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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community

Jet Set Willy [Remakes]

Remakes by third parties of JSW based games

30 files

  1. Jet Set Lemmy

    Silly little Jet Set Willy hack i made during the start of this year.
    Mostly the JSW1 rooms with alterations (mostly to make it easier, because i kinda suck at JSW), and i also changed a lot of the sprites.
    It's in Spanish, and i don't plan on making an English version since the room names are all basically translations from original JSW (with a few exceptions) and i'm gonna be too busy to make one (school, and other stuff)
    I don't know if it's fully completable but i think every item should be obtainable.
    I planned to add either Humoresque or the CPC track but i didn't like Maketune and i couldn't figure out any other way.



  2. Bugfixed, completable editions of "Frosya the Cat" and "Frosya the Cat - Lite Version"

    "Frosya the Cat" ("Кошка Фрося" in Russian) was the first ZX Spectrum game created by Igor Makovsky. It utilises the JSW128 game engine. It was originally released in March 2002, with the Lite Version following in November 2002. The final revision of the game, called "Jet Cat Frosya", was released in September 2004.
    While "Jet Cat Frosya" was completable without any loss of life, both "Frosya the Cat" and "Frosya the Cat - Lite Version" suffered from some critical bugs that made them impossible to complete.
    I have prepared - with Igor's kind approval - bugfixed, fully completable editions of "Frosya the Cat" and "Frosya the Cat - Lite Version", so that anyone who wants to play these fine games can do so with the certainty that they will be able to complete them.
    The attached ZIP file contains bugfixed versions that were prepared following the principle that only issues making the game incompletable or forcing the player to lose lives would be fixed. A couple of exceptions were made to this rule, and changes were introduced to avoid making the available in-game routes too complicated. Other issues, such as unfair Multiple-Death Scenarios (MDS), loopholes allowing the player to do things they should not be able to do, or the accuracy of some room names, were not addressed in order to preserve each game in its original shape as much as possible. The only aesthetic change is the addition of the word "FIXED" on the title screen to make the bugfixed revision easily identifiable.
    The included Readme contains a detailed description of what was changed in each file.
    The original game files and Readmes of "Frosya the Cat", "Frosya the Cat - Lite Version" and "Jet Cat Frosya" (which did not need any modifications, because it could be complete without any loss of life as released) are included in this ZIP package as separate ZIP files.
    Having completed these games several times over (during playtesting and then making 'proper' RZX recordings of them), I can confirm that they are great fun to play, and Frosya the Cat (aka Jet Cat Frosya) is an extremely likable protagonist 🙂 . Do have a go at them and let Igor know if you done so! - his e-mail address is in the Readme.
    Igor has also kindly provided sketches of the game map, rooms and sprites from his time working on "Frosya". This exclusive material can be downloaded from https://jswcentral.org/download/memorabilia/frosya.zip.
    Please visit also Frosya's page on JSW Central. You can download there my RZX walkthroughs of all incarnations of the game. The walkthrough of "Frosya the Cat" is already available as video on the JSW Central YouTube channel, and videos of "Frosya the Cat - Lite Version" and "Jet Cat Frosya" will follow soon.
    So once again a great thank you to Igor Makovsky for his support for these bugfixed versions and, of course, for the making the three editions of this great game in the first place! 👍



  3. What a Wonderful World of Willie

    Here is my JSWED48 game, What a Wonderful World of Willie.
    Using of the TZX file is suggested for full experience! 🙂The .TAP is included, if somebody wants to check my game in JSWED. 🙂 
    The built-in helping option will not be activated, on emulator at least, if you should choose to load the .TAP.
    You can find the release related post from here. Welcome to write any feedback there! 🙂 
    Thanks to JetSetDanny, it´s listed now on JSWcentral, too! 🙂



  4. JeT SeT JnR aNd ThE CuRsE oF ThE PhArAoH

    I am thrilled to announce the release of Carl Paterson's third Jet Set Willy game: "JeT SeT JnR aNd ThE CuRsE oF ThE PhArAoH" 🙂.   It is the first JSW game in which the protagonist is not Willy, but... his son! Yes, the years have passed by and Junior is not only a fine young man, but also an intrepid explorer, just like his dad. The two were taking part in an expedition to Egypt where they raided multiple tombs despite warnings that stealing the items carries a vengeful curse. And that curse has now struck Jet Set Junior who awakens in darkness surrounded by hieroglyph-covered walls, transported to the time of the pharaohs. Will you help him find his way home?   Please refer to the Readme to check out  the whole background story. And then embark on this new adventure, where you will face underground tunnels and flooded chambers, spirit guards, cursed tombs, flesh-eating scarabs, magic pools, flowers of fear and interdimensional generators. Remember that the All-Seeing Eye is following you... or is it Hatshepsut's gaze??? Collect all 256 cursed items, find the mysterious queen and help Willy get back to his reality through the Toilet of Time!   You can achieve this without losing a single life... if you are an incarnation of the mighty ancient warriors... or if you save and reload snapshots or use Rollback.   The game features:   - 64 newly designed rooms;   - Mostly new and some modified guardian sprites;   - A difficulty level higher than in Carl's previous two games;     - A custom-made title screen, custom font and other enhancements;   - A new title-screen tune and 13 new in-game tunes, all of them 128 bytes long, never before used in a JSW game for the Spectrum;   - Something extra at the completion of the game.   The ZIP file includes the game in TAP and TZX format (v. 2 - this is the first public release), the Readme and info about the game's credits.   Please download, enjoy, and may Amun-Ra and Osiris protect you during your quest! 😁



  5. Jet-Set Willy II PC

    Jet-Set Willy II, remade for Windows computers. created by Dan Richardson (code, additional graphics), Andy "loafjaw" Noble (graphics) and Matthew "4-mat" Simmonds (music)
    this is quite rare to come across on the internet if you don't know where to look (which is quite a shame as it's absolutely excellent), so i've decided to put it here. this is a .7z file containing three .zip files, once again complete and unmodified.
    v1.02 - "Windows Edition" - this is the version you'll be playing. a lot of the graphics from Andy Noble's JSW remake are reused here, and all of the music from that remake is reused (including the 7 unused "spare" tracks + a new track)
    v1.0 - "Original Port" - this is a 100% faithful port of the original ZX Spectrum version complete with the ZX Spectrum graphics and music. not much else to say
    v1.0 - "Game Builder" - this is the room editor which was used to create all the rooms in this remake. to use, put it in the directory of either version (the Windows Edition or the Original Port)
    from the readme file of the Windows Edition:
    from the readme file of the Original Port:



