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"Jet Set Jason: In Roddënwald"


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I would like to share with you the Alpha release of my latest JSW game, back from my hard drive after years of gathering dust: Jet Set Jason in Roddënwald.


The story is simple enough: Jason, Willy's only normal relative, is a student in an exclusive boarding school known as Roddënwald. Recently he has heard some disturbing rumours about vanishing students... and vanishing rooms. Even some wild rumours about a whole girls' school across the yard. But there's nothing there... isn't it?

Could he solve the mystery and stay alive?

At the moment, the game is simply unfinishable. I have tried to close with Fire blocks all the exits into "unfinished" rooms and areas, but it's possible some have flown under my radar...

Would you please take a look at my game and send me your thoughts?

Any and all comments would be welcome. I'm specially interested in graphics, appearance, tone, etc...

Thanks a lot.

Unfinished stuff:


- Rooms

- Guardians

- Other various features: lifts, ropes, etc...

- Music

- Game screens

- Game messages


(UPDATED) Alpha file.


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It is great that you have joined, that you are going to finish "Jet Set Jason in Roddënwald" and that you have shared an alpha version of it - thank you!   


I have had a brief look at several rooms around the starting room. My very first impressions: 


- The game is going to be more "intense" than your previous games - in the sense of graphical elements (probably because the JSW64 game engine allows more cell types than the older engines) and guardians.


- The game is going to be more difficult than your previous games.


- The initial rooms seem kind of "cramped" - there seems to be less open space in them than in your previous games. 


- I like the new sprites I can see in "Magnificence hides Depravity" and "Their Screams inside the Walls".


- Going down from "Magnificence hides Depravity" (after activating the switch and getting rid of the wall blocking the entrance) leads to rooms from "Madam Blavskja's Carnival Macabre" which I think are not playable.


- You cannot cross "Mail Room - 'Mad' Fritz's Lair", because the leftmost vertical guardian collides with a platform, killing Jason.


I don't want to look at the game in JSWED, I prefer to do it in an emulator. I will play it properly in a few days' time - after the release of 'Madam Blavskja's Carnival Macabre 48K Edition". I promise it'll be the first JSW-related thing I will do once "MBCM 48K" is out the door - I will then post more extensive comments .

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Thanks a lot for your comments!


Yes, you are right. The rooms which are "down" behind the wall and the switch are unfinished and shouldn't be playable.

This has been corrected in this new pre-Alpha release. I have also edited "Mail Room".


In addition, try not to exit rooms using the upper exit if it's only accesible through ropes...


Edited by Korzy_iz_Adb
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Thanks for the new file! :)


As mentioned above, having a good look and commenting on the game will be my priority JSW task after the release of "Madam Blavskja's Carnival Macabre 48K Edition".


I made good progress towards that release this weekend, so my testing of "Roddenwald" has also drawn closer :).

Edited by jetsetdanny
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Well, it looks like there are 255 items, judging by what is written on the status bar. The status bar is actually a little weird, because currently it says "Items Found 255/110". What I *think* is the total number of items comes first, and the number of items collected so far, second. I would think it should be the other way round (so, for example, I should now have 110/255 items).


Anyway, I haven't had any time today so far to continue, but perhaps I'll be able to spend a little while on it today, and I definitely hope I will be able to spend more time tomorrow - to which I'm looking forward :).

Edited by jetsetdanny
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