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Unusual Pokes (Spectrum Version)


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Speaking of the Conservatory Roof, the conveyor here looks somewhat featureless and according to Skoolkid's page, there's an unused conveyor in the chapel, POKEing values 60365 to 60373 with 7,0,10,189,255,0,170,85,170 respectively will reveal it and show it in action...


We used that very conveyor in Conservatory Roof in The Nightmare Edition!

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We used that very conveyor in Conservatory Roof in The Nightmare Edition!

I really should have known that since i spent forever playing it .. but still, i think it might be worthy of adding to the bug correction list although in the pre-production version it has the effect of introducing a conveyor on the stairs

Edited by Metalmickey
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Found the POKE to reveal the duplicate object on the beach. I think in all the years of playing i never spotted that one  :rolleyes:  .. as for  the hidden object in the First Landing, so far i've opted for using the POKEs just to reveal it and to create a path to it although at this stage it's just a rather uninteresting looking blob, though i could just stick with the official POKE and leave it in the hall .. maybe we could just use one of the unused graphics?


This is what I actually did anyway. I used the West Wing Roof item as its one of the few that are 'floating' , I tried one of the wine glasses before but it looked odd floating and I did not want to move the item position as that's where Software Projects moved it to plus its less bytes than some objects too.


POKE 52196,10

POKE 52197,13

POKE 52198,60

POKE 52199,242

POKE 52200,192


These bytes exist already at 63713 (well technically at 63716 as the first three are zero) and those pokes give the shape in The Hall the appropriate pattern too.


You can do it with Basic too or assembler but I figured you wanted pokes ? Basic is simply: FOR N=52196 TO 52200 : POKE N,PEEK (N+11520) : NEXT N


Then there's the fix to prevent the illogical exit from 'Rescue Esmerelda' to 'Ballroom East'.


Already ahead of here, did this the other day ;)


52742,10 (original value 8)

52743,170 (original value 2)




Also Skoolkid has commented on the clock not changing to PM at 12 noon and apparently the game doesn't end at 12 midnight, Mat Smith has perhaps unwittingly given Willy an extra hour to finish tidy the house as the game doesn't end until 1am  but there's no suggestion on how to amend this... also i'd quite like to add a POKE or two to perhaps 'redirect' the program to the 'Game over' routine when time is up


35464-35466: JP Z,34762 ; Its 1am , end the game (but this jumps to the title screen!)


POKE 35465,74

POKE 35466,140


This changes:


35464-35466: JP Z,35914 ; Its 1am , end the game (go to the barrel 'game over' screen)


Might have some odd effects though such as not clearing the screen fully.

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This is what I actually did anyway. I used the West Wing Roof item as its one of the few that are 'floating' , I tried one of the wine glasses before but it looked odd floating and I did not want to move the item position as that's where Software Projects moved it to plus its less bytes than some objects too.


POKE 52196,10

POKE 52197,13

POKE 52198,60

POKE 52199,242

POKE 52200,192


These bytes exist already at 63713 (well technically at 63716 as the first three are zero) and those pokes give the shape in The Hall the appropriate pattern too.


You can do it with Basic too or assembler but I figured you wanted pokes ? Basic is simply: FOR N=52196 TO 52200 : POKE N,PEEK (N+11520) : NEXT N



Already ahead of here, did this the other day ;)


52742,10 (original value 8)

52743,170 (original value 2)





35464-35466: JP Z,34762 ; Its 1am , end the game (but this jumps to the title screen!)


POKE 35465,74

POKE 35466,140


This changes:


35464-35466: JP Z,35914 ; Its 1am , end the game (go to the barrel 'game over' screen)


Might have some odd effects though such as not clearing the screen fully.

I guess the official POKE to move it to The Hall makes more sense now it can actually be seen

Although I am trying to learn a bit about machine language at this stage POKEs are preferable as I am adding them to my POK file


With regards to the Rescue Esmerelda exit, although adding the ceiling is a simple and effective remedy, I prefer to think that perhaps there's a reason why it was left open. I'm toying with the [ room as, although practically undefined it does have a bottom exit to the Conservatory Roof. Whether that's deliberate or whether that was a byproduct of the code remnants we can only speculate. Obviously as far as we know this room was (probably) intended to go next to Tree Root but this was blocked off. More than likely this was because the room wasn't developed but could it also have been because it was going to be used elsewhere? who knows? 


