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Playing around.

Norman Sword

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Previously I said




Since this would always be known as the Pgyuri's effect, I see no point in carrying on further. 


This version V4 is the last version that I am doing, where the beam when static can be rotated by "H"-"k" one direction and "J"-"L" for the other


Since this is a demo the black/blue background can be changed by pressing "enter" ( no keyboard de-bounce)


This was just an exercise is see what I could do over a couple of days.


The rotate effect is nice, and I appreciate the addition of the H and J keys to activate it.


The ability to swap between black/blue using ENTER is also a nice touch.


I know you said you weren't planning on making any further changes, but I have a suggestion anyway...


Could the air supply in the cavern be made to drain at twice the rate if the background colour is set to blue?  That way the player can choose to navigate in the easier climate of the blue background, but there is a reward (in terms of additional points at the end of the cavern) for the brave who venture forth into the dark...

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Officially for me the only versions of Manic Panic are the ones in post #112 here   This Link



The first being without the final Bonus, the second with the Bonus. The preference now being to use the 2nd version.

As a technical extension, I might add a third version, with dark/light in it.  (written)

If I add the third version it has two more playing modes. Lantern and Candle 


These modes are in addition to the original modes. trainer/normal/expert/ace

The Lantern mode plays with the blue Background and the rotate beam. Timer runs as normal. Can touch baddies and oxygen depletes
The Candle mode plays with a black background. To me it is practically unplayable. Death on any baddy contact.

In order to play the game with a black background. I have added into the timer the recognition of when Willy is moving or not.

If Willy is moving left or right then the clock ticks down.

If willy is jumping or falling the clock ticks down.

If willy is static then the clock stops. 

While willy is static and the clock is stopped he can rotate the light beam. Perhaps someone can get somewhere with it like this ?????

Note I say I might add a third version. Not I will add a third version

Any third version I add, will be a novelty version. 







Final game version accessible via  This Link

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I have added a Technically changed version to the others.  This Link


No major change apart from the addition of the light beams in lantern and Candle mode.   Keep pressing "T" till those options come around.











Final game version accessible via  This Link

Edited by Norman Sword
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Thanks Norman! :)


The newer modes are quite nice. I also appreciate the difference in Latern vs Candle and the fact you've applied appropriate icons to the title screen when one is chosen.


For some JSW variants we borrowed the 'Wanted: Monty Mole' candle as its was ideal, yours reminds me of that in a way even though I can clearly see its not that sprite.

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The candle mode(black background), was originally unplayable (as a game) due to not being able to know what was directly under Willies feet. The names, lantern /candle, are  as names, strictly speaking wrong. In both cases Willy is using a directional beam lamp. Which from my experience of using torches . Spread a great deal of light in the direction they shine. And unless reflected back, leave your immediate surroundings pitch black. 

Originally in the black background mode, I directed the beam as can be seen, with a narrow beam starting out around the placement of the lamp on Willies hat. This unfortunately does not illuminate the area around Willies feet. The addition of adding reflected light to that beam was not a simple option (Not thought about in detail, until I wrote this explanation here)  But the idea was not a simple and immediately viable option (more though and longer planning and it might have  been) The none reflection of the light meant that where platforms ended was often just a guess. Remembering how far away that next jump needed to be, when willy and the platform was not visible, nagged at me. 


I could have expanded the light pattern to include Willy and the platform. The problem with that was it was NOT how a directional lamp works.  A lantern or a candle give a localised light, which fits more with the description I have given to these levels. A localised light which would  illuminate Willy and  also illuminate the area around Willies feet. But Willy has a miners helmet, and on that is a directional lamp. The directional beam is as I have included in the design.


The simplest method I could visualise was to just blue willy and the cells he was stood on. A very crude localised reflected light. Leaving the helmet light beam as originally coded, which was directional. When I tried out this simple change it at last allowed me to play several of the opening screens without a a great deal of trouble. To me the blacked out option was at last playable.

Which is why the lantern / candle modes are now included. 










Final game version accessible via  This Link

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Those coloured backgrounds in the cold room prompted me to re write the flashing objects routine for those rooms. behind the scenes the game runs as normal. Just before the screen is copied I apply the light beam effect.

I felt it needed the objects and the portal permanently left on display. So the portal and the object routine are called Yet again mid way through the routine to insert the objects and the portal. Both routines take very little time compared to the major copying overheads.

The coloured backgrounds do not look correct when the area around the object is not illuminated. So the original routines method of colouring an object onto the background, also did not look correct. So I had to add another routine just to animate and colour in the objects. The bonus was the routine did not need to draw the objects and was therefore faster.







Final game version accessible via  This Link




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