  6. Jet-Set Willy PC

    Jet-Set Willy, remade for MS-DOS/Windows/MacOS computers. created by Andy "loafjaw" Noble (code, graphics), Matthew "4-mat" Simmonds (music) and John Dow (testing, MacOS version)
    gee, this was long overdue : p  this is a .7z file containing two .zip files and a .dmg file, complete and unmodified. this also includes the readme .txt files for each of them (which is a requirement for distribution) along with a .txt file containing the cheat code for the Windows version, and a .rar file containing all the music the game uses, organized and saved as individual .xm files
    v0.991 - MS-DOS - the MS-DOS version. requires a PC running MS-DOS (or an OS compatible with MS-DOS executables), but an emulator for modern PCs (like DOSBox) will do. also, make sure to run the .exe with "-fs" to force the sound configuration and set the sound quality to "Very high" or the music will sound like the taste of those cheap oily chocolate bars that you've eaten maybe once or twice
    v0.76 - Windows - functionally the same as the MS-DOS version but with some new options in the options menu (like the ability to set the scale of the game window and a little jukebox allowing you to cycle through all of the game's music + the music from the older versions of the game like the Atari XL and the Amstrad CPC) and a different cheat code, and it can be run natively on modern Windows PCs : p 
    v0.62 - MacOS - ditto. not compatible with MacOS Catalina and later due to 32-bit executables not being supported
    the screenshots above were taken with the Windows version of the game running on a 64-bit PC
    unlike the file for Manic Miner PC there's no source code or graphics/sound effects. the data.dat file used in the Windows version can be opened with the Allegro grabber tool if you know the password it's encrypted with but out of respect for Andy i won't put it out there, sorry



  7. León Willy

    I am delighted to announce, on behalf of Pedro Magallares Ocaña, the release of his game “León Willy”. It utilises the standard JSW48 game engine, albeit with some modifications, featuring 64 brand-new rooms and 256 items to collect. The game also showcases 14 in-game tunes and a title-screen tune that have never been used in any JSW game before.
    Pedro designed the game in 2001, creating a navigable and charming environment inspired by ancient cultures, historical events, movies, songs and his personal life. He published it on a Spanish forum dedicated to the video game scene, especially consoles, a few years later. That version did not seem to reach fans within the MM & JSW community though.
    Fast forward to this year, where the game has been reborn and rejuvenated. Pedro graciously allowed me to handle some 'postproduction' aspects, including custom loading and title screens, musical arrangements, and a few other enhancements. The definitive version you can now download (in Spanish and English) showcases León Willy in his full feline prowess.
    Willy wakes up after a very crazy night, disoriented and uncertain of his whereabouts, with the events of the previous night shrouded in mystery. His surroundings appear somehow transformed. Slowly, he recalls acquiring a new residence somewhere in Spain. The name "Villamagna" echoes persistently in his mind.
    As Willy rubs the sleep from his eyes, a strange weight tugs at his head. Panic sets in as his fingers trace the features that now adorn his face. The once-smooth contours have been replaced by coarse fur, and his once-familiar nose has elongated into a feline snout. His breath catches in his throat as he touches the majestic, flowing mane that surrounds his head like a golden crown.
    In disbelief, Willy stumbles towards the mirror, praying that the reflection would dispel the absurdity of his imagination. Yet, staring back at him is a creature he could never have anticipated. His eyes widen with shock and wonder as the golden eyes of a lion meet his gaze…
    Please refer to the Readme for the rest of the background story, Pedro’s narrative about the history of the game and its various sources of inspiration, instructions, and detailed credits, acknowledgments, and thanks.
    Apart from its atmospheric and diverse rooms, the game introduces some technical novelties. It is likely the first JSW48 game where, in some rooms, you can survive a fall from any height, while in others, you will meet your demise. This is clearly indicated by the colour of the room name - if it's green, you can fall safely, but if it's red, exceeding the normal falling height will result in death.
    Another novelty involves the (varied) in-game tunes. The tune initiates from the first note if a different tune was playing before Willy entered the current room; however, it continues if the same tune was already playing. This should enhance the listening experience of the in-game music, which mostly consists of tunes from the Spanish-speaking world.
    I trust you will enjoy Pedro’s debut game, and I hope that your positive feedback will encourage him to design more JSW games 🙂.



  8. Jet Set Willy: Role Reversal

    Jet Set Willy: Role Reversal, a reimagining of the original game, with all new levels and features, the first Erix1-mode JSW game by another author other than Erix-1 ever released! By Sendy (Alex Cornhill) with assistance from Vidar Eriksen (Erix1) and Daniel Gromann (jetsetdanny).
    Over 60 rooms of challenge and mystery!




    I am thrilled to announce the release of Carl Paterson’s second Jet Set Willy game: “WiLLY iN ThE MiRRoRVeRSE”.
    The Plot
    While innocently doing his business in the bathroom Willy looks in the mirror, a sudden flash from a nearby nuclear power plant combined with aliens fighting the drone wars in your loft [so original] create a rip in the space, time continuum. 
    When your eyes refocus after the flash your still in the bathroom but is it your bathroom? It certainly looks like it but little things are different, who left the cap off the toothpaste? My gaze catches the toilet, hmm it shouldnt be there, wait is it moving? The toilet seat suddenly crashes open and closed and then starts coming towards me, i think it wants to eat me.. My mind wanders to my love, "Maria" i must find her..
    Willy must traverse almost 60 rooms of mystery collecting all the items as he goes so he may be reunited with Maria and hopefully return to his own universe, well Maria is an astrophysicist, all that sciency stuff she knows im sure she can get us home in some kind of "magiver" episode ive watched but cant remember the ending.. 
    The game features:
    - 61 newly designed rooms;
    - New and modified guardian sprites;
    - 256 items to collect (yes, they can all be collected without losing a single life! - but it's not easy...);
    - A moderate level of difficulty, which won’t put off a novice and won’t bore an expert;  
    - A new title-screen tune and 18 new in-game tunes, most of which are 128 bytes long and have never been used in a JSW game before;
    - A custom-made title screen, custom font and other enhancements;
    - Something extra at the completion of the game.
    The ZIP file includes the game in TAP and TZX format (this first public release is v. 2), the Readme and info about the game's credits.
    Please download, enjoy and share your impressions and feedback!



