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Unusual Pokes (Spectrum Version)


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No, I tried it - he walks forwards towards the altar and backwards away from the altar! (i.e. facing the same way throughout)


I don't think it's possible to get a guardian to walk backwards in both directions without swapping the left- and right-facing sprites around?


Ah yes that's a point. :) Reminds me of when I was toying with controlling Maria as a movable sprite and my initial graphics I hand copied in were the wrong way around.

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On the subject of bugs, I've created a POK file with all the bug corrections I can find so far with the help of this site and Skoolkid so far they include conveyor appearance, lowering max rope heights, revealing 1st landing and swimming pool objects, patching the nightmare room plus all the official ones but what i'd like to find is the one for the 'Saw' guardian in the 'Cuckoo's Nest' .. can't seem to find it anywhere?


There are a few more actually, including the ones I've quoted above. I normally do them via JSWED but rather than mention them here now I'll look at doing them 'manually' instead (like I did with The Beach object, three pokes to do it properly) for you over the weekend. :)

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There are a few more actually, including the ones I've quoted above. I normally do them via JSWED but rather than mention them here now I'll look at doing them 'manually' instead (like I did with The Beach object, three pokes to do it properly) for you over the weekend. :)


Watch Tower fix (although its sort of debatable if its a bug, I consider it to be) , Willy can jump from the conveyor as its too high up and end up in (undefined) The Off Licence. This was fixed in the BugFixed Edition actually. To fix manually its quite easy:


POKE 62167,171 (default value is 140) this changes the starting position of the conveyor from what would be in Basic "AT 4,12" to "AT 5,11" , its moved down one and left one


POKE 62169,9 (default value is 8) this simply extends the length of the conveyor another block as its been shifted to the left it looks odd otherwise.


POKE 62173,4 (default value is 5) this is the length of the ramp, reduced by one otherwise it extends above the conveyor.


A nice combi before / after pic illustrates this better really:




Made easy to match with the 'frozen in time' debug pokes hehe.

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POKE 41785,227 (Monk) The Chapel

POKE 41849,227 (Saw) Cuckoo's Nest


Do you need any help with giving the 'new object in Hall' a shape and / or adjusting the beach object down to one item via a POKE ?




I think that will still have them facing the wrong way just using all the frames ? :unsure:

Found the POKE to reveal the duplicate object on the beach. I think in all the years of playing i never spotted that one  :rolleyes:  .. as for  the hidden object in the First Landing, so far i've opted for using the POKEs just to reveal it and to create a path to it although at this stage it's just a rather uninteresting looking blob, though i could just stick with the official POKE and leave it in the hall .. maybe we could just use one of the unused graphics?

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Watch Tower fix (although its sort of debatable if its a bug, I consider it to be) , Willy can jump from the conveyor as its too high up and end up in (undefined) The Off Licence. This was fixed in the BugFixed Edition actually. To fix manually its quite easy:


POKE 62167,171 (default value is 140) this changes the starting position of the conveyor from what would be in Basic "AT 4,12" to "AT 5,11" , its moved down one and left one


POKE 62169,9 (default value is 8) this simply extends the length of the conveyor another block as its been shifted to the left it looks odd otherwise.


POKE 62173,4 (default value is 5) this is the length of the ramp, reduced by one otherwise it extends above the conveyor.


A nice combi before / after pic illustrates this better really:




Made easy to match with the 'frozen in time' debug pokes hehe.

Then there's the fix to prevent the illogical exit from 'Rescue Esmerelda' to 'Ballroom East'.

Edited by IRF
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Then there's the fix to prevent the illogical exit from 'Rescue Esmerelda' to 'Ballroom East'

I'm toying with the idea of making use of the 'non room' [ where if you POKE 52971,47 Willy ends up here just for a split second before returning to the room below, for the moment he just ends up back in the Off Licence as there is no data created for this room detailing where the exits would lead to ... although i have learned a bit about the disassembly, i've not yet figured out which address to amend here

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Also Skoolkid has commented on the clock not changing to PM at 12 noon and apparently the game doesn't end at 12 midnight, Mat Smith has perhaps unwittingly given Willy an extra hour to finish tidy the house as the game doesn't end until 1am  but there's no suggestion on how to amend this... also i'd quite like to add a POKE or two to perhaps 'redirect' the program to the 'Game over' routine when time is up  

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I'm toying with the idea of making use of the 'non room' [ where if you POKE 52971,47 Willy ends up here just for a split second before returning to the room below, for the moment he just ends up back in the Off Licence as there is no data created for this room detailing where the exits would lead to ... although i have learned a bit about the disassembly, i've not yet figured out which address to amend here

Actually he comes back down onto the Conservatory Roof ... 

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