG E L > 38<THRUTHECHROMOSOMESOFSPACEANDTIME> 39<S O W I NG T EARS T O H A N G> 40<STA L L ION C ORB A> 41<A CROSS T HEPALEP ARA BOL AOFJOY> 42<T H E T OMBOF ESAC TCELES> 43<B O ROD IN SGA P T HE OR EM> 44< COPLUKLERIMIZDEKILERDENMIYDI > 45<THEO BJE CTC EN TRICENVIRONM ENT> 46<K AR IS AVE AD DE RS> 47<T HEF A U LT Y LI N E> 48<T HE RAP EOF V ERA B LED SO E> 49< GIACCHE ENNE BIENSTAUCCHE > 50< GIACCHASSE > 51<INTHECHILLYSEETHEGUILDEDRISSOLES> 52<IRON B RIDGE WITH THE CURVED TOP> 53<LOO KING F O R PEP PER CO R N S> 54<T H E OR C HID Z ON E> 55<S EVE N D EA D LYF INS> 56< A S P H A L T ST O R M > 57<THE PRO C RUST E AN ASS IGN MENT> 58<THE MUSE UM OF MOD ERN P ART S> 59<T H E B O G> 60<TH EA I RL OC K > 61<S WAN SREF LEC TI NGELE P H ANTS> 62< DES FURZENS HUT> 63<TH E CAR ROT OF REF LEC T I O N> JSWWIL ~1.SNA 0< The Tabernacle > 1< The Poisoned Oasis > 2< The City of Brass East Gate > 3< The Palace of Brass > 4< The Brimstone Mosque > 5< The City of Brass West Gate > 6< Jutemheim > 7< What's this guy doing here? > 8< Meet the Efreeti > 9< The Minaret / Sacred Verses > 10< Last Train for the Lost > 11< Runaway Trains > 12< The Cloistered Chamber > 13< The Road to Samara > 14< Hel > 15< Niflheim > 16< Asgard > 17< Yggdrasil > 18< The Rainbow Bridge > 19<No Man's Land / Pyramid of Bones> 20< Stairway to Heaven? > 21< Welcome to death, Willy > 22< The Perilous Graveyard > 23< Forcas' Study > 24< The Vault of Dangerous Lore > 25< The Infernal Boiler Room > 26< The Soul Op > 27< The Bone Field > 28< The Morgue > 29< Seven Archangels > 30< The Cocytum > 31< The Phlegeton > 32< The Test of Faith > 33< The Crypt of Willy > 34< The Bone Chapel > 35< Uriel's Abode > 36< Malebolge > 37< Ave Maria Gratia Plena > 38< The Forest of Suicides > 39< The Void of Death > 40< La Danse Macabre > 41< The Earthbound Paradise > 42< The Blessed Dead > 43< The Closed Gates of Paradise > 44< The Styx > 45< Hel's Harbor > 46< The River of Blood and Sperm > 47< The River of Blood and Sperm > 48< Midgard > 49< Audience with a Demon Prince > 50< Valhalla > 51< The Gates of Hell > 52< Halls of Damnation > 53< Long hard road out of Hell > 54< The Mouth of the Pit > 55< The Forbidden Entrance > 56< The Throne Room of God > 57< The House of God > 58< Desert Cacti > 59< Black Sands Desert East > 60< Black Sands Desert West > 61< The Tunnels of Jormungandr > JSWWIL ~2.SNA 0< Split-Level Passage > 1< Bottom Of The Staircase > 2<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> 3< The Alcoves > 4< Hotel Tubeway Enterance > 5< The Main Enterance > 6< Hotel Driveway > 7< The Hotel Gardens > 8< The Main Road > 9< Hotel SPELLIN Enterance > 10< Main Hallway > 11< The Invisible Walkway > 12< Lower Storeroom > 13< End Of The Line > 14< Hotel Lounge > 15< Shhhh! > 16< Grovel!! To The Big Sheet! > 17< On The Roof > 18< I've Forgotten The Name! > 19< I Can't Think Of A Name! > 20< Top Of The Fire Escape > 21< Smoke From Below > 22< Source Of The Fire > 23< Bottom Of The Fire-Escape > 24< End Of The Road > 25< The Tubeway Station > 26< Ticket Office > 27< > 28< Enterance To The Sewers > 29< Gas Leaks > 30< In The Sewers > 31< Disused Area > 32< Someone's Backyard > 33< The Hotel Manager > 34< Top Of The Staircase > 35< The Vase Protection Device > 36< Somewhere Else > 37< Under Another Building > 38< Rope Room > 39< I've Seen HIM Before Somewhere > 40< The Bug That Got Away!! > 41< The White Room > 42< The CrystalStone Road > 43< Hollow Staircase > 44< Hotel Tubeway Train > 45< Inter-Pass > 46< Air-Belt > 47< The Mega-Secret Passage > 48< De-Whatever Chamber > 49< The Electrical Charge > 50< Semi-Visible > 51< Rail-Trap > 52< Invisible > 53< Invisible II > 54< Invisible III > 55< Judgement > 56< Invisible Monoliths > 57< Collapsed Cavern > 58< Platforms?? Where?? > 59< Underground Flow > 60< Pathwalk > 61< The Mega-Secret Passage > 62< Invisible Deathtrap > 63< The Beach > JSWWIL ~2.TAP 0< The Off Licence > 1< The Bridge > 2< Under the MegaTree > 3< At the Foot of the MegaTree > 4< Jet Set Flory > 5< Bow to the Bowl > 6< SPIKE ME ! > 7< Cuckoo's Nest > 8< Inside the MegaTrunk > 9< On a Branch Over the Drive > 10< Hart to Hart > 11< The Garage without a car > 12< Tree Top > 13< Out on a limb > 14< Rescue Esmerelda > 15<I'm sure I've seen this before..