  10. Manic Jet Set Willy V3

    The last version I do of the combined Jet set Willy and Manic Miner. Time wise I only spent a few weeks on the main code. Overall I just kept on changing the file and adding bits and pieces to the game. No overall attempt at changing the original game play. 

    This file runs on a standard 48k spectrum and could have been released at the same time as the originals were released.

    Keys on title screen -
    <1>                                  =change playing mode ,
    <enter>                           = start game

    game keys -
    <enter>                          =  toggle music on/off,
    <H>                                =  faster game play, shorter music notes
    <J>                                 =  slower game play, longer music notes
    <ASDFG>                       =  pause, - display the high score
    <QETUO>                       =  Move left,
    <WRYIP>                        =  move right,
    <ZXCVBNM>+<space> =  jump.

    objective collect the flashing keys, and accumulate monies

    Difference from normal JSW and MM - A heavy fall or touching sprites or baddies will cost monies from Willies ready cash.
    The solar beam will cost a lot of monies on contact with Willy.
    Dropping Kong gains a lot of monies.

    But do keep an eye on your ready cash - when it has all gone - it is game over. 
    This game is the compaction of Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner both originally 48k games. The compaction of the games allows for both to run (modified) in 48k.



  11. AmAZiNG WiLLY

    I am thrilled to announce the release of a new Jet Set Willy game: “AmAZiNG WiLLY”, created by Carl Paterson (CnP Projectz). The game features:
    - 59 completely redesigned rooms;
    - A fairly familiar map layout, which will nevertheless surprise you with brand-new, atmospheric screens and many exciting challenges;
    - New and modified guardian sprites;
    - 256 items to collect (yes, they can all be collected without losing a single life! - but it's not easy...);
    - A moderate level of difficulty, which won’t put off a novice and won’t bore an expert either (lots and lots of running around and jumping is required to complete the game; oftentimes you’d really better think before you jump!);
    - A richness of music incomparable to any previous release: a brand-new title-screen tune and more than a dozen in-game tunes, most of them 128-byte-long (twice as long as the original one) and most of them never heard before in a JSW game;
    - A custom-made title screen, custom font and other enhancements;
    - A toilet run like you’ve never seen before!
    The ZIP file available for download includes the game in TAP and TZX format, the Readme and info about the game's credits.
    Grab it, enjoy and please share your impressions!



  12. Bugfixed, completable version of "Willy the Hacker"

    "Willy the Hacker" is a 1999 game by Geoff Eddy. The original release of the game was incompletable due to a critical bug in the room "The Right-Hand Edge of the Map" (27): it was impossible to jump over the foot on the right, and therefore impossible to collect the item.
    In 2007, Andrew Broad suggested a fix for it (in a post on the JSW/MM Yahoo! Group, which used to be here, but Yahoo! Groups are not online any more). Andrew said, "POKE 56116,4 (Hex DB34: 04) puts a Water-cell at (6,18), which is possible to jump onto if you stand to the right of the foot with your legs apart."
    In May 2008, Robin Clive submitted a recording of the game to the RZX Archive, which is still hosted there. In order to be able to complete the game, Robin applied a different fix than the one suggested by Andrew. Strangely enough, he also modified the game to show only 7 remaining lives, while in the original game there are 16, occupying the whole bottom part of the status bar (as a matter of fact, the game has the infinite-lives POKE turned on by default, so it doesn't really matter to the player how many spare lives there are left, and their number does not decrease if a life is lost, but this change does make a significant visual difference on the status bar). Robin never released his modified game file (however, an RZX recording can be used to play the game it was made from).
    I prepared a bugfixed version of the game while creating "Willy the Hacker"'s page on JSW Central in April 2019. I applied the same fix that Robin Clive had applied to eliminate the critical bug in room 27. However, it was done in ZX-Blockeditor so that the rest of the game remained unchanged, the only difference was that it was made completable. I did not correct another, non-critical bug which Robin had corrected, which is the necessity to lose a life in the room "Purple <hic>" (29) (where the only way to collect the two items on the mid-air platform is to jump for them from below, which kills Willy upon falling from an excessive height).
    I made my bugfixed version available for download from JSW Central in TAP and TZX format, hoping that Geoff Eddy would approve of this, but without his explicit approval. It was a great joy to learn that Geoff did endorse it in September 2022. I am very grateful for Geoff's approval and support - thank you so much, Geoff!
    Thus, this ZIP file contains bugfixed, completable, original-author-approved version of "Willy the Hacker" in TAP and TZX format.
    Play, enjoy and complete the game!



