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  1. It's the character 福 (fu), which is usually translated as "good luck" or "good fortune", you'll find it on nearly every Chinese New Year decoration.
  2. I don't think Godot allows for porting to ARM-Linux - at least, not last I checked. I would release the source but it's mid-rework and I've had basically zero time to work on anything substantial in the last year; it's definitely planned down the line though.
  3. It seems pretty faithful to me, you've done a great job.
  4. The corrupted guardians can cause corruptions themselves, but in an unpoked game Willy would just instantly die on entering those rooms preventing the enemies from corrupting the game further. The cheat POKEs in the video I saw were to prevent deaths from guardians, allowing them to cause further corruption.
  5. The effects aren't unpredictable and aren't different every time you play - the arrow's trajectory is consistent and writes to the same bytes every time. To be precise, it corrupts the flying bird, UFO, Esmerelda, giant head, skull, sunflower, and Andre enemies, and any room those enemies can be found in result in the guardians being misplaced and (depending on the room) embedded into walls (which automatically kills Willy on room entry). None of those enemies can be found in First Landing, The Banyan Tree, or Conservatory Roof, the rooms that would need changes in order to make completion possible. It's possible to complete Jet Set Willy without fixing the Attic bug, though - you can apply the other three POKEs (42183,11; 56876,4; and 60231,0), play the game as normal making sure to only climb the East Wall and get the items in Priests' Hole and Dr Jones and head into the Attic once you have all of the other items. From the Attic, you can go Under the Roof -> Conservatory Roof -> Orangery -> Swimming Pool -> Banyan Tree (left to right - not easy!) -> The Nightmare Room -> First Landing -> Top Landing -> Master Bedroom and complete the game. You can't complete it twice though, because the rooms with those enemies in don't become accessible again even after beating the game.
  6. Manic Miner's (maybe) the first to have in-game music on the Spectrum, but obviously there are a fair few arcade games that did it earlier; while I suspect everyone here is aware of that I do see it often claimed as though it's the first game ever to do it on any platform, when it clearly wasn't. Rally X is probably the best example of an arcade game doing it earlier: I can certainly believe it was the first game on the Spectrum to have in-game music though - it was fairly early on in the Spectrum's lifespan and music in games wasn't as ubiquitous at the time. The part of the claim I doubt is the "thought to be impossible" part - I'm pretty sure the music in Space Invaders is done exactly the same way as Manic Miner does it, and as much as Matthew Smith did a great job with the game design he wasn't the most amazing programmer in the world, at least not at the age of 17, and plenty of others would surely know it to be possible. I imagine most simply chose a higher framerate over trying to have something somewhat resembling music playing; after all, if you want in-game music you have a tape player attached - just play it yourself. As for the "plays continuously" comment, I suspect it means as opposed to something like Virtua Racing, where short jingles play at checkpoints but leaves periods without music, or Road Blasters, where the music only comes in towards the end of each level. I doubt it's claiming the air countdown doesn't count and has simply confused the two games.
  7. It should just be as simple as that. Are you in 48K BASIC and not using the keyword (EXTEND mode, symbol shift+3)?
  8. I was thinking about this overnight and I realised that if you're using MERGE then LINE won't work because MERGE ignores it.
  9. It can happen without POKEs too. Memory gets shifted around when loading and/or merging and it's usually fine as long as you're not relying on the program execution continuing from where it was afterwards; as I said, if you save it with LINE xxxx you force it to jump to somewhere else and avoid this issue.
  10. G - No room for line is specifically for when adding a line via the BASIC interpreter, R - Tape loading error is correct for errors that occur during tape loading (or verification). C - Nonsense in BASIC suggests that the code is being changed while running; if you're loading a BASIC program in two parts then each part should be saved with LINE xxxx and jump to the next loader in sequence; trying to continue the existing program when it's changed is going to be unreliable at best.
  11. Manic Miner "maximum score" TAS has just been published to TASVideos. I originally submitted it as "maximum score, no deaths" as it's possible to score infinitely high otherwise, but I'm not in charge of the final naming. Total gameplay time is 2:17:43.
  12. If it helps, this is using the original game, not the highscore challenge version; I just put it here since it's highscore-related. Finding the maximum total score (without dying) was an interesting challenge in itself. On top of the "improvements" I shared before (all of which are also in this run) I managed to score 1863 points in The Vat; unfortunately it wasn't feasible to do this and also reach the maximum total score in the same run due to the life count.
  13. I'm still writing the notes for the TASVideos submission but I thought it'd be fun to post this version in the meantime. Without dying, the maximum score you can reach is 356359. It takes more than two and a quarter hours, and nine and a half loops. The main score barrier pretends to be Skylab Landing Bay, but even if you lose points to be able to clear that one on the ninth loop then Return of the Alien Kong Beast blocks you. So this doesn't get the maximum score on every loop (only the first), and deliberately loses score in the Kong Beast and Solar Power Generator levels in order to start Return of the Alien Kong Beast with the maximum 349899 points that it's completable with; not doing this means the game ends earlier and with less score.
  14. Unfortunately publishing on Mac is such a hassle when you're not on a Mac; you have to download three separate programs, register for an Apple Developer ID Certificate, go through a few dozen steps signing and notarising the app, and then have no idea at the end of it whether it'll even run or not. Needless to say it's not something I want to go through too often...
  15. This is very similar to the format I used for Manic Miner Redux: Miner Willy meets the Kong Beast Spectrum @ x a x @b @ @ @ @ @ @ @ + cc@ --@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @--- ------ @-- @ @ + @ ---- -@ @ --- @ - @ @ + --- @ @ @ @----- @ @- --- @ ----@ @ -- d @ @ -- d ----- @ @ >>>@ @-- + @ @ @ @ z @ @------------------------------@ red 0000 blank black - 0001 floor b.red = 0002 crumble red @ 0003 wall b.yellow b.red > 0704 rconvey b.green z 0008 nasty green x 0709 nasty cyan + 0710 item b.magenta a 0711 switch yellow black a>e d>f hg1xright=18 b 0711 switch yellow black b>g c>h kn0state=1 score=2500 c 0001 floor b.red d 0003 wall b.yellow b.red e 1111 floor yellow f 0000 blank black g 1111 floor yellow h 0000 blank black 0000 willy 2 13 0 0 white 0708 hguard 9 13 1 9 -2 b.green 0708 hguard 11 11 11 15 1 b.magenta 0708 hguard 18 7 18 21 2 cyan 0716 kong 15 0 0 12 4 b.green 0724 portal 15 13 yellow blue I guess it's just natural to want a text-based implementation.
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