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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community

Rev. Stuart Campbell

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Everything posted by Rev. Stuart Campbell

  1. Cheers 🙂 (And no, there's no readme in the download, it's just a TAP file.)
  2. Maybe I'm just stupid, but... HOW do you enable all these things? I've pressed every key and none of them seem to activate cheats or switch between the two versions 🤔
  3. BTW if we're doing requests, would love to see these POKEs added which provide a sound effect when you collect an object, as per other versions. POKE 36742 , 82 POKE 36743 , 147 POKE 37714 , 58 POKE 37715 , 115 POKE 37716 , 128 POKE 37717 , 14 POKE 37718 , 128 POKE 37719 , 211 POKE 37720 , 254 POKE 37721 , 238 POKE 37722 , 24 POKE 37723 , 95 POKE 37724 , 62 POKE 37725 , 144 POKE 37726 , 145 POKE 37727 , 71 POKE 37728 , 123 POKE 37729 , 16 POKE 37730 , 254 POKE 37731 , 13 POKE 37732 , 13 POKE 37733 , 32 POKE 37734 , 240 POKE 37735 , 195 POKE 37736 , 254 POKE 37737 , 144 (I've added them myself and they work, but it'd be nice to have them in the proper TAP file, not just a snapshot.)
  4. It is a mark of how HUGELY chuffed I am about this that I ploughed through through the forum's MONUMENTALLY BROKEN signup process to post a comment. The original idea for The Lost Levels was in fact to do it on the Speccy, so it's absolutely brilliant to see it finally come home all these years later. The DS version is my favourite gaming-related thing I've ever been involved with, and now the journey feels complete. Great work 🙂 PS Eddie's Forest isn't an original DS level, it's actually taken from the Acorn Archimedes port.
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