  13. Completable tape version of "Jet Set Willy: Willy's Holiday"

    "Jet Set Willy: Willy's Holiday" is a 1985 game by Adam Britton. It was created using Paul Rhodes' "JetSet Editor".
    In the mid-1990s, the game was recovered from the original tape and transferred to emulator format by Richard Hallas. It was released in March/April 1996 as part of the snapshot pack in Issue 5 of the "Emulate!" online magazine. The game was not completable due to a critical bug, discussed by Andrew Broad on his website, the archival version of which can be found here. An 'official' bugfixed version of the game has never been released.
    This ZIP package contains a bugfixed version "JSW: Willy's Holiday" in TAP and TZX format, restored from the SNA snapshot from the "Emulate!" online magazine dated 14 October 1995 and converted to tape format in a way that aims to reflect the original loading process.
    The following changes have been made:
    1. The Bad Pause-Bug Fix was removed by restoring the value of the addresses #8B07 - #8B09 to #21, #00 and #9A, respectively, i.e. the code that resides there in the original "Jet Set Willy". The Bad Pause-Bug Fix overwrites Room 63's guardian instance list in addresses #FFF0 - #FFFF with code to correct the Pause Bug. These data are interpreted as guardian instances which kill the player immediately on entry to "The Beach" (63). Please see Andrew Broad's (archival) page at https://www.oocities.org/andrewbroad/spectrum/willy/bugs.html#pause_bug for more info about the Bad Pause-Bug Fix. 
    2. The correct code for the guardian instance list in "The Beach" (63) at #FFF0 - #FFFF was copied from the addresses #80F0 - #80FF. While this guardian instance list is damaged in the SNA snapshot in the room data at #FFF0 - #FFFF due to the effects of the Bad Pause-Bug Fix, fortunately, the entire room "The Beach", including these data, happened to be preserved in the SNA snapshot in the Empty Room Screen Buffer at #8000 - #80FF! 
    3. The fix suggested by Andrew Broad to make the game completable by adding a Water cell at (5,31) in "On The Roof" (17), thus avoiding an infinite-death scenario when entering this room at the top right, was applied. This was done by changing the value of #D12F to #01.
    4. The room data for "The Hotel Bathroom" (02) at #C260 - #C2FF were copied from a snapshot taken after starting the game. This is because in Adam's original game this room in its proper shape was installed by the BASIC loader, while the room data at #C260 - #C2FF were incorrect. The room data is now fully correct in the bugfixed version and the modified BASIC loader does not deal with this room any more.
    5. The Empty Room Screen Buffer at #8000 - #80FF and the Empty Room Guardian Buffer at #8100 - #813F have been NOPped out (with the value #FF at #8140 terminating the buffer). This change was done for the sake of the 'elegance' of the tape file, as a game loaded from tape should not have any values there other than zeroes before the initial room and its guardians are loaded into the buffers.
    6. Thirteen bytes at #8180 - #818C have been NOPped out, for the sake of 'elegance' as well. These addresses (in fact, the whole range from #8141 to #81FF) are unused in the original "Jet Set Willy". It is hard to tell why the code in the SNA file was placed there, but there is certainly no reason for it to appear there in that otherwise unused chunk of code.
    7. The following variables: the number of lives remaining (#85CC), Willy's y-coordinate (#85CF), Willy's animation frame (#85D2), the address of Willy's location in the attribute buffer at #5C00 (#85D3 and #85D4), the Rope status indicator (#85D6), the In-game music note index (#85E1) and the Music flags (#85E2) have been NOPped out, for the same reason of 'elegance'. These variables are initiated when the game starts, so their addresses should have a value of #00 right after the game has been loaded from tape. A visible (or rather audible) effect of this is that the in-game music is turned on by default when the game is started (contrary to what happens in the SNA snapshot, where it is turned off).
    8. A custom BASIC loader was created. It aims to reflect Adam Britton's original solution to the loading screen, which is a block of compressed code loaded and then decompressed to display the picture it contains on the screen while the rest of the game loads. The code which creates some special effects after the game has loaded, before the program proceeds to the title screen, which in the SNA file resides below #8000, was moved to the #8000 - #FFFF range. In this way, the initial special effects are fully preserved, while the main chunk of the game code is saved as a standard 32768-byte-long block. The code which changes the colour of the letters in the words "Jet Set Willy" on the loading screen, which resides at #792F - #7C58 in the SNA file, was consolidated (by removing the zeroes it had in-between meaningful code) and moved to #9E00 - #9FF7, #96F4 - #97FB and #858B - #85AB, with the corresponding jumps added at #9FF8 - #9FFA and #97FC - #97FE. The subroutine it uses, which resides at #7918 - #792E in the SNA file, was moved to #85AC - #85C2 (but it is still copied to contended memory at #7D00 - #7D10 by the BASIC loader before its execution so that it makes the same sound as in the original snapshot). The code which creates the last special effect by gradually erasing the loading screen was moved from #7D00 - #7D10 in the SNA file to #93BB - #93CC in the bugfixed version. Thus, the code necessary to create the special effects before the game starts was copied to selected areas of memory in the #8000 - #FFFF range unused in "JSW: Willy's Holiday", either because they are unused in the original "Jet Set Willy" (as is the case with the addresses #9EB3 - #9FFF, #96F4 - #97FF and #93BB - #93D0) or because they are used in the original "Jet Set Willy" for things that are not used in "JSW: Willy's Holiday" (as is the case with the addresses #9E00 - #9EB2, which contain the codes for grid locations A0-Q9 related to the colour-scheme protection, or the addresses #858B - #85CA, which contain text messages related to the colour-scheme protection). The remaining bytes in these areas that were not used for the new code (i.e. at #85C3 - #85CA and #93BB - #93D0) were NOPped out for the sake of 'elegance'.
    As a result of the changes described above, the player is offered a completable version of Adam Britton's historic game in a choice of two tape formats, preserving the original 'loading flavour' and initial special effects. The game can be completed without any loss of life. Currently, the best known in-game completion time is 8:22 am (please see the video on the JSW Central YouTube channel).
    The SNA snapshot of the game from the "Emulate!" online magazine (JSW-WHOL.SNA) is included in the ZIP package offered here for download, for the sake of completeness.
    It is possible that one day the file of "JSW: Willy's Holiday" will be recovered (again) from its original tape and transferred to the TZX format. Another bugfixed edition will then be in order. Until then, please enjoy the restored and fixed file included in this ZIP package.
    John Elliott's JSWED v. 2.3.7, Andrew Broad's SPECSAISIE 1.3 Beta 5 (the latest publicly available version is v. 1.2) and Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor v. 2.4.3 (a newer version is available were used to prepare this bugfixed version of "JSW: The Continuing Adventures". Richard Dymond (SkoolKid)'s complete JSW disassembly (available in hexadecimal and in decimal) was also very helpful in this endeavour.
    The game's page on JSW Central is here.



