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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community


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  1. Thanks
    darnkitty got a reaction from andrewbroad in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Here's a zip file containing the room images from the JSW Map (http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/jet-set-willy-map.php). There's also a TXT file containing the comments people have left, and some PHP code which links the room name with the room number I used internally. As those of you who got to play the remake probably knew, there were a few extra rooms that I added in there - spoiler alert, their images are included in the ZIP file 🙂
    There's not that much in the ZIP file really, and I don't know what other information people want to preserve. But happy to help where I can.
    I previously ruled out rewriting the JSW remake in another technology... but I was thinking last night, Java is still around, it just doesn't run in browsers any more. I'm quite keen, if I can find and compile the original source code, to compile a version of the JSW remake which could be downloaded and run locally on somebody's machine as an EXE. I think that would still be possible.
  2. Sad
    darnkitty got a reaction from andrewbroad in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Hi there,
    I'm Matt, and I ran the darnkitty.com site. I was sad that it had to close down, but once the last browser stopped supporting Java a couple of years ago, nobody was able to play JSW on my site anymore, and now Flash is going the same way, so there's not really any more point keeping the site going.
    For now I have at least re-enabled the JSW section of the site: http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/. But there isn't a browser out there anymore that runs JAVA (in particular Java applets), so I would be very surprised if you could get the game itself to load.
    I can upload a zip file if people would like, containing the room images and comments, etc. But it would take a couple of days.
  3. Thanks
    darnkitty reacted to jetsetdanny in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    All right, I've deleted all the files from the directory where Java wanted to install itself (and was saying it wasn't empty) and re-installed Java.
    Everything worked fine and I was able to launch the newer version of the game. What's more, clicking works fine now, both on the title screen, and to start the game, and in-game, e.g. to pause it 🙂 .
  4. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    I wish I knew! Java was always such a behemoth, with these sorts of little annoyances, and I never knew what to do about it.
    I don't know why that would be happening, but if you can locate java.exe on your machine (for me, it's in C:\jre1.8.0_291\bin) you should be able to download the JAR version from the darnkitty site, put it in the same folder as java.exe, and then run java -jar DKJSW-1-9.jar from the directory containing java.exe.
    I know it's not ideal but these sorts of things are so hard to debug without being able to reproduce, and the fact I haven't worked with Java for such a long time doesn't help.
  5. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Thanks, yes I can't reproduce it on my machine for some reason!
    But I've now made the executable available on my website. If you go here http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/ you can download a new version of the EXE. I haven't managed to fix the mouse problem but in this new version you can now press the S key to cycle through the sound options once you've started a game.
  6. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from Spider in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Thanks for that feedback! That's a weird problem, I'll try and fix it but I'm not as familiar with JAVA as I used to be. If I can't fix it I'll put in keyboard shortcuts.
    People are welcome to do what they like with the game 🙂
  7. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from Spider in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Thanks, yes I can't reproduce it on my machine for some reason!
    But I've now made the executable available on my website. If you go here http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/ you can download a new version of the EXE. I haven't managed to fix the mouse problem but in this new version you can now press the S key to cycle through the sound options once you've started a game.
  8. Thanks
    darnkitty got a reaction from Spider in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Here's a zip file containing the room images from the JSW Map (http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/jet-set-willy-map.php). There's also a TXT file containing the comments people have left, and some PHP code which links the room name with the room number I used internally. As those of you who got to play the remake probably knew, there were a few extra rooms that I added in there - spoiler alert, their images are included in the ZIP file 🙂
    There's not that much in the ZIP file really, and I don't know what other information people want to preserve. But happy to help where I can.
    I previously ruled out rewriting the JSW remake in another technology... but I was thinking last night, Java is still around, it just doesn't run in browsers any more. I'm quite keen, if I can find and compile the original source code, to compile a version of the JSW remake which could be downloaded and run locally on somebody's machine as an EXE. I think that would still be possible.
  9. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from Spider in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Hi there,
    I'm Matt, and I ran the darnkitty.com site. I was sad that it had to close down, but once the last browser stopped supporting Java a couple of years ago, nobody was able to play JSW on my site anymore, and now Flash is going the same way, so there's not really any more point keeping the site going.
    For now I have at least re-enabled the JSW section of the site: http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/. But there isn't a browser out there anymore that runs JAVA (in particular Java applets), so I would be very surprised if you could get the game itself to load.
    I can upload a zip file if people would like, containing the room images and comments, etc. But it would take a couple of days.
  10. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from crem in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Thanks for that feedback! That's a weird problem, I'll try and fix it but I'm not as familiar with JAVA as I used to be. If I can't fix it I'll put in keyboard shortcuts.
    People are welcome to do what they like with the game 🙂
  11. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from crem in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Thanks, yes I can't reproduce it on my machine for some reason!
    But I've now made the executable available on my website. If you go here http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/ you can download a new version of the EXE. I haven't managed to fix the mouse problem but in this new version you can now press the S key to cycle through the sound options once you've started a game.
  12. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Thanks for that feedback! That's a weird problem, I'll try and fix it but I'm not as familiar with JAVA as I used to be. If I can't fix it I'll put in keyboard shortcuts.
    People are welcome to do what they like with the game 🙂
  13. Thanks
    darnkitty got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to make an EXE file of my Jet Set Willy remake.  It's on my website at http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/
    You need to have JAVA Runtime Environment installed if you want to run it.  If any of you are willing and able to try it out, I'd love to know if it runs for you.  You need to have an active internet connection when running it because it downloads the images, rooms and music from the web.