> 16< We must perform a Quirkafleeg > 17< Up on the Battlements > 18< On the Roof > 19< Minister will see you now > 20< Dadaistic Aliens > 21< Imuse's Revenge > 22< Death camp memorial > 23< Mine shaft > 24< Mine shaft > 25< Builders' Lounge > 26< East Wall Base > 27< Stairs that go nowhere > 28< Willy's awkward stairs > 29< Oor Wullie > 30< Lost Lives chamber > 31< PYTHONITY! > 32< Follow the white rabbit > 33< Security Monitor > 34< Get the parfume! > 35< Bedroom > 36< Bird and a Chip > 37< Roof Entrance > 38< Priests' Hole > 39< Emergency Generator > 40<Dr Jones will never believe this> 41< The Attic > 42< Under the Roof > 43< You might call it an Endorian > 44< On top of the house > 45<Finally, Willy meets the Taxman.> 46< Tree Root > 47< The Moat > 48< Nomen Luni > 49< Seven > 50< Watch Tower > 51< Matt's Head > 52< The Rope Trick > 53<THNX TO: MS, AB, Gawp, ADG... > 54< Consumite Furore > 55< Prison of the bitch! > 56< Light/Dark side > 57< Programmer's Hideaway > 58< jet_visy used a s*itty editor > 59< Secret bay room > 60< Horrible Flashback > 61< The Vault revisited > JSWWIL ~3.SNA 0< Bottomless Pit Of Nothingness > 1< Kong's Lair > 2< House Of Fun > 3< In The Deepest Jungle > 4< The Big Job > 5< Almost Out Now > 6< Where ARE you going ? > 7< The Big job > 8< The Nowhere Room > 9< Escape From Alcatraz > 10< Repeats > 11< Get The Point ? > 12< Wrong Way STUPID ! > 13< Cloud Nine > 14< In The Burrow > 15< Outer Space > 16<Down Down .... Just Wasting Time> 17< Treacherous Cavern > 18< Blast Off ! - Bombs Away > 19< Off on another Cruise > 20< Old Hat > 21< The Fierce Fire-pit > 22< A Gentle Reminder > 23< Drop Dead > 24< A Nasty Overhang > 25< Cliff-top Observatory > 26< Stumped now Are n't you ? > 27< Boot Hill > 28< J U M P > 29< The Nightmare Room > 30< The Gas Works > 31< Now you're in the smog > 32< In The Tree-tops > 33< Marks Set Off We Go > 34< F L A S H Y > 35< Garden Path > 36< What a Fall !! > 37< A Lucky Catch > 38< CONGRATULATIONS > 39< Emergency Generator > 40<Dr Jones will never believe this> 41< The Attic > 42< Under the Roof > 43< Conservatory Roof > 44< On top of the house > 45< Under the Drive > 46< Tree Root > 47< [ > 48< Nomen Luni > 49< The Wine Cellar > 50< Watch Tower > 51< Tool Shed > 52< Back Stairway > 53< Back Door > 54< West Wing > 55< West Bedroom > 56< West Wing Roof > 57< Above the West Bedroom > 58< The Beach > 59< The Yacht > 60< The Bow > JSWWIL ~3.TAP 0< Power Source > 1< The Underground Laboratory > 2< The Store Room > 3< The Mysterious Passage > 4< The Secret Cabinet Minister > 5< Low Tonee > 6< The Graveyard of Awful Jokes > 7< Downhill > 8< The Garden of Forbidden Fruits > 9< The Room of Stippled Blocks > 10< A Quiet Corner to rest in > 11< Phew, That Was Lucky! > 12< Field > 13< Manic Mushrooms > 14< Hi Toni! > 15< Light Screen Designer > 16< Up and down like a metronome > 17< No Place Like Home > 18< The Arches of Despair, I fear > 19< Nineteen - Not Out! > 20< Iain's Stomach > 21< Up a Tree > 22< Dense Undergrowth > 23< wherever you are... > 24< Master Machine Code!!!! > 25< The Cloakroom Attendants > 26< The Three Wise Men > 27< Reception Antechamber > 28< The Windowbox > 29< Oh no! CLIFF! > 30< What's This? > 31< Doubleback Alley > 32< with sugar > 33< The Big White Telephone > 34< some sort of castle, I suppose > 35<Don't Rest until Grandma's Sober> 36< Alice in Acidland > 37< The Steno Pool (or maybe not!) > 38< The Penthouse Suite > 39< The Balcony > 40< The Leith Police > 41< Willy's Drinking Licence > 42< Tea! > 43< Womflechompies > 44< The Hideaway > 45< The Custard's Last Stand > 46< Holy Floor! > 47< Twilight Hippies (???) > 48< Health-food faggot > 49< Not normally baffling > 50< Crack City > 51< The Promised Land (arctic) > 52< The Promised Land (tropical) > 53< but no sympathy > 54< Eeee, I think I can fly! > 55< Bike Ride to the Moon > 56< Oh no! SPACE INVADERS!!! > 57< Psychic Bread and Butter > 58< Magic Mushrooms > 59< Weeds > 60< Don't Inhale, Billy > 61< Good Skunk > 62< Gettin' Really High > 63< ... > JSWWIL ~4.SNA 0< entrance to the tomb > 1< anybody home... > 2< oh no, not you again. > 3< is that rabbit okay... > 4< the above and below room > 5< convey yourself > 6< purple caves, all in my brain > 7< you like it like that > 8< you cant go that way > 9< inside and outside > 10< more sky than anything else > 11< nice arrow > 12< headz > 13< ooh scary > 14< malicious intentions > 15< boulderdash > 16< its the... pits > 17<itsBADtasteJIM,butNOTasWEknowIT.