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Yahoo Groups going away


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  On 10/18/2019 at 1:35 AM, jetsetdanny said:

Thanks for this (sad) news, John!


Apart from the messages, photos are worth saving, too. IIRC, there are some of rooms from unfinished projects - games which were never released and whose files have not been available publicly. These pictures are all that is left of them in public, I believe.


I've managed to download all the pictures (and the messages, though in a JSON format that isn't particularly clear to read). I've also leeched the 'manicminerandjetsetwilly-nonspectrum' and 'jetsetracing' groups, which are the other two JSW-related groups I was a member of. You can find the results attached to this message.

jetsetracing.zipFetching info...

manicminerandjetsetwilly.zipFetching info...

manicminerandjetsetwilly-nonspectrum.zipFetching info...

Edited by JohnElliott
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just realised that I have locked myself out of ever being able to post to the Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy Yahoo! Group again, because I chose not to disclose my email address to the Group, and it won't let me change that setting now.

The message I got when I tried was: "Since you have chosen not to disclose your email address to the group, you cannot post to this group via email." :(

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Could you not post as Kari Krisnikova, perhaps? You used to do it in the past...


While we're on the subject of the Yahoo! Group, how would you feel about the Group's content being archived on JSW Central?


It's a very tentative question, I am not saying I will definitely do it if you approve, because it might be a very time-consuming task to modify the saved messages to be hosted over there (particularly if I wanted to host each message as an individual page), but your approval would certainly make me consider it very seriously :).

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If it means anything I've been locked out of a couple of sites in the past where I'd (to be fair not used them for a couple of years!) only to realise I could not recall the password and the email I no longer had access to anymore, result = can't use 'lost password recovery' , one site did offer an option (similar to how FB does iirc) to text a password, this was all well and good until I realised that the phone number was not the current one either! :lol: :huh: It did not matter that much in the end as I found what I wanted to research elsewhere at that time.



Do agree posting with a new alias with perhaps a signature indicating who it is (if that's possible and you wanted to) would be a quick fix, assuming Yahoo! 'services' won't assist you.I think it is always worth asking about this, worst they could say is "no!"


Regarding backups of the messages although I have little input in this as I very rarely look there as I struggle with the layout (I had to stop looking at an Acorn listing as it was too messy for me to manage to use it) , an archive of it would be an excellent idea, if safe/legal and sensible proposition.  I'd not want to rely on wayback/archive site to do this as its easily stopped and even if its not it may not get it all.

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  On 12/20/2019 at 3:46 AM, jetsetdanny said:

Could you not post as Kari Krisnikova, perhaps? You used to do it in the past...


While we're on the subject of the Yahoo! Group, how would you feel about the Group's content being archived on JSW Central?


Kari tells me that I could fix my posting problem by making her the Owner of the Group, so that I could leave and rejoin, disclosing my email address. But the Group's Web page is currently giving errors whenever I try to save that change to her membership ("Sorry, an error occurred while loading the content"), so that plan will have to wait indefinitely...


Kari cannot post to the Group either, because she too chose not to disclose her email address. The Group's Web page gave her an error when she tried to leave, and she doesn't want to risk unsubscribing by email, lest I be unable to approve her membership when she tries to rejoin.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown.


I'm afraid I cannot endorse archiving the Group's content, because it raises some thorny issues around copyright, confidentiality, and the ability of users to delete their own content.

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  On 12/21/2019 at 2:16 AM, andrewbroad said:

I'm afraid I cannot endorse archiving the Group's content, because it raises some thorny issues around copyright, confidentiality, and the ability of users to delete their own content.


Thank you for your view on this issue, Andrew.

Edited by jetsetdanny
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The issue of copyright is a slightly thorny one with this I suspect. I wonder if it is worth asking Yahoo!s views on it, given they are 'removing' it forever ?


The deletion thought might be dealt with via GDPR requests perhaps on an individual basis.


@Andrew , I'm assuming (as silly as it sounds) your email issue that you considered signing up a separate account aka hotmail/gmail etc with the express purpose of just using that email for the group itself ? That way you'd not have to disclose your 'real' one.

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  On 12/21/2019 at 2:16 AM, andrewbroad said:

Kari tells me that I could fix my posting problem by making her the Owner of the Group, so that I could leave and rejoin, disclosing my email address. But the Group's Web page is currently giving errors whenever I try to save that change to her membership ("Sorry, an error occurred while loading the content"), so that plan will have to wait indefinitely...


We just tried that ritual again, and this time it worked. Kari and I are now co-Owners of the Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy Yahoo! Group. :D


I, I will be king

And you, you will be queen

Though nothing will drive them away

We can be heroes, just for one day


[David Bowie, "Heroes"]

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