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Manic Miner [Remakes]

Remakes by third parties of MM based games

17 files

  1. Manic Miner: Deeper and Down

    He's Back... In an all new old adventure!
    This follows on from the Lost Levels and Lost Levels DS in that it is a conversion from another system in this case it is the Sam Coupé version.
    After the first 20 levels that follow the original Manic Miner, there were another 20 called The Deeper Caverns then another 20 called Down, Down, Deeper and Down.
    This gives the game its title Manic Miner: Deeper and Down as Manic Miner: The Deeper Caverns and Down, Down, Deeper and Down was a bit of a mouthful.
    As before it tries to do this as close as the original game mechanic allows but this time using the JSW64 128K game engine as some features like trampolines and switches were impossible to replicate in the original game engine.
    There is a demo version of The Deeper Caverns for the 48K which is included in the .zip file as initially it started here. The gameplay order, screens and sprites are slightly different but all levels are playable.
    The Deeper Caverns
    The Gameplay follows the order of these next 20 levels, level 20 The Final Frontier is used as a link into Down, Down, Deeper and Down so the top of this screen is slightly different to the original Sam Coupé version.
    Here are the level screens in gameplay order.
    01 The Hollow Chamber
    02 The Office
    03 Cheese-Plant
    04 The Dodgy Mine Shaft
    05 The Big Drop
    06 Order Processing Department
    07 The Rocky Outcrop
    08 The Twilight Zone, Part I
    09 Son of Kong Beast
    10 Trainspotters' Paradise
    11 Battle of the Bits
    12 A Night on the Tiles
    13 The Twilight Zone II
    14 Dante's Inferno
    15 The Freezer
    16 Blue Stick-Waggling Bananas
    17 Round The Bend
    18 Teddy Bears' Picnic
    19 The Clock Tower
    20 The Final Frontier
    Some of the levels with Trampolines have been modified to prevent falling too far.
    Kong falling from the platform has been changed for something else. Pull the switch and find out.
    Levels with a lot of sprites, switches or items will be slower.
    Down, Down, Deeper and Down
    This follows on directly from The Deeper Caverns with an additional 20 levels.
    There is an ending level (Up Up and Away) but it is not playable, like JSW the game just stops here (until the air runs out and then it loops).
    Here are the level screens in gameplay order.
    01 In Xanadu, did Kubla Khan ?
    02 Bleugh
    03 Wibble Flowerpot
    04 Wibbly Wobbly
    05 Caveman Willy
    06 No Way Back ?
    07 Bouncy-Bouncy
    08 Son of Bride of Kong’s Revenge 2
    09 The Haunted House
    10 The Mouse Trap
    11 The Bonus Round
    12 Still No Way Back ?
    13 The Pink People Eaters
    14 April Showers
    15 Bottom of the mine shaft
    16 The Building Society
    17 The Control Room
    18 The Assembly Plant
    19 The Computer Room
    20 The end of Willy as we know it ?
    21 Up Up and Away !
    The items in the The Bonus Round had to be reduced as it exceeded the limit for the overall game.
    Because of this additional items have been added to other levels.
    The Pokes for Infinite Lives, WRITETYPER and finishing the game without collecting all the items will work.
    Follow the post here




  2. Manic Miner: The Lost Levels

    After watching Manic Miner Ports by RetroGamerDiaries I wondered if it would be possible to convert these levels back into the original Spectrum format.
    The levels are from the Oric-1, Dragon 32, Amstrad CPC, BBC Micro and the Gameboy Advance releases and tries to replicate them as close as the original 48K game mechanic allows.
    Here are the levels and the systems they came from.

    Follow the post here 



  3. Manic Person

    My first Manic Miner level-set, created long ago alongside Jet Set Willy: Role Reversal. 20 reasonable and 20 unreasonable difficulty caverns over two files.



  4. Manic 40 Miner

    Manic 40 Miner

    This file is posted elsewhere --- 

    Moved here because I found it very difficult to find --- 

    After I stopped developing the JSW128  VK VL VM   engine. I spent a week writing a version of Manic Miner called  Manic 40 Miner.
    This does not contain any new rooms. They are the original and Ligans rooms.

    This means this version contains 40 caverns, starting with the original 20 caverns, then continuing on with another 20 caverns originally desisigned by Ligan. (of those 20 caverns, some have been redesigned by me)

    NOTE this runs in 48k the same as the original.

    This has a built in part game editor ---- Not enough space to add more scope, when the room/cavern count has been doubled.




