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Diner and Mansion games

Jet Set Willie

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I thought to bring you a little notice how my two games are doing. 🙂

The current room development stages are "Diner" 65% finished and "Mansion" 72% finished.

The needed little pieces of extra code is missing from both games.

No new music is available, I haven´t done anything for it, as it feels stupid to make music as I don´t know how to add the tunes to my games.

In "Mansion" game, I managed to get one buggy arrow room to work! 🙂 I mean the features/bugs of JSW or JSWED, I´m glad I managed to get around them and learned a bit more about arrows to make them do what they were not intended to do. 🙂 Let´s see, if somebody has made such an arrow room previously or not! 😉 

I don´t know yet, how to connect certain rooms together, this applies for both games. I have some ideas, though. 🙂 

The difficulty level for both games will be easier than in What a Wonderful World of Willie, but you will have to discover how to solve the rooms. 🙂 

No "impossible" rooms are included, there are some little "traps", though. 🙂 If you can´t solve the room, you have somehow gone the wrong route and haven´t practised enough. 🙂 Both games will have easy and a bit harder rooms to play, something for everyone! 🙂 

Edited by Jet Set Willie
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Thank you. 🙂 I think the same about that they can be a pleasure to play.  At least there will be a pleasure to look at some eye/effect candy. 🙂 I hope people will like those little add-ons, made possible with 128K memory. 🙂 

I´m not sure how many will think they are still too hard, I have made them easier anyway and I will continue to bring some "easy touch" to existing rooms. When you practise enough, you will notice you can easily make a dash through the guardians, just please practise and memorize first where and how you can make it. 🙂 In many rooms there are alternative routes, if you don´t like to go certain way or think some platform is too hard to pass.

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