    I haven't actually seen my remake running in many years.  It's very nostalgic.  I still remember where all the secret rooms are.
  14. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from crem in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to make an EXE file of my Jet Set Willy remake.  It's on my website at http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/
    You need to have JAVA Runtime Environment installed if you want to run it.  If any of you are willing and able to try it out, I'd love to know if it runs for you.  You need to have an active internet connection when running it because it downloads the images, rooms and music from the web.
    I haven't actually seen my remake running in many years.  It's very nostalgic.  I still remember where all the secret rooms are.
  15. Thanks
    darnkitty got a reaction from crem in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Here's a zip file containing the room images from the JSW Map (http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/jet-set-willy-map.php). There's also a TXT file containing the comments people have left, and some PHP code which links the room name with the room number I used internally. As those of you who got to play the remake probably knew, there were a few extra rooms that I added in there - spoiler alert, their images are included in the ZIP file 🙂
    There's not that much in the ZIP file really, and I don't know what other information people want to preserve. But happy to help where I can.
    I previously ruled out rewriting the JSW remake in another technology... but I was thinking last night, Java is still around, it just doesn't run in browsers any more. I'm quite keen, if I can find and compile the original source code, to compile a version of the JSW remake which could be downloaded and run locally on somebody's machine as an EXE. I think that would still be possible.
  16. Thanks
    darnkitty got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Here's a zip file containing the room images from the JSW Map (http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/jet-set-willy-map.php). There's also a TXT file containing the comments people have left, and some PHP code which links the room name with the room number I used internally. As those of you who got to play the remake probably knew, there were a few extra rooms that I added in there - spoiler alert, their images are included in the ZIP file 🙂
    There's not that much in the ZIP file really, and I don't know what other information people want to preserve. But happy to help where I can.
    I previously ruled out rewriting the JSW remake in another technology... but I was thinking last night, Java is still around, it just doesn't run in browsers any more. I'm quite keen, if I can find and compile the original source code, to compile a version of the JSW remake which could be downloaded and run locally on somebody's machine as an EXE. I think that would still be possible.
  17. Like
    darnkitty reacted to jetsetdanny in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Welcome to the forum, Matt! I hope you're a box of birds even though your website's down 🙂 .
    Thank you for re-enabling the JSW section.
    I have happy memories related to darnkitty.com. I spent a lot of time there back in 2008 and 2009, playing "Manic Miner" (including competing for the best level-completion time against Andrew Broad) and a game called "Cheese Louise".
    Those were my glory days, too 🤪 - at one point I established a Manic Miner high-score of 135,199 points over there, and then I improved it to achieve 201,773 points, which means (if I am calculating correctly right now, without referring to a video recording of that effort which I still keep) that I completed MM five times in a row and was several rooms into the sixth sequence of caverns when I lost my last life (I probably could have done better still but, to be honest, I had no incentive to concentrate any more, after playing the game, with pauses, for several hours, having crossed the 200,000 points threshold).
    Matt's website has also left a lasting legacy in the field of MM and JSW games for the ZX Spectrum. Andrew Broad's "JSW64: Flash Manic Miner" is a conversion of the extra caverns from Matt's Flash version to the Spectrum: Caverns 21 to 43 of Flash Manic Miner map to Rooms 0 to 22 of the JSW64 conversion, with Room 22's portal looping back to Room 3 (because for n >= 44, Cavern n is identical to Cavern n-20).
    So it's good to see you here, Matt 🙂 . Do upload the ZIP file when you get a chance.
  18. Thanks
    darnkitty got a reaction from crem in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Hi there,
    I'm Matt, and I ran the darnkitty.com site. I was sad that it had to close down, but once the last browser stopped supporting Java a couple of years ago, nobody was able to play JSW on my site anymore, and now Flash is going the same way, so there's not really any more point keeping the site going.
    For now I have at least re-enabled the JSW section of the site: http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/. But there isn't a browser out there anymore that runs JAVA (in particular Java applets), so I would be very surprised if you could get the game itself to load.
    I can upload a zip file if people would like, containing the room images and comments, etc. But it would take a couple of days.
  19. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Hi there,
    I'm Matt, and I ran the darnkitty.com site. I was sad that it had to close down, but once the last browser stopped supporting Java a couple of years ago, nobody was able to play JSW on my site anymore, and now Flash is going the same way, so there's not really any more point keeping the site going.
    For now I have at least re-enabled the JSW section of the site: http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/. But there isn't a browser out there anymore that runs JAVA (in particular Java applets), so I would be very surprised if you could get the game itself to load.
    I can upload a zip file if people would like, containing the room images and comments, etc. But it would take a couple of days.
  20. Like
    darnkitty got a reaction from IRF in Preserve darnkitty.com data?   
    Hi there,
    I'm Matt, and I ran the darnkitty.com site. I was sad that it had to close down, but once the last browser stopped supporting Java a couple of years ago, nobody was able to play JSW on my site anymore, and now Flash is going the same way, so there's not really any more point keeping the site going.
    For now I have at least re-enabled the JSW section of the site: http://www.darnkitty.com/jsw/. But there isn't a browser out there anymore that runs JAVA (in particular Java applets), so I would be very surprised if you could get the game itself to load.
    I can upload a zip file if people would like, containing the room images and comments, etc. But it would take a couple of days.
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