  5. Thoroughly Modern Willy

    Thoroughly Modern Willy v0.02
    (April 23rd spectrumcomputing.co.uk minigame competition)
    Whilst sorting through boxes in an attempt to tidy up the attic, Willy stumbled across some machinery left by the previous owner, Dr Jones. As he investigated further, he knocked a switch over and the machinery started to hum into life. Before Willy can say 'Quirkafleeg' there is a blinding light...
    As his sight returns, Willy determines he is no longer in the attic. He's been flung into the future - space year 2018 to be precise. Willy proceeds to do what he's always done when faced with a tight spot - collect all the flashing objects - strewn across six screens - and hope for the best!
    Some hints for getting by in the future:
    - Switches can change the layout of a room and make areas safe or unsafe.
    - It's unwise to move around in the dark.
    - Willy's box moving skills are still useful in the future.
    Code: Bob Fossil
    Graphics: Matthew Smith (Manic Miner / Jet Set Willy), Steven Kerry and Terry Lloyd (Auf Wiedersehen Monty)
    The download .zip includes:
    the game file in .tap format
    a readme text file
    two .scr files of the game
    a map (from maps.speccy.cz)
    a .pok file (from Spider)
    an .rzx (by Pavel Plíva)



  6. Manic Miner with automatic play

    An extension for the automatic play version. In this version the game can be played in mono or as a block and block mono. 
    Created around may 2021:

    To access the extended modes press "K" on the title screen. The keys in the option screen are all clearly shown.
    V=version - either bug byte or software Projects graphics and logic
    Z or X = change selected cavern
    L = play this cavern automatically
    H = play this cavern by scripted human play (still automatic)
    Enter = play as normal
    J = change the extended modes

    In the mono screens the colours can be changed by pressing 1 to change the background (paper), and pressing 2 to change the foreground(ink). The code will stop the ink and paper being the same.

    All the normal game keys



  7. "Manic Miner 5: Los peligros del LSD" - tape version

    "Manic Miner 5: Los peligros del LSD" is a 1998 game by Ignacio Pérez Gil. It was created using Richard Swann's "Manic Miner Editor" and some other tools.
    The game was released in April 1998. It is hosted on World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing and other sites. Its page on JSW Central is here.
    The game was only released as a Z80 snapshot (a dump of the ZX Spectrum's memory). It has never been released in tape format. However, tape format seems to be the most elegant, complete and definitive way of releasing Spectrum games, reflecting what happened on the original hardware, providing data which you load into the machine's memory 'from zero', rather than having an image of the contents of the ZX Spectrum memory at a particular instance in time.
    For this reason, I created a tape version of "Manic Miner 5: Los peligros del LSD" in TAP and TZX format, converted from Ignacio Pérez Gil's original Z80 snapshot.
    Ignacio used an interesting technical solution to introduce Spanish diacritical marks in room names and in the text of the scrolling message. He used the Printer Buffer at #5B00 - #5BFF to add the pertinent code and data. In his Z80 snapshot, the code which allows the use of diacritics resides at #5BF2 - #5BFF, and the data at #5B00 - #5B2F.
    In order to create a standard "Manic Miner" TAP/TZX file that does not include any data to be loaded into the contended memory (i.e. which loads a block of code starting at #8000), Ignacio's code was moved to the #9B00 - #9BFF range, unused in the original "Manic Miner" (occupied by source code remnants). The code was placed at #9BF2 - #9BFF (and modified as necessary) while the pixel patterns for accented letters are now stored at #9B00 - #9B2F. The rest of the source code remnants were untouched and no other changes were made to the game, apart from the CALL instruction at #92BD - #92BF, which Ignacio himself had modified to point to the additional code in the Printer Buffer and which has now been modified to point to the new location of this code.
    A simple BASIC loader was created for the game. Ignacio's original loading screen was used for the loading process. It was compressed to a little over half of its original size in order to speed up the loading of the game, in case someone does not use any acceleration method on an emulator or wants to load the game into a real ZX Spectrum.
    As a result, the player is offered a version of Ignacio Pérez Gil's game which loads from tape and plays exactly as the original. The original Z80 snapshot and Readme are included in the ZIP package available for download for completeness.
    Andrew Broad's SPECSAISIE 1.3 Beta 5 (the latest publicly available version is v. 1.2), Claus Jahn's ZX-Blockeditor v. 2.4.3 (a newer version is available), John Elliott's JSWED v. 2.3.7 and Andy Ford's Screen Compressor were used to prepare the tape version of "Manic Miner 5: Los peligros del LSD". Richard Dymond (SkoolKid)'s complete MM disassembly (available in hexadecimal and in decimal) was also very helpful in this endeavour, as were Andrew Broad's Technical Notes on his game "Jet Set Willy: The Lord of the Rings".



  8. Manic Miner - Primo

    A port of Manic Miner for the Primo computer.
    The game very closely follows the original Spectrum version albeit in monochrome, all caverns are present and it looks and plays very closely to the original in general.
    The code appears to be based on the Bug-Byte version and the original authors attribution remains intact too.
    The two game files are inside a .zip for convenience. They are identical aside from their format, being a .ptp and a .pri file respectively.
    Thank you to @pgyuri for bringing this variant to our attention. 🙂