  14. Completable tape version of "Jet Set Willy: The Deadly Mission"

    "Jet Set Willy: The Deadly Mission" is a 1985 game by Adam Britton. It was created using Paul Rhodes' "JetSet Editor".
    In the mid-1990s, the game was recovered from the original tape and transferred to emulator format by Richard Hallas. It was released in January/February 1996 as part of the snapshot pack in Issue 4 of the "Emulate!" online magazine.
    The SNA file of the game included in the "Emulate!" magazine was completable without losing a single life, so there was no reason to correct it and the only 'value added' this ZIP package offers is its conversion to tape format.
    However, a modified version of the game started doing rounds on the internet, with a critical bug that made it incompletable. It must have been created just two days after the file that was included in the "Emulate!" magazine. The latter has a date stamp of 21 September 1995, while the earliest known Z80 snapshot which features the bug has a date stamp of 23 September 1995 (it is currently hosted, for example, on World of Spectrum and Spectrum Computing).
    The bug was discussed by Andrew Broad on his website, the archival version of which can be found here. As Andrew explains, the application of the Bad Pause-Bug Fix causes the guardian instance list in "Mystery Room" (63) at #FFF0-FFFF to be overwritten with code to correct the Pause-Bug. These data are interpreted as guardian instances which kill the player immediately on entry to "Mystery Room".
    As mentioned above, the SNA file included in the "Emulate!" magazine snapshot pack does *not* suffer from this problem.
    This download offers "JSW: The Deadly Mission" in TAP and TZX format, converted to tape format from the SNA snapshot from the "Emulate!" online magazine, dated 21 September 1995.
    The following changes have been made:
    1. The Empty Room Screen Buffer at #8000 - #80FF and the Empty Room Guardian Buffer at #8100 - #813F have been NOPped out (with the value #FF at #8140 terminating the buffer). This change was done for the sake of the 'elegance' of the tape file, as a game loaded from tape should not have any values there other than zeroes before the initial room and its guardians are loaded into the buffers.
    2. Three bytes at #8180 - #8182 have been NOPped out, for the sake of 'elegance' as well. These addresses (in fact, the whole range from #8141 to #81FF) are unused in the original "Jet Set Willy". It is hard to tell why the code in the SNA file was placed there (it is a jump to the address #8BFF, which is the first letter "y" in the name of "Mystery Room"), but there is certainly no reason for it to appear there in that otherwise unused chunk of code.
    3. The following variables: the number of lives remaining (#85CC), Willy's y-coordinate (#85CF), Willy's animation frame (#85D2), the address of Willy's location in the attribute buffer at #5C00 (#85D3 and #85D4), the Rope status indicator at #85D6, the In-game music note index at #85E1 and the Music flags at #85E2 have been NOPped out, for the same reason of 'elegance'. These variables are initiated when the game starts, so their addresses should have a value of #00 right after the game has been loaded from tape. A visible (or rather audible) effect of this is that the in-game music is turned on by default when the game is started (contrary to what happens in the SNA snapshot, where it is turned off).
    4. A custom BASIC loader was created. It aims to reflect Adam Britton's original solution to the loading screen, which is a block of compressed code loaded and then decompressed to display the picture it contains on the screen while the rest of the game loads. The loader is simplified in comparison to the original one, which apparently installed the room "In The Lair Of The Zaquaroid" (33) in its proper shape and to correct the value of several addresses by POKing them. A short pause was introduced after the loading screen has been displayed to make it visible to people who use fast loading on emulators.
    As a result of the changes described above, the player is offered a completable version of Adam Britton's historic game in a choice of two tape formats. The game can be completed without any loss of life. Currently, the best known in-game completion time is 8:27 am (please see the video on the JSW Central YouTube channel).
    The SNA snapshot of the game from the "Emulate!" online magazine (JSWDEADL.SNA) is included in the ZIP package offered here for download, for the sake of completeness.
    It is possible that one day the file of "JSW: The Deadly Mission" will be recovered (again) from its original tape and transferred to the TZX format. If this happens, the conversion of the game to tape format included in this ZIP package will become obsolete. Until then - enjoy it!
    John Elliott's JSWED v. 2.3.7, Andrew Broad's SPECSAISIE 1.3 Beta 5 (the latest publicly available version is v. 1.2) and Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor v. 2.4.3 (a newer version is available were used to prepare this bugfixed version of "JSW: The Continuing Adventures". Richard Dymond (SkoolKid)'s complete JSW disassembly (available in hexadecimal and in decimal) was also very helpful in this endeavour.
    The game's page on JSW Central is here.



