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jgharston got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Sinclair QL Keyboard
If they were used as Prestel terminals they probably did use a special chip for the display, the SAA505x. Supported by the additional characters printed on the case above the digit keys, which are the teletext characters used in the SAA5050 instead of [ ] ^ { \ } ~. See link.
jgharston got a reaction from SymbolShift in Sinclair QL Keyboard
If they were used as Prestel terminals they probably did use a special chip for the display, the SAA505x. Supported by the additional characters printed on the case above the digit keys, which are the teletext characters used in the SAA5050 instead of [ ] ^ { \ } ~. See link.
jgharston got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Pokes for Fixing the Cell Graphics Bug in JSW
You're right, the branch offset should be FC. I think I had the ADD somewhere else initially starting at BACKGROUND instead of BACKGROUND-9. I edited the bytes in manually and it worked correctly, I obviously missed the disassembly then saying JR 8D55 instead of JR 8556. I'll tweek my patch on my site.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Pokes for Fixing the Cell Graphics Bug in JSW
You're right, the branch offset should be FC. I think I had the ADD somewhere else initially starting at BACKGROUND instead of BACKGROUND-9. I edited the bytes in manually and it worked correctly, I obviously missed the disassembly then saying JR 8D55 instead of JR 8556. I'll tweek my patch on my site.
jgharston got a reaction from IRF in Pokes for Fixing the Cell Graphics Bug in JSW
You're right, the branch offset should be FC. I think I had the ADD somewhere else initially starting at BACKGROUND instead of BACKGROUND-9. I edited the bytes in manually and it worked correctly, I obviously missed the disassembly then saying JR 8D55 instead of JR 8556. I'll tweek my patch on my site.
jgharston got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Pokes for Fixing the Cell Graphics Bug in JSW
I was doing some tidying up of my JSW documents a couple of days ago and was looking at the block graphics drawing code. Not being able to remember seeing a bugfix for it anywhere I thought I'd test a fix I'd had sitting at the back of my mind for years. I tested it yesterday, and with one tweek this is it. See also link.
Original code: Change to:L8D4B: LD C,&00 L8D4B: 1E 00 LD E,&00 ; Start at screen address 0L8D4D: LD E,C L8D4D: DD 7E 00 LD A,(IX+0) ; Get current attribute LD A,(IX+&00) 21 97 80 LD HL,BACKGROUND-9 ; Start at the background attribute LD HL,BACKGROUND 01 09 00 LD BC,9 ; Nine bytes per block LD BC,&0036 L8D56: 09 ADD HL,BC ; Step to next block CPIR BE CP (HL) ; Does attribute byte match? LD C,E 20 FB JR NZ,L8D56 ; Check next block LD B,&08 LD B,&08 ; Eight pixel-linesL8D5C: LD D,&00 L8D5C: LD D,&00 ; High byte of screen bitmap address L8D5E: 23 INC HL ; Point to bitmapL8D5E: LD A,(HL) 7E LD A,(HL) ; Get a character byte LD (DE),A 12 LD (DE),A ; Store into screen buffer INC HL INC D INC D ; Move to next pixel-line DJNZ L8D5E DJNZ L8D5E ; Loop for eight pixel-lines INC IX INC IX ; Move to next attribute INC C 1C INC E ; Move to next screen address JP NZ,L8D4D JP NZ,L8D4D ; Loop for 256 attributes RET RETThe following hex patchfile will apply this fix::0F8D4B001E00DD7E0021978001090009BE20FB7C:098D5E00237E121410FADD231C1F:0000000000 -
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Pokes for Fixing the Cell Graphics Bug in JSW
I was doing some tidying up of my JSW documents a couple of days ago and was looking at the block graphics drawing code. Not being able to remember seeing a bugfix for it anywhere I thought I'd test a fix I'd had sitting at the back of my mind for years. I tested it yesterday, and with one tweek this is it. See also link.
