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Two suggestions regarding the website


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I've noticed that there are two small things about the website which while not not extremely important, cause minor annoyances, which I think would be easy to fix.

1. Favicon

This site happens not to have a favicon. That makes it sometimes hard to find among tabs of other websites.

2. Https

I don't care about the security aspect of it, but more and more browsers start to shame http only sites. E.g. it took me like 30 seconds to convince Vivaldi browser to send my password over http when I tried to log in. Also there is a rumour, that doing that would put you slightly higher in search engine ranking.

With appearing of https://letsencrypt.org, setting up https is both free and (relatively) simple (using their tool called certbot, which in most cases does everything automatically).

There is even easier way which don't require managing/renewing the certificate (but would require switching to use cloudflare nameservers though, so maybe not easier): set up cloudflare layer (also free).

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Thanks. :)

The favicon I will admit I'd completetly forgotten about. I've uploaded a generic one for now, actually its the 3x version of this software's as the 4x does not have one. If memory serves at one point we just had a regular " smiling face " yellow smilie as the favicon. I do remember in dim/distant past trying to make something with M.W but given the size limitations of the favicon it proved difficult.


There is some truth (apparently) in lower rankings for http vs https sites, I have heard that before. The reason it was not actually enabled (without boring you too much) as the host seemed to specify a huge array of htaccess code to go along with it, unfortunately this did not play nicely with the existing code we have in there and as at that moment in time it was a question of reopening the site asap, I felt it more important to "open the doors" after a few months being closed.

Having said that I've just enabled it without their extra htaccess, so we'lll see if that is actually enough. In theory it ought to be, only possible concern perhaps is the browser complaining about mixed content but I think this may only happen where its a remote linked image, ie someone has not uploaded it but used the IMG tags instead.

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Thanks to @crem for creating us a new favicon. 🙂 I've applied it.

Given browser differences it may take a bit of time to appear. I do recall (many years back) browsers especially elderly versions of I.Explorer etc were a bit difficult sometimes to persuade to pick up the new one, even after removal of temp data.

Here's a quick pic for now anyway taken from a browser I don't tend to use much so it grabbed the new favicon:


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