  15. Completable tape version of the original edition of "Jet Set Willy: The Continuing Adventures"

    "Jet Set Willy: The Continuing Adventures" is a 1985 game by Adam Britton. It was created using Paul Rhodes' "JetSet Editor".
    In the mid-1990s, the game was recovered from the original tape and transferred to emulator format by Richard Hallas. It was released in November/December 1995 as part of the snapshot pack in Issue 3 of the "Emulate!" online magazine. The original edition of the game was not completable due to a critical bug, discussed by Andrew Broad on his website, the archival version of which can be found here.
    In April 1998, Adam Britton released The Special Edition of the game, completable, with new rooms and various other improvements.
    However, an 'official' bugfixed version of the original edition has never been released. It could be argued whether or not there is any need for it, as a completable Special Edition is available. Andrew Broad argues that he considers TCA and TCA-SE to be parallel variants, since TCA-SE removes "The Sky-Ladder" (42), and also because of the historical value of the original TCA. It could be added that there are some differences in gameplay, e.g. in the rooms "The Further Recesses" (49) and "Don't Fall Off!" (58), which make playing the original and the Special Edition a slightly different experience.
    This download offers a bugfixed, original edition of "JSW: The Continuing Adventures" in TAP and TZX format, prepared using the SNA snapshot from the "Emulate!" online magazine, dated 21 September 1995, and converted to tape format in a way which aims to reflect the original loading process.
    It should be noted that other versions of the original edition of "JSW: The Continuing Adventures" are available on the internet. A SNA file dated 19 January 1997 is hosted on JSW remakes. A Z80 snapshot dated 20 December 2004 is hosted on World of Spectrum and Spectrum Computing. These files contain the so-called Bad Pause-Bug Fix (please see Andrew Broad's explanation for details). The Bad Pause-Bug Fix must have been added to the game file some time *after* it was released as part of the snapshot pack of the "Emulate!" online magazine. It does not affect this particular game, since Room 63 is not edited or used during gameplay. However, the code in these snapshot files at #8B07 - #8B09 and #FFF0 - #FFFF is different from the code in Adam Britton's original file.
    The following changes from the "Emulate!" magazine SNA file have been made in the #8000 - #FFFF range:
    1. The fix suggested by Andrew Broad was applied to make the game completable. A Water cell was added at (6,23) in "The Miniature Sherwood Forest!" (17) by changing the value of the address #D135 to #01. This makes it possible for the player to collect a previously unreachable item there. This change has also been applied by Adam Britton himself in the Special Edition of the game.
    2. The Empty Room Screen Buffer at #8000 - #80FF and the Empty Room Guardian Buffer at #8100 - #813F have been NOPped out (with the value #FF at #8140 terminating the buffer). This change was done for the sake of the 'elegance' of the tape file, as a game loaded from tape should not have any values there other than zeroes before the initial room and its guardians are loaded into the buffers.
    3. The following variables: the current room number (#8420), the number of lives remaining (#85CC), Willy's y-coordinate (#85CF), Willy's animation frame (#85D2), the address of Willy's location in the attribute buffer at #5C00 (#85D3 and #85D4), the Rope status indicator (#85D6), 256 minus the number of items remaining (#85DE), the Music flags (#85E2) and the Temporary variable (#85E4) have been NOPped out, for the same reason of 'elegance'. These variables are initiated when the game starts, so they should have a value of #00 right after the game has been loaded from tape. A visible (or rather audible) effect of this is that the in-game music is turned on by default when the game is started (contrary to what happens in the SNA snapshot, where it is turned off).
    4. A custom BASIC loader was created, based on the original one, with some modifications. The loading process reflects Adam Britton's original solution to the loading screen, which is a block of compressed code loaded and then decompressed to display the picture it contains on the screen while the rest of the game loads. Three POKEs which allowed the player to bypass the colour code protection from the original "Jet Set Willy" were removed from the loader, as this bypass is already present in the game code. A short pause was introduced after the loading screen has been displayed to make it visible to people who use fast loading on emulators. It should be noted that when Adam Britton created the Special Edition of the game, he did not bother to compress the loading screen (it loads as a standard SCREEN$ code block 6912 bytes in length, as opposed to 2728 bytes of compressed code in the attached tape files). So this version restores a solution from TCA 'lost' in TCA-SE.
    As a result of the changes described above, the player is offered a completable version of Adam Britton's historic game in a choice of two tape formats, preserving the original 'loading flavour'. The game can be completed with one life lost - it has to be sacrificed to collect the leftmost item in the room "The Miniature Sherwood Forest!" (17). While not really elegant (it should be possible to complete a JSW game, difficult as it may be, without losing a single life), it is consistent with the original "Jet Set Willy", where even after applying the official Software Projects POKEs to make it completable, one life still has to be sacrificed to collect the leftmost item in "Conservatory Roof" (43). Currently, the best known in-game completion time is 8:23 am (please see the video on the JSW Central YouTube channel).
    The SNA snapshot of the game from the "Emulate!" online magazine (JSWCONTA.SNA) is included in the ZIP package offered here for download, for the sake of completeness.
    It is possible that one day the file of "JSW: The Continuing Adventures" will be recovered (again) from its original tape and transferred to the TZX format. Another bugfixed edition will then be in order. Until then, please enjoy the restored and fixed file included in this ZIP package.
    John Elliott's JSWED v. 2.3.7, Andrew Broad's SPECSAISIE 1.3 Beta 5 (the latest publicly available version is v. 1.2) and Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor v. 2.4.3 (a newer version is available were used to prepare this bugfixed version of "JSW: The Continuing Adventures". Richard Dymond (SkoolKid)'s complete JSW disassembly (available in hexadecimal and in decimal) was also very helpful in this endeavour.
    The game's page on JSW Central is here.



  16. JetSet Willy 2021

    A greatly updated and enhanced BBC Micro version of Jet Set Willy, without any loss of the quirks and charms of the original Spectrum version on which it was based.
    Some of the updates and changes from the original BBC Micro release include:
    * More colours on screen.
    * More authentic colour choices.
    * More tuneful.
    * New font.
    * Corrected room and sprite definitions.
    * Arrows and ropes together again.
    * Uses the RETURN key for jump.
    * *Watch Tower* crash bug fixed.
    * Arrow rendering bug fixed.
    * Player start position fixed.
    * Works on the Master series.
    The .zip in the download contains the ssd (single sided disc image) of the game and a text file "readme.txt" covering changes in more detail.
    Control Keys:
    Z = Left
    X = Right
    RETURN = Jump

    Q = Disable In-Game Music
    S = Enable In-Game Music
    SHIFT+ESCAPE = Quit current game
    SPACE = Start a new game (on title screen)



  17. pyramid_orig.z80

    If you need some light relief from the Pyramid, this is what the game looked like when I gave up on it all those years ago. You'll quickly find out why it wasn't working, not to mention that I was having a lot of trouble thinkng up decent names for the rooms. Do not treat it as anything close to finished, and don't feel obliged to react with anything more complimentary than fits of barely-suppressed giggles. You have been warned!



  18. pyramid.tap

    Hello peopleses,
    Those of you with long memories may recall that many years ago I informed Dr. Broad that I had been doing some sporadic work on "Willy does the Great Pyramid". What actually happened was that the game wasn't happening and had ground to a halt, and I ended up leaving it in limbo. Recently, however, thanks to - ahem - medical factors, I found myself with some Copious Free Time, and after acquiring some round tuits, I returned to the Pyramid and bashed it back into shape. This is the result.
    Speculation about any aspect of the game is welcomed, encouraged even. I'm not going to spell everything out beforehand, since I rather like the idea of watching you all explore it in the way we all did when JSW originally came out 🙂 Hacking is permitted, but I think to avoid spoilers it should be conducted in a separate thread.
    And finally: MegaTree-sized thanks to Daniel Gromann and Ian Rushforth for their invaluable help in play-testing and fixing, without which the Pyramid would be undoable. I hope you enjoy it.



  19. JSW128vM

    The logical sequence from JSW128VK and JSW128VL. The game changes are very few. This final version written very soon after jsw128VK, and has been sitting on my hard drive, for six months - awaiting further changes. Since I have decided to do other things, it has become obvious to me that this will not be updated in any way.

    short Condensed notes on game.
    128 rooms
    Runs in 48k
    Can play In long notes for game music and not clicks
    triple speed
    multiple game options
    Game options menu
    16 game characters to use
    ability to use portals
    ability to change start rooms
    extensive inbuilt cheat

    Cheat is activated by typing "IWroteQuip" or as spoken ( I Wrote Quip ) - without the spaces