> 18< dear rope.. > 19<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggghhh> 20<maker of all ; my name in lights> 21< better grab some breakfast > 22< tomb with a view > 23<could this be willys last weeeee> 24< the golden palace > 25< hands off my ribena > 26< i wonder whats down there > 27< more of it > 28< still wondering > 29< die, pig > 30< red > 31< acid barf > 32< the skylight > 33< an orgy sized bathroom > 34< the fuzz > 35< underwater prison > 36< deeper inside > 37< mystic drainage > 38< water feature > 39< niceness > 40< i wanna see you get down > 41< the mushroom cave > 42< is it me or is it hot in here > 43< the plenty of room cave > 44< i like this screen > 45< a bit of a mixup > 46< tucked away > 47< at the top > 48< below the topmost chamber > 49< static > 50< adams apple > 51< guardians > 52<its a dick.. er.. i mean a trick> 53< it really smells down here > 54< hard cheese > 55< mind how you go > 56< what a nice short cut > 57< ab drab > 58< awfully nice but dim > 59< enter the tricky cavern > 60<nestling in amongst the bad guys> 61< dodgy connection > 62<the blue room ---- with object> 63< max headroom > And the above shows you have a big big data base to build.
  10. part 2 JSWINSpace 0< Bottom deck > 1< Shuttle bay > 2< Shuttle > 3< Sterilisation Sector > 4< Shuttle bay service tunnel > 5< Photon torpedoes > 6< Middle deck > 7< Food Store > 8< Transporter 1 > 9< Transporter 2 > 10< Transporter 3 > 11< East Wing Dormitory > 12<The hidden room of many objects!> 13< Earth Exit > 14< Unexpected Happenings! > 15<Captain's Unready Room (Lounge) > 16< The Bridge > 17<Zen & the Art of Oric-exploding!> 18< Sick Bay > 19<Liquefaction of Julia's Clothes > 20< Computer room > 21< Living Quarters > 22< Yes Of Nosod > 23< Solar Cells > 24< Frankie Comes To Scunthorpe > 25< Into the Inky Black Void > 26< Don't fall off > 27< The Catwalk > 28< Costa Pan-handle > 29< Bedpan > 30< Keep it under your hat! > 31<Sh! Secret room! Mum's the word!> 32< The Entrance into Nowhere > 33< The Star-spangled Stairway > 34< Countdown to Lift-off > 35< Nose Cone > 36< Top of the Stairs > 37< Even the trees are weird! > 38< Heyyy! Weeeird! > 39< See-link > 40<In the foggy region above stairs> 41< Moon Craters > 42<Raymond Briggs fans everywhere..> 43< Leap of Faith > 44< The Bridge above Nowhere > 45< Half-way House > 46< System Variables > 47< ...The Space Station... > 48< Sky Hooks > 49<Willy & the Great Glass Elevator> 50< Vermicious Knids! > 51< Planetfall: Return to Endor > 52< Star Struck > 53< Nowhere > 54< Realm of the Pudding-birds > 55< Alien Highway Encounter > 56< Extremely Unpleasant Alien Goo > 57< Me Tarzan... > 58< Geoffrey's Tube > 59< Atomic Power Pile > 60< Observation Dome > 61< Suit up! Shooting Stars... > 62< The Engine Room > 63< Worse Things Happen In Space > JSWIVY 0< The Pigeon and Flag > 1< A Bridge Too Far > 2<That Megatree Gets Everywhere...> 3< Dullsville > 4< Completion of Garden Triptych > 5< Huh? > 6< Red Alert > 7< Firestarter > 8< Was It Worth It? > 9< Above the Beach > 10< Bright Eyes > 11< Trinketry > 12< Kitemark > 13< 'Mined' Your Step! > 14< The Monks' Building Site > 15< You, Robot > 16< What is a Quirkafleeg, anyway? > 17< Macaroni Bill > 18< Has Anyone Seen Andre? > 19< Remember This Abbey? > 20< The Impossible Jump? > 21<The (Very Large) Drinks Cabinet > 22<I >Know< I've Seen This Before..> 23< A Taxidermist's Nightmare > 24< Two Heads Are Better Than One > 25< The Waxworks > 26< Double Your Money > 27< Let There Be Light > 28< Access All Floors > 29< Minor Willy > 30< Banyan Tree Revisited > 31< The Neglected Swimming Pool > 32< Poste Restante > 33<Where It All Begins Boot Me!> 34< Halfway Hallway > 35< Ted - I Want My Bed! > 36< Software Backup > 37< Clement Time > 38< The Catacombs > 39< Dizzy Heights > 40<._._._._. . paranoia . ._._._._.> 41< Styx and Stones > 42< Much Ado About Something > 43< Bitter Late Than Never > 44< ^^^ DANGER - RETROACTIVE ^^^ > 45< W. C. Fields > 46< Playing With Knives > 47< Pet Shop People > 48< Nomen Loony > 49< Ted's Labrotory (sic) > 50< The Orchard > 51< Previously Untitled > 52< Money For Old Rope > 53< An 'arrowing Experience > 54< Memorabilia > 55< Shepherd's Delight > 56< Treasure Hunt > 57< A Close Shave > 58< Life's a Beach > 59< Willy's New Yacht > 60< "Tax Haven" - > 61< The Badly-drawn Room > 62< Attribution > 63< RAMPACK WOBBLE (CIRCA '81) > JSWJOIN the jet set 0< The Off Licence > 1< Off to town! > 2< Wigfalls > 3< The On Licence > 4< The Smithy > 5< The Object Shop > 6< Entrance to Hades > 7< Hades > 8< Inside the trunk > 9< Branch > 10< The Plumber is incompetent > 11< Over Dover > 12< Tree Top > 13< Out on a limb > 14< Bug-Bytten > 15< Who is Luke Warm anyway? > 16< Nelli Secundus > 17<A Big HELLO from Richard Hallas!