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Everything posted by CPL

  1. CPL

    JSW with scrolling

    @jetsetdanny - No release yet I'm afraid. There are still a few things that would need to go in. Rope collision is one of the major omissions at the moment! It would also need wrapping up in a proper title screen / end screen etc. I'll try and keep you guys updated. Although, as will all side projects, it's rather on hold at the moment whilst work is busy.
  2. CPL

    JSW with scrolling

    @Heracleum It's just one giant open tile map. There's no real reason the rooms or have to be the size they are other than me wanting to recreate the original game for nostalgia's sake. I don't think increasing the size of the map would be an issue either. There's nothing to say you couldn't have differently sized rooms if you were building a new map rather than a semi-direct remake. That said, there are a few things I DO calculate the equivalent room co-ordinate for - the room name for example. I also use a room co-ordinate to generate the enemies - it made it much easier to translate the data from the original game into the new map. The map isn't exactly huge by modern standards though. Exploring it and discovering rooms for yourself is part of the fun for a newbie player I think. Covering up unexplored screens is an interesting idea to allow manual zooming out without spoilers. It would act as a kind of map feature. I might look at doing that!
  3. CPL

    JSW with scrolling

    Thanks for the nice comments. Not seeing enemies in adjoining rooms is definitely an issue - I nearly hit the banyan tree saw making the video. I have quite a lot of control over how the camera behaves in a certain space - it has its own collision map. Some rooms need the camera locking otherwise it feels really odd. Other parts of the map it can flow more freely. The zoom level is controlled by the player at the moment. My plan is to use it as more of location based effect at certain points on the map where the wider view is more interesting - the ledge over the front door, the top of the watch tower, the yacht, top of the megatree, for example. Because of the way the flip screen works in the original I've had to make edits to the map to make staircases line up. Where the map itself doesn't line up I've had to move rooms from the roof and put them in the basement - "Down on the Battlements" 😁 - it seemed a zany enough idea to work in this game although the whole Hunchback joke is now somewhat lost. I've also added in a couple of rooms from JSW2 and one from Manic Miner to get it to all line up. I've added platforms here and there to allow the player to explore more freely. "Rescue Esmerelda" is now accessible from "Emergency Generator" for example. I'm considering adjusting "The Security Guard" and "The Wine Cellar" to allow exploring the basement in either direction. That TileMap app is really interesting! I didn't know about that. Funnily enough Starquake was another game I was considering giving the same treatment.
  4. CPL

    JSW with scrolling

    About a month back a friend of mine asked me to recommend a coding language for their son which could act as a step up from Scratch. It happened to coincide with a conversation I had with another person about Jet Set Willy. So after discovering Game Make Studio 2 is free for personal use I used the idea of making a quick Jet Set Willy screen as a test bench to see what it was like. Then I got carried away. 🙂 Enjoy! JSW-Features.mp4
  5. It really does look good. I particularly like the idea of an underwater/diving area. If you do have any luck working towards a release I'm sure there would be plenty of volunteers around here to help with playtesting. 🙂 Good luck with it!
  6. As Spider said - it's not particularly clear. Sadly, I don't think Matthew Smith owns any of the rights to it so wouldn't be able to help. https://trademarks.ipo.gov.uk/ipo-tmcase/page/Results/1/UK00003081930 https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/jet-set-willy-zx-spectrum/id418193849 The registered trademark appears to be owned by Elite Systems and they also released the iOS version - so I'd say they're your best bet.
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