  20. Bugfixed, completable version of "Still Stealin' "

    "Still Stealin' " aka "Fahrenheit 2002" is a game by the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! (BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ, 2002).
    The last gamma-released revision of the game suffered from critical bugs which made the game impossible to complete properly. They have now been fixed and the game has been made toilet-completable.
    The problems and the fixes:
    The problem: There was no way to pass through the room "Oh! Got the brickies in again?" (101) starting at the bottom and moving upwards to exit to "A chance to put things right!" (098), because of the uppermost Fire cell, which did not allow the player to cross the passage where it sat from right to left. This made the game incompletable.
    The fix: A Water cell was removed, which made passing that particular spot possible.
    Technical solution: The value of the address #E51D in bank 3 was changed from #06 to #02.
    The problem: After the game was made bed-completable with the modification of one byte described in point 1, it was not toilet-completable yet, because the code which should set the Game Mode to 3, showing Willy with his head inside the toilet and legs kicking wildly in the air, would not work. This was because the toilet had been moved from the original room 033 to room 100 "There's no place like home", but there was no corresponding change in the code which checks if Willy has reached the toilet.
    The fix: The code was fixed to check for the correct room.
    Technical solution: The value of the address #9588 in bank 0 was changed from #21 to #64.
    No other changes were made to the original game file. The original game file and Readme are included in this ZIP package.
    The game was modified using Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor v. 2.4.3 after the proper values were figured out using John Elliott's JSWED v. 2.3.7 and SkoolKid's JSW disassembly. The bugfixed game was never loaded into JSWED. Therefore, it preserves the original Hacklevel 8 of the JSW128 game engine (which the current version of JSWED would have upgraded automatically had the game been loaded into the editor).
    This bugfixed, toilet-completable version is released with the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!!'s approval expressed in a message posted in the Contributor Lounge of this forum, where he wrote, "I give you the full blessing to bugfix the original games, and put them on JSW Central" (the message is only visible to those members who have Contributor status).



  21. Bugfixed, completable version of "Willy the Rogue"

    "Willy the Rogue" is a JSW128 game by the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! (BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ) released in 2002.
    The last gamma-released revision of the game, v. 1.2, suffered from critical bugs which made the game impossible to complete properly. They have now been fixed and the game has been made toilet-completable.
    The problems and the fixes:

    The problem: There was no way to collect the top-right item in the room "Oh Globbits!" (078), which made the game incompletable.
    The fix: A Water cell was added which allows access to this item.
    Technical solution: The value of the address #CE6F in bank 3 was changed from #00 to #40.
    The problem: After the game was made bed-completable with the modification of one byte described in point 1, it was not toilet-completable yet, because the code which should set the Game Mode to 3, showing Willy with his head inside the toilet and legs kicking wildly in the air, would not work. This was because the toilet had been moved from the original room 033 to room 000 "Oops I did it again!!!", but there was no corresponding change in the code which checks if Willy has reached the toilet.
    The fix: The code was fixed to check for the correct room.
    Technical solution: The value of the address #9588 in bank 0 was changed from #21 to #00.
    The problem: After the above fix was applied, there was still no Willy with his head inside the toilet at the end of the toilet run, because the sprites of Willy in the toilet (or, to be precise, of Willy's legs kicking wildly in the air above the toilet), originally at #A640-#A657 and #A660-#A67F, had been modified to show the shower in "Oops I did it again!!!".
    The fix: The proper sprites of Willy with his head inside the toilet and legs kicking wildly in the air were restored and used.
    Technical solution: The sprites of the toilet (without Willy in it) were copied to #9700-#971F and #9720-#973F in bank 0 (into an area of unused code and free space). The sprites of Willy inside the toilet were created (the toilet in "Willy the Rogue" is slightly modified in relation to the one in the original "Jet Set Willy") and placed at #9740-#975F and #9760-#977F in bank 0 (previously free space). The value of the address #95B3 in bank 0 was changed from #A6 to #97 to point to the right place where the complete sprite toilets are.
    The problem: The bed in "Willy the Rogue" is one block longer than the one in the original "Jet Set Willy". However, the code which checks whether Willy has reached the bed was not adjusted, which meant that Willy wouldn't start the toilet run at the edge of the bed, but would have to move one block "into" the bed. While this issue was not critical at all, it seemed better to make the toilet run start at the edge of the bed, just like in the original "Jet Set Willy" and various JSW remakes.
    The fix: The code was adjusted to check for the correct position within the room.
    Technical solution: The value of the address #957C in bank 0 was changed from #06 to #07.
    No other changes were made to the original game file. The original game file and Readme are included in this ZIP package.
    The game was modified using Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor v. 2.4.3 after the proper values were figured out using John Elliott's JSWED v. 2.3.7 and SkoolKid's JSW disassembly. The bugfixed game was never loaded into JSWED. Therefore, it preserves the original Hacklevel 8 of the JSW128 game engine (which the current version of JSWED would have upgraded automatically had the game been loaded into the editor).
    This bugfixed, toilet-completable version is released with the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!!'s approval expressed in a message posted in the Contributor Lounge of this forum, where he wrote, "I give you the full blessing to bugfix the original games, and put them on JSW Central" (the message is only visible to those members who have Contributor status).



  22. Bugfixed, completable version of "Skint Willy"

    "Skint Willy" is a JSW128 game by the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! (BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ) released in 2002.
    The last gamma-released revision of the game, v. 0.7, suffered from critical bugs which made the game impossible to complete properly. They have now been fixed and the game has been made toilet-completable.
    The problems and the fixes:
    The problem: It was impossible to jump up into the room "Ding 'a' fuckin' ling" (138) from "Rescue Esmerelda" (014) and land on anything but Air. Consequently, the item in "Ding 'a' fuckin' ling" was unreachable, and the game - incompletable.
    The fix: A Water cell was added in the lower right-hand corner of "Ding 'a' fuckin' ling", making both the entry to and safe exit from this room possible.
    Technical solution: The value of the address #CA7F in bank 4 was changed from #02 to #06.
    The problem: After the game was made bed-completable with the modification of one byte described in point 1, it was not toilet-completable yet, because during the toilet run Willy would crash repeatedly into the green horizontal guardian in "Cramped Conditions" (128).
    The fix: This issue was solved by making Willy bypass the guardian in "Cramped Conditions" (128) and jump over the guardian in "The worst toilet in the world" (063) during the toilet run.
    Technical solution: The value of the addresses #89E7 and #89E8 was changed to #18 and #97 so that the routine at #9718 (rather than the one at #9584) is called to check if Willy has reached the toilet. The new code, allowing Willy's manoeuvres mentioned above, is at #9718 - #974B (in previously unused space). The original code at #9584 - #9599 remains in place unchanged, but it is unused by the game.
    No other changes were made to the original game file. The original game file and Readme are included in this ZIP package.
    The game was modified using Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor v. 2.4.3 after the proper values were figured out using John Elliott's JSWED v. 2.3.7 and SkoolKid's JSW disassembly. The bugfixed game was never loaded into JSWED. Therefore, it preserves the original Hacklevel 8 of the JSW128 game engine (which the current version of JSWED would have upgraded automatically had the game been loaded into the editor).
    This bugfixed, toilet-completable version is released with the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!!'s approval expressed in a message posted in the Contributor Lounge of this forum, where he wrote, "I give you the full blessing to bugfix the original games, and put them on JSW Central" (the message is only visible to those members who have Contributor status).