> 18< The Book Tower > 19< The Ice Volcano > 20< Over the harbour > 21< In mid air > 22< Over the ocean > 23< Outskirts of town > 24< Under the mansion > 25< Into the sky > 26< Courtyard > 27< My Old Flame > 28< Use "WRITETYPER" in this room! > 29< Sweet dreams! > 30< A far cry from Hades > 31<What shall I do with this room? > 32< Plinth > 33<In the Hall of the Mountain-King> 34< If I were a rich man ... > 35< Maria's Hideout > 36< The Gaping Pit > 37< WC > 38< The Cess Pool > 39< The Garden > 40< Tree trunk > 41< The Greenhouse > 42< Mules Pong > 43< The TV Room > 44< Eugene's Lair > 45< Tree Tops - the sequel > 46< Up in the clouds > 47< [ > 48< Is this Pacman or Caterpiller? > 49< Cliff walk > 50< Below Hades > 51< Top of the cliff > 52< The wide blue yonder > 53< Into the wide blue yonder > 54< Library > 55< Mountain Peak > 56< M*E*S*H > 57< The Terrace > 58< Crusoe Corner > 59< The Yacht > 60< The Bow > 61< All at sea > 62< The Aviary > 63<How on earth did you get here ?!> JSWLORD of the rings 0<A Long-expected Party > 1<The Shadow of the Past > 2<Three is Company > 3<A Short Cut to Mushrooms > 4<A Conspiracy Unmasked > 5<The Old Forest > 6<In the House of Tom Bombadil > 7<Fog on the Barrow-downs > 8<At the Sign of The Prancing Pony> 9<Strider > 10<A Knife in the Dark > 11<Flight to the Ford > 12<Many Meetings > 13<The Council of Elrond > 14<The Ring Goes South > 15<A Journey in the Dark > 16<The Bridge of Khazad-d.m > 17<Lothl.rien > 18<The Forbidden Pool > 19<Journey to the Cross-roads > 20<The Mirror of Galadriel > 21<Farewell to L.rien > 22<The Stairs of Cirith Ungol > 23<Shelob's Lair > 24<The Great River > 25<The Breaking of the Fellowship > 26<The Choices of Master Samwise > 27<Minas Tirith > 28<The Departure of Boromir > 29<The Riders of Rohan > 30<The Passing of the Grey Company > 31<The Muster of Rohan > 32<The Uruk-hai > 33<Mount Doom > 34<The Siege of Gondor > 35<The Lord of the Rings > 36<Treebeard > 37<The White Rider > 38<The Ride of the Rohirrim > 39<The Battle of the Pelennor Field> 40<The King of the Golden Hall > 41<Helm's Deep > 42<The Pyre of Denethor > 43<The Houses of Healing > 44<The Road to Isengard > 45<Flotsam and Jetsam > 46<The Last Debate > 47<The Black Gate Opens > 48<The Tower of Cirith Ungol > 49<The Land of Shadow > 50<The Voice of Saruman > 51<The Palant.r > 52<The Field of Cormallen > 53<The Steward and the King > 54<The Taming of Sm.agol > 55<The Passage of the Marshes > 56<Many Partings > 57<Homeward Bound > 58<The Black Gate is Closed > 59<Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit > 60<The Scouring of the Shire > 61<The Grey Havens > 62<The Window on the West > 63<> JSWMONstrum 0< The Upstairs Lounge > 1< On the Way Out the Door > 2< The Red Lion Pub > 3< The Room Behind the Bar > 4< Somewhere Below, Above > 5< The Top > 6< Norman Crocodilidine > 7< Foot of the Steep Hill > 8< West Ponsanooth > 9< East Ponsanooth > 10< The Layby > 11< The Lemonade Man > 12< Parson's Beach > 13<The Lethal Tides of the Helford > 14< Funny Tunnels in the Sand > 15<Tunnels Leading Under the River > 16< Under the Helford River > 17< Under a Sand Bank > 18< Aquatic Lair of the Morgawr > 19< More of the Aquatic Lair > 20< Cubist Dream > 21< Revolution of the Dream Cycle > 22< Descent into Dream > 23< Exit, or Continue the Cycle > 24< Atop Mawnan Old Church > 25< The Owlman > 26< Entrance to the Church > 27< Inside the Church > 28< Deep within Mawnan Woods > 29< Pitch Black Crypt > 30< Further into Mawnan Woods > 31< An Eerie Cave > 32< Tourist Trap > 33< I Know What I Like... > 34< The Tower of Urquhart Castle > 35< The Nnidnid Chamber > 36< A Good View of the Loch > 37<A Lower Floor of Urquhart Castle> 38< The Far Bank of the Loch > 39< Loch Ness > 40< Watery Tunnels The Loch > 41< Submerged in Loch Ness > 42< The True King of Ireland > 43< Puck Fair > 44< West Killorglin > 45< East Killorglin > 46< Marine Peiste > 47< On the Green at the Ninth Hole > 48< Peat Bog > 49< Typical Irish Countryside > 50< the moment we exit > 51< on top of his buzzer > 52<Coogan Barray his arrow of song > 53< Me and Tam Tower > 54< Sea-Heads > 55< Alf O'Coders - This Heady Case > 56< The Rodney Stones > 57< The Pictish Beast > 58< Exit, or Continue Wandering > 59< Wandering Through a Dream Maze > 60< Ascent into Dream > 61< Rheotist Dream > 62< On the Way In the Door > 63< Dermot Maguire's Public House >