My main aim with the Rescue Esmerelda is, for the moment, just to add a room above by utilising Room 47 just to allow for the jump, maybe i'll add a couple of things in it like maybe a staircase and an item or two once i've worked out how to use a good room editor. Obviously this has already been done in TNE but for the moment i'm just trying something simple, starting with trying to work out how to make Willy exit back to Rescue Esmerelda rather than the Conservatory Roof...

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:) Welcome.


You mean when you 'fall through' the bottom of Rescue Esmerelda you end up in Emergency Generator ? That is intentional as it matches up. At least as I see it.


The top exit to The Ballroom I'm 99.9% sure that was accidentally left in.


The [ room was probably (like the last three ones) intended for the tree. As I recall an interview or something with Matt saying something about the MegaTree was meant to be a lot bigger than it is, so its likely there was a plan for another room or three for the tree.


Regarding the top exit for Esmerelda, we used that (same as JSW2) to create a 'Belfry' type room. Indeed I remember having a pic of that screen in JSW2, enlarging it substantially until I could manually copy the layout and cell graphics. :)


To do what you're asking (I think??)


Room ID 14 = Rescue Esmerelda

Room ID 47 = [


POKE 52971, 47 . Set 'up exit' from "Rescue" to be room 47


POKE 61420, 14 . Set 'down exit' from "[" to be Rescue


Trouble is you only see it for a fraction of a second, he needs something to 'stand on' really but I can expand on that if needed I guess.

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:) Welcome.


You mean when you 'fall through' the bottom of Rescue Esmerelda you end up in Emergency Generator ? That is intentional as it matches up. At least as I see it.


The top exit to The Ballroom I'm 99.9% sure that was accidentally left in.


The [ room was probably (like the last three ones) intended for the tree. As I recall an interview or something with Matt saying something about the MegaTree was meant to be a lot bigger than it is, so its likely there was a plan for another room or three for the tree.


Regarding the top exit for Esmerelda, we used that (same as JSW2) to create a 'Belfry' type room. Indeed I remember having a pic of that screen in JSW2, enlarging it substantially until I could manually copy the layout and cell graphics. :)


To do what you're asking (I think??)


Room ID 14 = Rescue Esmerelda

Room ID 47 = [


POKE 52971, 47 . Set 'up exit' from "Rescue" to be room 47


POKE 61420, 14 . Set 'down exit' from "[" to be Rescue


Trouble is you only see it for a fraction of a second, he needs something to 'stand on' really but I can expand on that if needed I guess.


What i actually meant was where he falls back from [ to Conservatory Roof. This is exactly what i'm after, many thanks  :)


As for only seeing it for a split second, for the moment it's not such an issue since there's nothing to see, i'm going to have a go at making something that's in keeping with the original game design .. i might just call it 'Room Forty Seven' as something of a nod towards manic Miner's 'The Sixteenth Cavern' ... 

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Most welcome. :)


I was going to create / supply pokes to put a tiny (two blocks length)water cell platform so he could stand there but its not a simple 2 or 3 poke affair to do that as although most of the definition is empty some of it is not so I'd have to clear it then define a block. I've not looked into how much would need doing or the effects of not clearing it as it appears to have some random source code remnant in it.

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Well once my POK file is done i'm going to have a go at seeing what i can do to somehow populate it, but with my limited knowledge it may take a while, i'm thinking along the lines of pulling in all the unused sprites, tiles and what have you from the other screens and putting them to some use here ... maybe i could call it 'The Spare Room'    :P

Edited by Metalmickey
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One thing to watch is different emulators (seem) to handle .pok files slightly differently unfortunately. In particular Spin I think is not impressed with very large .pok files and Spectaculator can be very picky about invalid spaces in the file (the same file works with Spin!) , the latter is quite easy to fix though.


The only other thing is that if you use a 'original' value with the intention of allowing it to be turned off, this again does not always work especially if the original default value was a zero...

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