  23. Jet Set Willy - The Mr Noseybonk Edition

    For this special version of Matthew Smith's classic ZX Spectrum game 'Jet Set Willy', the Retro Factor has been doubled by the introduction of Mr Noseybonk - a recurring* character from the early 1980's BBC children's TV show 'Jigsaw' - as the main protagonist.
    (* By 'recurring' I mean that he made regular appearances in the programme - but also that he formed the basis of recurring nightmares for a whole generation of British children!)
    The title screen music for the project is an adaptation of the theme tune from 'Jigsaw', whilst Noseybonk's theme ('A Hippo Called Hubert' by Joe Griffiths) is collectively represented by the in-game music and the coda that plays during the 'Game Over' sequence.
    My thanks go to Richard Hallas for inspiring the concept for this project during an email exchange last year, and for his 'A Miner Triad' document (http://hallas.net/Software/music.htm) with its very useful tone chart and general advice on scoring music for the 'Jet Set Willy' game engine. I would also like to thank Andy Ford (administrator of the host site jswmm.co.uk) for his assistance with compiling the BASIC loader, and Richard Dymond for his invaluable 'Jet Set Willy' disassembly (hexadecimal format available at http://skoolkid.gith...ly/index.html).
    Enjoy - and don't have nightmares!!!
    Ian Rushforth
    UPDATE: One week after first releasing this game as 'Jet Set Willy - The Mr Noseybonk Version', a bug came to light which caused corruption of the scrolling message on the Title Screen, and which also caused ropes to behave in strange ways during play. I have corrected this error (caused by a single errant byte), and reissued the game as 'Jet Set Willy - The Mr Noseybonk Edition' (to distinguish it from the first, erroneous release). I also took the opportunity to address a couple of bugs that were present in the original game, namely that the item in the Swimming Pool was automatically collected upon entry (so you never got the opportunity to see it), and one of the items in the Conservatory Roof couldn't be collected without sacrificing a life. It is now possible to complete the game without loss of life.
    FURTHER UPDATE: Sinclair ZX Vega support files added to the download folder.



  24. JSW 128 VL5

    JSW 128 VL5
    This was written just after JSW 128 VK3.
    It is an extension of the game, which I pushed towards the feel of Manic Miner
    In this version changed over a period of two weeks, I took the idea of game save status and changed the way JET SET WILLY plays. If you can play JET SET WILLY then this version might actually be a hindrance to you.
    For the lesser player it adds the ability to keep on trying a sequence of the game until they master it.
    The only constraint to finishing is the time limit. There are no lives to be decimated, you are totally free to roam, and free to try any action.
    The catch is simply that for every instance that you would normally die and loose a life you transported back to the last portal that you visited. Infinite lives and lots of time, sounds easy to finish?
    The double catch is that every time you die the game re-installs all the objects collected since the last portal, it also resets the ammo.
    This makes collecting objects different from when you play with infinite lives, a death jump or leap to collect an object, will not collect the object but will transport you back to the last portal, which might be some distance away. You have to perfect all the paths that collect objects and manage to get to a portal and save them.
    It also changes the way willy re-appears back in a room after death. In this version that simply does not happen, he is moved back to the last portal.
    f you don't visit the portals then a death could take you back many many rooms and many, many objects collected. Those portals are the most important place to visit.
    If the game was easy in the standard format, then this version will not have any change in how you play, its design is for the casual player to permit wandering without real consequence.
    One technical change from JSW128 VK3 was that is Willy does not change colour when immune. This was changed to the room name changes colour when immune instead. This small change was to enable willy to jump on ropes when immune.
    It has an inbuilt cheat mode, which uses a different cheat code from all other versions.
    In this demo version I have pushed previous attempts at upping the games speed into oblivion.
    The Title of the file is JSW VL5 demo.tap. Which has a lot more graphics than JSW 128 VL5.tap
    It does however display the fact it is a demo version.



  25. JSW 128 VK3.Tap

    Altered Reality.

    The basic Core of this game is Matthew Smiths original code.
    Which although edited still runs in the original 48K

    Due to extensive compression and rewrites of the original code this version.
    Runs at double the original speed
    Runs with up to 16 sprites per room
    Runs with up to 32 arrows per room
    Has diagonal sprites
    Has mid sprite bounce
    Has homing sprites
    Has 128 rooms
    and .....
    I will leave the user/player to work out what has changed.
    Uses "G" key- "H" key- and the "K" and "L" key
    Technical addendum :- files needed to construct the game
    These files are used to generate the game file
    main files:-
    mnjsw9.asm 15,264 lines in 423,867 bytes
    manic_edit_copy.asm 342 lines in 10,576 bytes
    fixed_page.asm 1,249 lines in 48,929 bytes
    merged.asm 40 lines in 2,096 bytes
    included data files when assembling
    x0 1132 lines in 39k ; big data statements
    x1 286 lines in 20k
    x2 509 lines in 22k
    x3 1103 lines in 41k
    included binary files when assembling
    edited-edit_3 6.75k
    650 lines in 20k
    game files
    jsw0.tap 30.9k
    jsw1.tap 30.9k
    the files control.txt jsw0.tap and jsw1.tap are processed by saveab1.bas
    this is 1651 lines of qbasic in 48.07k
    The process's includes- read room layout, compress data -output room layout data
    read sprite data and read control file, change sprite data compress and output
    reconfigure the key data and output
    read the room data, discard unwanted data compress and output
    in essence the basic file is taking the two games and merging into a set of output files, needed to assemble
    A sprite editor and a room editor, along with an assortment of checking data files
    All in, around 790k of associated files and data for version "K".
    Which is why old versions are discarded when I update the logic
    I am currently on version "L" - which is a big change in game play



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