  11. A list of some room names. If this is expanded to all known versions, it will end up very large. JSW continuing adventure 0< The Cook's Birthday Cake > 1< The Laundry Chute > 2< The First Indoor Bridge > 3< The Wash Room > 4< The Drying Area > 5< The Safe > 6< Entrance to the Mine > 7< The Upper Mine Shaft > 8< Abandoned Coal Face > 9< The Support Shaft > 10< Miner's Living Area! > 11< Don't Go Down!! > 12< The Tunnel > 13< The Moss Room > 14< The Rough Tunnel > 15< They've All Got the Shakes! > 16< Are You Good at Jumping? > 17< The Miniature Sherwood Forest! > 18< Outskirts of the Forest > 19< The Dam > 20< Dam Control > 21< Don't Say I Didn't Warn You! > 22< The Dreaded Room of Weirdness! > 23< The Lift > 24< The Lower Lift > 25< Under the Lift > 26< Further Under the Lift > 27< The Crevasse > 28< Chamber of Fire > 29< It's Not Easy Being a Dalek > 30< The Odd Room! > 31< The Conveyor Room > 32< The Underground Gym > 33< The Newly-designed Bathroom > 34<I'm Sure I've Seen This Before!!> 35< The Place of Eternal Rest > 36< The Plain Room > 37< The Disused Corridor > 38< Stalagmites and Stalactites > 39< The Indescribable Room > 40< Near the Top of the House > 41< The Roof Platforms > 42< Use the Force, Willy > 43< The Sky-ladder > 44< Are You Afraid of Heights? > 45< Into the Stars > 46< The Moon Surface > 47< The Moon Caves > 48< The Lunar Transporter Room > 49< The Further Recesses > 50< The Leaking Roof > 51< Under the Lake > 52< The Mound > 53< Above the Transporter Room > 54< The Large Cave > 55< The Small Cave > 56< The House Transporter Room > 57< By the Acid Lake > 58< Don't Fall Off! > 59< Antechamber > 60< Unsafe Deposit Box > 61< The Quick and the Dead! > 62< The Secret Passage > 63< The Secret Cavern > JSWDRUnkan master 0<Grab as much as you can and run!> 1< Don't worry it'll be over soon!> 2< Doesn't look so mega to me > 3< This tree > 4< The Drive > 5<PHEW!! They filled that hole in!> 6< Alreet' Skull? > 7<You haven't seen the last of me!> 8< Don't fall (or jump) off here > 9<This place doesn't look too safe> 10< The Front Door > 11< The Hall > 12< Startin' to get rickety again > 13< EGGIE CHUCK! > 14<NAH! You still can't shag here..> 15<I'm sure I've seen this before..> 16<I must perform a quick labotamy > 17< Pleased as Punch e > 18< On the Roof > 19<Party finished yesterday LEAVE!!> 20< Ballroom East > 21< Ballroom West > 22<To the Kitchens Main Stairway> 23< The cooks are revolting > 24<Because Willy bought a microwave> 25<The gits never clean the fridge!> 26< East Wall Base > 27< The Desocrated Chapel > 28< They smashed the stairs > 29< The slightly easier Nightmare > 30< I see something up ahead > 31< They even pissed in the pool > 32<Did you take the maverick route?> 33< It started with a curry > 34< I wish I'd had chips instead > 35< Mastur Bation > 36< Take it to the bridge > 37< The sparsely furnished orangery> 38< The priest jumped off the roof > 39< Generator down! > 40< An entrance to a second turret?> 41< The Attic Remix > 42< There's a plane in my Ceiling > 43< Conservatory Roof > 44< What! No Bellz? > 45< The previous owners porn stash > 46< I never knew about this place! > 47< The Oubliette > 48< More like just a LOONY bastard > 49<They never even touched the wine> 50<I used to see the shop from here> 51< They can't hurt you now > 52< Back Stairway > 53< There used to be a door here? > 54< West Wing > 55< Down, down and down > 56< West Wing Roof > 57< Into a room full of down > 58< The crabs fucked my sandcastle > 59<Those bastards blew my boat up!.> 60<They built this wall for you man> 61<So you risked your life for this> 62< Right hand side of the turret > 63<Just where is this taking me to?> JSWFANtasy adventure 0< MMMM!!! Me meths stash!!! > 1<This isn't my beautiful fountain> 2< I am the pepperoni man! > 3<"You'd think by now that people > 4<Worst Nightmare(Psycho eggz UXB)> 5< Pool of the swims? > 6< The Mosh Pit > 7< Backstage (NO AUTOGRAPHS) > 8<I used to dance here but now I > 9<croon the ballad of a lonely man> 10<An explanation is long overdue! > 11< The Hallway to a better place? > 12< Seranada!!! > 13< The Hot Palace > 14< Sauna us up!!! > 15< Ah Yea! Fresh Air > 16<must perform a botany(Penthouse)> 17< A clear night on the moor > 18< Pit above the favourate place? > 19< Fugee Werewolf in the Garden > 20< On my way to the promised land > 21<Think I used to park my car here> 22< Pseudo SEGA 1986 > 23< Quiche > 24< Ham and Egg > 25< Who ate all the pies? > 26< East wall sanitarium > 27< Deathcaps on the belt > 28< The worlds most popular linker!