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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community


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  1. DistantAngel

    Pc Version

    The online version is worth checking out, if you haven't already. It's a fairly faithful recreation of JSW and JSW 2, with their own rooms thrown in, plus the unique advantage of being online multiplayer. Playing a game of "British Bulldog" as Willy is more fun than it should be :) http://jsw.ovine.net/
  2. DistantAngel

    Jsw Videos

    Loving the site (some great stuff of particular interest to old Z80 nerds like me!) Apologies if this seems a bit self-pluggy (very much not my intention - just wanted to share the love of JSW), and I don't know whether it counts as a proper JSW video, but this is something my comedy band-mate and I did - it's essentially a love-letter to Jet Set Willy (done somewhat in the style of Kraftwerk on happy pills). We hope it's okay and that our fellow Willy fans like it ... "How To Play With Your Willy" - Intermittent Explosive Disorder http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyhujNcUFck
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