Original code: Change to:L8D4B: LD C,&00 L8D4B: 1E 00 LD E,&00 ; Start at screen address 0L8D4D: LD E,C L8D4D: DD 7E 00 LD A,(IX+0) ; Get current attribute LD A,(IX+&00) 21 97 80 LD HL,BACKGROUND-9 ; Start at the background attribute LD HL,BACKGROUND 01 09 00 LD BC,9 ; Nine bytes per block LD BC,&0036 L8D56: 09 ADD HL,BC ; Step to next block CPIR BE CP (HL) ; Does attribute byte match? LD C,E 20 FB JR NZ,L8D56 ; Check next block LD B,&08 LD B,&08 ; Eight pixel-linesL8D5C: LD D,&00 L8D5C: LD D,&00 ; High byte of screen bitmap address L8D5E: 23 INC HL ; Point to bitmapL8D5E: LD A,(HL) 7E LD A,(HL) ; Get a character byte LD (DE),A 12 LD (DE),A ; Store into screen buffer INC HL INC D INC D ; Move to next pixel-line DJNZ L8D5E DJNZ L8D5E ; Loop for eight pixel-lines INC IX INC IX ; Move to next attribute INC C 1C INC E ; Move to next screen address JP NZ,L8D4D JP NZ,L8D4D ; Loop for 256 attributes RET RETThe following hex patchfile will apply this fix::0F8D4B001E00DD7E0021978001090009BE20FB7C:098D5E00237E121410FADD231C1F:0000000000 -
jgharston got a reaction from IRF in Pokes for Fixing the Cell Graphics Bug in JSW
I was doing some tidying up of my JSW documents a couple of days ago and was looking at the block graphics drawing code. Not being able to remember seeing a bugfix for it anywhere I thought I'd test a fix I'd had sitting at the back of my mind for years. I tested it yesterday, and with one tweek this is it. See also link.
Original code: Change to:L8D4B: LD C,&00 L8D4B: 1E 00 LD E,&00 ; Start at screen address 0L8D4D: LD E,C L8D4D: DD 7E 00 LD A,(IX+0) ; Get current attribute LD A,(IX+&00) 21 97 80 LD HL,BACKGROUND-9 ; Start at the background attribute LD HL,BACKGROUND 01 09 00 LD BC,9 ; Nine bytes per block LD BC,&0036 L8D56: 09 ADD HL,BC ; Step to next block CPIR BE CP (HL) ; Does attribute byte match? LD C,E 20 FB JR NZ,L8D56 ; Check next block LD B,&08 LD B,&08 ; Eight pixel-linesL8D5C: LD D,&00 L8D5C: LD D,&00 ; High byte of screen bitmap address L8D5E: 23 INC HL ; Point to bitmapL8D5E: LD A,(HL) 7E LD A,(HL) ; Get a character byte LD (DE),A 12 LD (DE),A ; Store into screen buffer INC HL INC D INC D ; Move to next pixel-line DJNZ L8D5E DJNZ L8D5E ; Loop for eight pixel-lines INC IX INC IX ; Move to next attribute INC C 1C INC E ; Move to next screen address JP NZ,L8D4D JP NZ,L8D4D ; Loop for 256 attributes RET RETThe following hex patchfile will apply this fix::0F8D4B001E00DD7E0021978001090009BE20FB7C:098D5E00237E121410FADD231C1F:0000000000 -
jgharston got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
Fixed now. I'd put a bit of patch code in a bit of space that eventually got overwritten. (Seems to) work(s) now. I've been alternating between running it on BBC B and Master for the last half hour, and no problems so far.
jgharston got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
Bingo! Carlo set me looking in the right direction.
Jet Set Willy 1 for the BBC
Now runs fully on the Master.
jgharston got a reaction from jetsetdanny in JSW2 - BBC (disc) aka: 'full' version
I was looking at JSWII a couple of days ago before looking into the issue with the Foot/Barrel/Maria disappearing on the Master fixed version of JSW1, which is now fixed. I have an idea how to get JSWII to use sideways RAM regardless of machine, at the moment it only tests for its presence if it's already found that it's a Master. It should test for the SRAM presence before/instead of testing for the machine type.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in JSW2 - BBC (disc) aka: 'full' version
I was looking at JSWII a couple of days ago before looking into the issue with the Foot/Barrel/Maria disappearing on the Master fixed version of JSW1, which is now fixed. I have an idea how to get JSWII to use sideways RAM regardless of machine, at the moment it only tests for its presence if it's already found that it's a Master. It should test for the SRAM presence before/instead of testing for the machine type.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
Fixed now. I'd put a bit of patch code in a bit of space that eventually got overwritten. (Seems to) work(s) now. I've been alternating between running it on BBC B and Master for the last half hour, and no problems so far.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
Spoke too soon, as the game progresses those sprites gradually get eaten. Go into the Nightmare room, leave it, then go back in again. ;)
I think I know where the problem is.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
Bingo! Carlo set me looking in the right direction.
Jet Set Willy 1 for the BBC
Now runs fully on the Master.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
I've gone through the BBC JetSetWilly versions I have and checked them and tidied them up a bit. I'd got a rather confused mess of about five different "versions" that clarified into the three actual versions: JSW1, the cut-down JSW2, and the full JSW2 (which I've distinguished by calling JSW2 and JSWII). Still a couple of bugs to iron out. Also at long last I've got around to updating the maps replacing the Spectrum screenshots with BBC screenshots.