> 29<................................> 30< "I see dead people" > 31< This looks like a tomb > 32< Fire in the sky! > 33< The unsanitary reading spot! > 34<are fuckin' sick of this room!" > 35< The one we all know and love! > 36< The Underground Shrine > 37< Desocrater! > 38<The priest was not a God Squader> 39<Now I'd like to leave this place> 40< EEGROE NERPIN TRUMPET FEST 2K2 > 41< Sax-a-ma-phone > 42< Brassed off!!! > 43< I see light > 44< At last I smell the air of day > 45< Foggy old field > 46< The Graveyard > 47< Rock me Asmodieus! > 48< The world is collapsing? > 49< Poisoned froggy > 50< Am I in the right game here? > 51< Someones eaten the gardener > 52< Back door with fire escape > 53< Back gate > 54< Step into the light > 55< LIMBO > 56< The strange shore in the sky > 57< Worlds strangest lake > 58< The River Bank > 59< The River Bleeds > 60< Oh my....ooh hooray!!! > 61< The silver staircase > 62<................................> 63< They buried miners here!!! >
  12. Norman Sword

    Willy HQ

    The Date I used 1985, was obtained from a history of Tandy site which listed their computer model history. I feel it is wrong, and I will change the date accordingly. Manic Miner released August 83 by Bug Byte and later that year by Software Projects Jet set willy released 1984. The megatree and the period after the release of Jet Set Willy are roughly the same. E.g. After the release of Jet Set Willy and around the end dates for the release of Jet Set Willy II. Which put the dates back to very vague. (TRS stands for Tandy Radio shack) which is why I will call the computer a Tandy when it has a radio shack label From another site listing the history of Tandy computers we get TRS-80 Microcomputer System Model 1 Level 1 Radio Shack - Tandy 1977 TRS-80 Color Computer Tandy 1980 TRS-80 Model 100 Portable Computer Tandy Radio Shack 1983 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Tandy 102 Portable Computer Tandy Radio Shack 1983 TRS-80 Colour Computer 2 Radio Shack Tandy 1983 Tandy TRS-80 Model IV Tandy 1983 TRS-80 Model 102 Portable Computer Tandy Radio Shack 1983 Tandy Color Computer 3 (CoCo 3) Tandy 30th July 1986 Tandy 1000 HX Personal Computer Tandy 1987 Tandy 1100FD Laptop Computer Tandy Radio Shack November 1989 Which is unfortunately no help. It simply dates the model 100 back as early as Manic Miner . e.g.83 Perhaps the other site I read the date from was confused by the model 100's name, which was originally the Kyotronic 85, which sold in Japan. As is usual I can not find the site in question (browser history will be in the 1000's, So I am not going through that) The gist of the original dialogue was that the tandy model 100, was named the Kyotronic and designed and built in Japan. It did not sell very well and was eventually bought by Tandy and repackaged as the Model 100, sold in America in 84, and brought to the UK for 85. Wiki does not agree with that timeline and the model history of Tandy (as listed above) also does not agree. So I am editing the dates listed with the pictures.
  13. Norman Sword

    Willy HQ

    The most common file/picture of Matthew is this and a series of pictures taken at the same time. Either that or this was his favourite worn to bits jumper. A couple of clues on the dating of this picture and therefore all the pictures taken at the same time. The monitor is sat on a Tandy hard drive. Bought with the proceeds of Manic Miner The portable computer he is sat behind is a Tandy model 100, This was sold originally under a different name, but became the model 100 for Tandy in 1985. (see post number 15 concerning this date) The third picture is taken at a residence in Birkenhead, after the completion of Jet set Willy. This was the time which achieved very little and is I supposed classed as "writing the megatree" Addendum, due to having re-assigned the date for the model 100 as early as 1983 (possibly). The only definite clue for the date is the hard drive. Which is after Manic Miner.
