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Unusual Pokes (Spectrum Version)


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A couple more that haven't been listed in this particular topic.

For emulators only unless you have multiface 3.

These need to be invoked during gameplay

34271,2 - make Willy run to the toilet instantly before he has finished collecting the items if he is in the Master Bedroom, Top Landing or Bathroom, elsewhere he just keeps running to the right until he hits something

34271,3 - Instantly put Willy's head down the toilet in The Bathroom regardless of what room he's currently in. Useful when used with WRITETYPER but be careful if you have not corrected the Attic bug.

These are only temporary and will be reset when the game is restarted

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Good stuff. Setting it to '2' while in Banyan Tree is good as he has a path to run provided guardians do not interfere**. I have set it to 1 to 'resume' play to rescue him from the toilet on the odd occasion too. :D


** If they do can always set it to First Landing I guess. That reminds me there's no reason the 'bed trigger' could not be set there actually either :unsure:

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Good stuff. Setting it to '2' while in Banyan Tree is good as he has a path to run provided guardians do not interfere**. I have set it to 1 to 'resume' play to rescue him from the toilet on the odd occasion too. :D


** If they do can always set it to First Landing I guess. That reminds me there's no reason the 'bed trigger' could not be set there actually either :unsure:

True, but then that would somehow detract from the 'story' of the game, Willy collects all the items before heading off to bed, so if he was to begin his frantic dash for the lav at the bottom of the first landing then he would never make it into the bedroom, and besides, i think it adds to the challenge that he has to go to the Master Bedroom to see if Maria is still on guard...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Walk through earth cells (use with caution!) makes earth cells behave like water cells, well mostly:


POKE 36346,0

POKE 36451,0

POKE 36892,0

POKE 36909,0

POKE 37003,0

POKE 37020,0

POKE 37031,0


I mentioned in the past that I found the above didn't work properly when Willy attempted to climb up the left-hand wall of 'Halfway up the West Wall' (having walked into that room from 'The Bathroom').  Willy could jump up the wall but got stopped halfway up (appropriately enough for that room!)


Now I have figured out why that happened.  The first two POKES NOP out the CP (HL) commands in the checks for Earth blocks in the 'Move Willy (1)' routine.  Ordinarily, that means that the subsequent JP Z, #8EBC (jump to the code that deals with Willy hitting his head on an Earth block whilst jumping) doesn't come into effect.


However, if Willy jumps up into the top-left cell of either the upper half or the lower half of the screen, then the L register will hold the value zero (HL holds Willy's attribute coordinates), and so the Zero Flag will have been set by the CALL to #8E9C from #8DF4 (the OR L command at #8EAA is the precise culprit).


As a result, the jump to #8EBC is executed when Willy is located at coordinates (0,0) or (8,0), and Willy is prevented from jumping any higher by the Earth cells.



EDIT: Indeed, I believe (although I haven't tried this out yet) that the above POKES will prevent Willy from jumping straight upwards in the left-most cell-column beyond the top of the screen, or beyond the boundary between the upper and lower halves of the screen, in any circumstances - even if there is no Earth cell present to block him!

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There are sometimes odd effects which can explain that I think, well kind of. You get some odd, occasional effects where if you are stood on the left side of a screen and jump up (Dr Jones is good as he's off the floor here) and you appear to 'hit your head' and/or jumping left causes him to hit something and he falls.


Regarding the climb, yes although its possible via moving left/right between the screens to climb safely, well as safe as possible. :D

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I also suspect, from looking at the 'Move Willy (3)' routine, that the last of the seven POKES will have the following side effect:


If Willy is in a room in which the Earth attribute is set to zero, then Willy will be unable to move rightwards across a cell boundary, not even through Air or Water blocks.


EDIT: By the above, I mean even if the Air attribute is not set to the same value of zero (which would mean that all Air blocks would have combined Air-Earth properties, so he wouldn't be able to move either left or right through the Air).


Scrap that, I was wrong.  The SBC HL,DE command at #90A5 means that the Zero Flag is NOT set when the RET Z command at #90A8 is reached.

Edited by IRF
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  • 1 month later...

Try POKE #8C39, #57 in JSW, and then lose all your lives, for an interesting variation on the original Game Over sequence...


:D , I did wonder if it would be something along that line as a single byte change could not usually do a great deal.


Note to self: 35897 , 87 , just this way I have "both" to hand. :)

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  • 1 month later...

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