Jet Set Willy 1 - Runs on BBC and Master, runs on an active network
Loader tidied up. Flashing cursor turned off. Loading screen not overwritten by loading files. Patched to run correctly on the Master. Still a few problems, the 'Special' rooms have no guardians and the falling foot is invisible. Jet Set Willy 2 - Runs on BBC, fails on the Master, fails on an active network
Loader tidied up. Flashing cursor turned off Jet Set Willy II - Runs on BBC and Master, fails on an active network
Loader tidied up. Flashing cursor turned off. If Master doesn't have SRAM banks 4,5,6 free, reverts to loading in parts as on the BBC. -
jgharston got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
I've gone through the BBC JetSetWilly versions I have and checked them and tidied them up a bit. I'd got a rather confused mess of about five different "versions" that clarified into the three actual versions: JSW1, the cut-down JSW2, and the full JSW2 (which I've distinguished by calling JSW2 and JSWII). Still a couple of bugs to iron out. Also at long last I've got around to updating the maps replacing the Spectrum screenshots with BBC screenshots.
Jet Set Willy 1 - Runs on BBC and Master, runs on an active network
Loader tidied up. Flashing cursor turned off. Loading screen not overwritten by loading files. Patched to run correctly on the Master. Still a few problems, the 'Special' rooms have no guardians and the falling foot is invisible. Jet Set Willy 2 - Runs on BBC, fails on the Master, fails on an active network
Loader tidied up. Flashing cursor turned off Jet Set Willy II - Runs on BBC and Master, fails on an active network
Loader tidied up. Flashing cursor turned off. If Master doesn't have SRAM banks 4,5,6 free, reverts to loading in parts as on the BBC. -
jgharston got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
The mapping queries over on StarDot prompted me to update my maps, and also to look into getting JSW working on the Master.
Not got it perfect yet, but here we are so far: JSW1.ssd.
It no longer crashes, no longer fails to display anything, and the game runs properly. The only problems at the moment are:
* the "special" rooms fail to display any guardians (Bathroom, Top Landing, Bedroom, Nighmare Room)
* the falling Game Over foot is invisible - but still squashes Willy.
Almost all the problems stem from JSW1 pointing the VDU driver's line address table to a custom table, but MOS 3 doesn't use a soft line address table, it calculates everything on the fly so you can't make it use a custom table. The only thing the custom table is used for is the text messages, so I modified the code use the standard 40-column text coordinates.
I also turned the cursor off, yea gods, that was annoying me.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
I've just checked and the patched version works on my Compact exactly the same as the Master, with the same errors that I haven't fixed yet.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
The mapping queries over on StarDot prompted me to update my maps, and also to look into getting JSW working on the Master.
Not got it perfect yet, but here we are so far: JSW1.ssd.
It no longer crashes, no longer fails to display anything, and the game runs properly. The only problems at the moment are:
* the "special" rooms fail to display any guardians (Bathroom, Top Landing, Bedroom, Nighmare Room)
* the falling Game Over foot is invisible - but still squashes Willy.
Almost all the problems stem from JSW1 pointing the VDU driver's line address table to a custom table, but MOS 3 doesn't use a soft line address table, it calculates everything on the fly so you can't make it use a custom table. The only thing the custom table is used for is the text messages, so I modified the code use the standard 40-column text coordinates.
I also turned the cursor off, yea gods, that was annoying me.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
I've uploaded a disassembly of the BBC version of Jet Set Willy 1. It's not yet as comprehensive as my Spectrum disassembly as I haven't done as much work on it. I have found a few initial pointers showing why it doesn't work properly on the Master series, and it looks like I'll be able to work up a bugfix to get it working.
Jet Set WIlly BBC Versions at http://mdfs.net/Software/JSW/BBC/
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Jswed Editor Games
There is the old MM+JSW Yahoo Group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/manicminerandjetsetwilly/info but it hasn't had any posts in a couple of years, and none since Yahoo killed the usability. Yahoo has been hemmoraging groups since they went out of their way to make it as unusable as possible.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Jsw Disassembly
Yes, moved to a new server over September. I'm still catching where files are missing as in uploading 2.5G of data the FTP connection timed out a few times.
jgharston got a reaction from Spider in Jsw Bbc Computer Version
BBC JetSetWilly 1 appears to have an identical room map to the Spectrum version (http://mdfs.net/Software/JSW/JSW1/Map.htm).
God damm it, how do you do proper links in this thing?