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JSW As Manufacturer (probably) intended .. kind of...


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I don't suppose you left some of the POKES in place after your abandoned attempt?  It might explain why overwriting the code at Room 63 causes problems.

The only ones i left in were the conveyor corrections, code sheet bypass, rope height limit for beach and the roof, guardian orientation in the chapel and cuckoo's nest and the arrow position in the attic. I thought it might be a safe bet to leave them in as they don't alter any addresses in the final 256 byte range of memory

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A few months ago i looked at the 'Cell Graphics' thread .. i didn't really understand what it was, only that it was referring to things like the corrupt conveyor in 'The Nightmare Room' .. i put in all the pokes because i thought it might perhaps bring some notable improvements to the game. But when i loaded the game it just seemed to have the effect of corrupting the graphics system within the game, that's if it ran at all. I decided that i was probably trying to fix something that wasn't broken and abandoned the idea in the end. 


I wonder if what happened there (to cause the corruption) is that you ended up trying to fix the Cell-Graphics Bug twice, using two different methods at the same time?  (i.e. Stuart Brady's fix - as reported in the 'Cell Graphics' thread; and Richard Dymond's fix - which is provided in his SkoolKit disassembly site under the heading 'Corrupted Conveyors'.)

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If you relocate the part of the Conveyor Fix code that was located within Room 63's room data, to another vacant part of the code (there are plenty of gaps in the guardian graphics section, for example), then you should be able to populate Room 63 safely!

See this is where my woeful lack of knowledge of machine language makes itself apparent, i wasn't even aware that i could implement the fixes elsewhere in the system memory .. maybe that's why i couldn't get the 'guardian bright background' fix to work .. much swotting up is needed...

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See this is where my woeful lack of knowledge of machine language makes itself apparent, i wasn't even aware that i could implement the fixes elsewhere in the system memory .. maybe that's why i couldn't get the 'guardian bright background' fix to work .. much swotting up is needed...


Skoolkid helpfully provides a list of unused addresses:





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I wonder if what happened there (to cause the corruption) is that you ended up trying to fix the Cell-Graphics Bug twice, using two different methods at the same time?  (i.e. Stuart Brady's fix - as reported in the 'Cell Graphics' thread; and Richard Dymond's fix - which is provided in his SkoolKit disassembly site under the heading 'Corrupted Conveyors'.)

Can't remember for certain if i'm honest, i do recall getting a few '4 out of memory' messages, it was my first attempt at making a fully 100% bug fixed version inspired by the 2015 Bugfix creation. I created my own game loader and then added every useful bug correcting POKE that wouldn't be considered a cheat .. (apart from the KeyCode bypass if that's a cheat in some way). I overcame the out of memory message by changing the CLEAR argument to a lower value but then when i tried to play the game it was a bit of a mess, the rooms were there but i had somehow managed to delete all the earth and water graphics .. hence the abandoned attempt  :wacko: 

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