  14. Norman Sword

    Willy HQ

    Decided to use better maps to place the building better on the ground. The crude overlay, was just that very crude. This places the building more accurately on the ground
  15. I walk into the "banyan tree" room, slow it down to the slowest setting and then can pass through the room nearly every time, at the first attempt. Something I can not manage when I play the original. I will time the slow speed. ----- It is timed at 25.93 . So the slow setting is around 25%+ slower than the original.... so a 25%+ reduction in speed makes it so much easier. And a doubling in speed makes the traversing a lot faster.
  16. I made a statement "WORLD'S FASTEST" in one of the screens on JSW128 VK So here I will justify the claim, and add some data. The Timing quoted for all versions is the time taken to do the same double room walk. The double room walk is through "The Kitchen" and then through "West of kitchen" Times are displayed to 100th of a second. Whilst the timing is accurate, my reactions varied a lot. Since music only slows this down, all times are without music. The T-states quoted are the times needed to copy one byte from memory and move elsewhere. This timing is needed because the slowest part of the game is the huge amount of data copied on each and every game loop. It is these copies which have one of the largest influences on how fast the game runs. Matthews unmolested code using LDIR --- each byte taking 21 T-states 19.96 to 20.12 rounded up to 20.00 seconds. My code changed back to using ldir's is comparable in time, which considering all the extra routines, is to be expected. 20 seconds My code using a long line of LDI's ---- each byte taking 16 T-states plus a small overhead 15.46 seconds. Mark Woodmass posted a "marginally faster" versions of Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy to alt.binaries.comp.sinclair on 27th January 2002 his version of jsw does the double room walk in 15.51 Mark Woodmass uses a stack copy routine and it also destroys the rope routine. (e.g. it is bugged) Mysterion posted his Turbo versions, so I will list the times from his versions These use a stack copy method and the 128k, increase in speed is achieved by rolling the code out further Matthews code using Stack copy --- stack copy has a theoretical minimum of 10.5 T-states, but the overhead is quite high 13.71SEC IN TURBO JSW IN 48K 12.14SEC IN TURBO JSW IN 128K And finally I will list the times from My stack copy routines 10.61 in 48k This is 3.1 seconds faster than Mysterion's version in 48k My version in 48k is still 1.43seconds faster than Mysterion's version which is rolled out and will waste quite a large chunk of the 128k of ram needed. So yes "WORLD'S FASTEST" NOTE the timing depends on the individuals response to the change of screen and partially to the machine it is being tested on. The times I list are consistent with the machine and hardware I use. (others will obtain different timing) however the overall trend will still be as above. Addendum concerning Speed and T-States From the above it is easy to see the relationship between the double room walk time and the T-State's for the method used to do the screen copying. LDIR 21 T-states 20 seconds LDI 16 T-states 15.46 seconds stack 10.5 T-states 10.61 seconds
  17. Norman Sword

    Willy HQ

    Something that I posted back in August 2016 on Facebook drawing By D.P.Rowson. And with his comments Mock up. Not to scale and drawn on recollection only, of the building above. Top picture is an enlarged portion of the lower picture. Room allocation was dynamic, so this allocation is a snap shot.
  18. Norman Sword

    Willy HQ

    Software Projects occupied the part I have shaded in purple.
  19. Norman Sword

    Willy HQ

    Very few pictures exist of the bear brand Picture 1 down the side of the main building Picture 2 view from the air Picture 3 Gate past the main office down towards the works Picture 4 A crude overlay of the building on a map. Pictures 1 and 3 by John Shaw. Just before the demolition. All the workers used the nearby Sainburys , as a food source.
  20. 1) Differing Versions -- The game cycles every main (Title) screen display, between Bug Bytes and Software Projects version. The animated display on the main (Title) screen (near the house) shows the sprite from the version that will play. There is no option to switch mid game. ***NOTE*** the differing versions are swapped on the Title screen, If a version is displayed and you want the other version. Then start the game, and the abort back to the Title screen. The versions will have been swapped. 2) Toolkit -- The toolkit will rebuild collapsing floors when active. When the toolkit icon is displayed pressing "9" will rebuild all collapsed floors. Needed when you have collapsed all the floors and have no way of returning. Pressing "9" rebuilds the floors to enable escape. This is mainly needed when the medical kit is used and he has managed to get stuck somewhere. 3) Alternate movement -- In manic miner to jump and turn around at the same time requires Willy to do a standing jump. e.g. the sequence from jumping right and holding down the jump key and then trying to turn around. Normal Manic miner movement - Jump right - static vertical jump - jump left. The alternate style of movement removes the static jump. Willy will do the sequence of - jump right - jump left (no static jump) This also happens when walking and turning around. the difference between the two is one frame of movement. The alternate version enables willy to turn around faster. This change was introduced to enable faster movement response. It is subtle but if you are aware of the change it enables faster response when turning, which can be the difference between life and death. Easter egg- When the credits screen is displayed. Hold down "1" and tap enter.
  21. All objects should be now collectable. I have moved the one in "West of Kitchen" 127 rooms now have an object to collect Only "Entrance to Hades", has no object. To edit the game and change the layout or item position, is no more difficult than any edit using the standard edit programs. ;------------------------------ When writing the game ------------------ The repeated editing eventually wore me down. On every edit it must be remembered to put the arrows last. Fine, but a quick edit and putting an extra sprite in here or there, necessitates moving the sprite order around. So easy to forget, when it was just a quick edit. For the above reason, I added a routine to sort the sprites at run time. (just for the arrows) so every room is checked for sprite order, and pesky arrows are automatically moved to the last sprite slots. The routine was meant to be removed, but it uses only 60 bytes and saved me so much time on needed re-ordering, it was left. (having checked the present data, it has little effect - no arrows collide with sprites in the rooms it has need to re-order )
  22. I think this answers your question on my arbitrary selection of 74 arbitrary Dictionary.com subject to individual will or judgement without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion: Cambridge Dictionary based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason: Oxford Dictionary Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. Wiktionary Etymology From Middle English arbitrarie, Latin arbitrarius (
  23. My game code checks for "0" and uses this as a signal for the completion of the game. so in my version you can only have 0 to 255 objects. with 255 being the maximum. if the code assumed that a true "0" could not happen unless it was game finished. Which is not an unreasonable assumption. This is just assuming the game has objects at the start. Otherwise we start with no objects and no purpose which is a strange starting point. This is talking about object collection, and ignoring the actual coding used in the game. (the actual game, increments from a negative value) The code for object collection could blindly decrement the object count and check for none. I check for none before collecting an object, and I again check for none after the object is collected as well. This double check is not needed. It was added so I could mess with the number of objects specified at the start of the game. This consisted of inserting a value over the actual item count (after it is calculated in the game) Thus I could collect one object and go to the bedroom to start the game finished sequence. This left the problem of the collecting of an object with the counter at zero (plenty more objects defined in the game) ----this necessitated the double check - not needed but left. --- using a value to represent the objects to collect, as opposed to the actual code in the game---- a value of 1 indicates 1 object, when an item is collected the 1 is decremented to 0 ---- game finished ----- ------ -----2 ---------- 2 objects, ----------------- ------ 2 -- --------------- --- 1 ------ ----- -----3 --------- 3 ----------, --------------------- -- 3 -- --------------- ---- 2 ---- ------- -----4 --------- 4 -------- ,---------------- ----------- ---- 4 ----- -- --------- ---- 3 ------ ----- ----- 255 ------ 255 objects, --------- ----- ----- 255 -- ------------- ----- 254 and finally a value of 0 indicates 256 objects, when one item is collected the value is decremented to 255 --- carry on So if a need arose for 256 objects I would/could change the code to cope. So it is possible to have 256 objects to collect. Space is allocated for this many in the object list.
  24. Addendum JSW 128Vk2 is a file (game) that runs on a 48k Spectrum. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is called JSW 128 V?? simply because When I looked at the amount of editing that has/had occurred on Matthews original file. I noticed that the vast majority had stuck to the limitation of 64 rooms as designed by Matthew. Some brave soles had managed to add a hand full of rooms onto the 64 original. As far as I was aware no one had edited JSW to improve on 74 rooms. The figure 74 was an arbitrary figure set as a benchmark to beat. Having devised a method for storing the keys/objects that did not waste memory in the manor used by others, I added some rooms. Keeping to the format that Matthew had devised I managed to keep on adding rooms just by room layout compression. In the end I decided I wanted to add features so I compressed the room data/sprite data etc. I expanded to the limit that my new key layout would permit. The game as played has two versions of JET SET WILLY within its memory. But It could be a totally different plan, their is no layout restrictions. The dual game was just laziness on my part (the need to design 128 new rooms, as opposed to writing the code to add features) Since my target was 74 rooms, which was easily beaten. The room count ended up as 128, which exceeds the old count of 74 by 54 rooms. JSW 128 VK2 is just emphasising that this version has 128 rooms.
  25. JSW 128 VK3.Tap View File Altered Reality. The basic Core of this game is Matthew Smiths original code. Which although edited still runs in the original 48K Due to extensive compression and rewrites of the original code this version. Runs at double the original speed Runs with up to 16 sprites per room Runs with up to 32 arrows per room Has diagonal sprites Has mid sprite bounce Has homing sprites Has 128 rooms and ..... I will leave the user/player to work out what has changed. Uses "G" key- "H" key- and the "K" and "L" key --------------------------------------------- Technical addendum :- files needed to construct the game NOT INCLUDED. These files are used to generate the game file main files:- mnjsw9.asm 15,264 lines in 423,867 bytes manic_edit_copy.asm 342 lines in 10,576 bytes fixed_page.asm 1,249 lines in 48,929 bytes merged.asm 40 lines in 2,096 bytes included data files when assembling x0 1132 lines in 39k ; big data statements x1 286 lines in 20k x2 509 lines in 22k x3 1103 lines in 41k included binary files when assembling edited-edit_3 6.75k control.txt 650 lines in 20k game files jsw0.tap 30.9k jsw1.tap 30.9k the files control.txt jsw0.tap and jsw1.tap are processed by saveab1.bas this is 1651 lines of qbasic in 48.07k The process's includes- read room layout, compress data -output room layout data read sprite data and read control file, change sprite data compress and output reconfigure the key data and output read the room data, discard unwanted data compress and output in essence the basic file is taking the two games and merging into a set of output files, needed to assemble A sprite editor and a room editor, along with an assortment of checking data files . All in, around 790k of associated files and data for version "K". Which is why old versions are discarded when I update the logic I am currently on version "L" - which is a big change in game play Submitter Norman Sword Submitted 07/01/2018 Category Jet Set Willy [Remakes]  
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