  9. Manic Miner Electron 2021

    This is the Acorn Electron version of Manic Miner, written by "0xC0DE" and built from Toby Lobster's greatly updated Manic Miner for the BBC Micro ( you can find that here )
    To quote the coder of this version, " 0xC0DE "
    The files attached here are two .zips:
    One containing four game files and two readme files, the original GitHub readme.md and a shortened plain text .txt of the same. Inside this zip are also the game files themselves, consisting of two tape .uef and two disc .ssd images, one for emulators and one for real machines.
    The other .zip file contains the screenshots used here, for convenience.
    The game controls are:
    Z = Left
    X = Right
    RETURN = Jump
    DELETE/COPY = Pause / Un-pause
    Q/S = Music off / Music on
    ESCAPE = End game
    Original (ZX) game by Matthew Smith
    Initial BBC Micro release by D.J.Coathupe
    Updated 2021 BBC Micro release by Tony Lobster
    This Electron version presented here by 0xC0DE



  10. Manic Miner 2021

    A greatly updated and enhanced version of the original BBC Micro Manic Miner.
    Changes and improvements include:
    Flicker free player movement
    Fixes to cavern layouts, graphics, and colours
    Better air bar and colours
    Fixed the shape of the jump to match the Spectrum
    Better collision detection
    Better music
    High Score is shown
    'GAME OVER' added
    Master compatible
    The .zip in the download contains the ssd (single sided disc image) of the game and two text files:
    > A simple 'read_me" explaining a little bit more about the game
    > A 'tech_notes' file covering the updates in more detail.
    Control Keys:
    Z = LEFT
    X = RIGHT
    S = MUSIC ON



  11. Manic Panic

    Manic Panic.
    Plays on ZX Spectrum and similar hardware.  Runs and plays in48K
    This game could have been written when the originals of Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy and Jet set Willy 2 was written. It does not need the memory or hardware of the expanded versions of the ZX spectrum.
    very very brief note:-
    The original plan was to create a full sized playing screen game. An upgrade on the 2/3 screen playing area of MM and JSW. 
    I decided to continue the story of Miner Willy.
    Willy Started out exploring in Manic Miner, and hit the jackpot. He then splashed out his monies on a new mansion which was explored in Jet set Willy 1/2 and 2+. 
    In the present day his memory of the past is playing tricks on his mind. Did he switch any of the robots off in Manic Miner?
    In Manic Panic I leave you to find out. What he does next
    Whilst the basic code was easy enough to write, I did encounter problems with breakup on one part of the screen. This problem nearly caused me to to cease writing and scrap the idea. I persevered and after two weeks I had most of the basic code.
    The game has multiple playing modes 0) Trainer, 1) Normal, 2) Expert, 3) Ace , 4) Lantern, 5) Torch. Each mode differs from the others modes in a specific way.
    Outline, based on how I remember the code.
    0) Trainer -- Full oxygen ---- Slow oxygen depletion ------ Oxygen depletes on contact - (-2) sprites - No final Bonus - No end game
    1) Normal --- Metered oxygen - Normal oxygen depletion ---- Oxygen depletes on contact - (-1) sprite -- Final Bonus ---- End game ----- enables ace mode
    2) Expert --- Metered oxygen - Faster oxygen depletion ---- No contact allowed (death) - all sprites -- Final Bonus ---- End game ----- enables ace mode
    3) Ace ------ Metered oxygen - Very fast oxygen depletion - No contact allowed (death) - all sprites -- Final Bonus ---- End game ----- playable only if another mode was completed.
    Extended modes - added as a novelty
    4) Lantern -- Metered oxygen - Normal oxygen depletion ---- Oxygen depletes on contact - (-1) sprite -- Final Bonus ---- End game ----- enables ace mode
    5) Torch ---- Metered oxygen - Faster oxygen depletion ---- No contact allowed (death) - all sprites -- Final Bonus ---- End game ----- enables ace mode -- oxygen depletion stops if static.
    The extended modes adds a lot of code. And are based on the idea that the caverns are dark and are illuminated by Willy in two ways.
    In lantern mode the cavern is completely Blued out. Willy can use the light that is attached to his helmet and illuminate the cavern. The light will point in the direction of Willies travels. If Willy is walking Right the the beam of light from Willies helmet will also shine to the right. Conversely for the left. When Willy is static and is not moving horizontally Willy can rotate the beam of light in either direction. The keys for rotating the beam of light are the keys "H","J","K","L" - with "H" and "K" rotating in one direction and "J","L" rotating in the other direction. The rotation keys have inbuilt delays (similar to keyboard delays). The items are set to still colour cycle or animate in the blued out room , so their positions are always visible. The portal is also still visible.
    The above (lantern) was extended into another version. The Torch version. Here the room is blacked out, which makes the surrounding platforms disappear. In order to facilitate playing in such a room, and not make it pure guesswork or committed to memory in order to play. A small area around willy is Blued out, this area shows the platform willy is standing on. The steady depletion of oxygen is stopped, whenever Willy is static (stopped) and the rotation of the torch beam can be undertaken to illuminate other parts of the screen. To further facilitate travelling around the screen, all items/objects/keys collected will briefly flash and illuminate the room when they are collected.  
    I have played every cavern in Lantern and in torch mode, whilst it can add a layer of difficulty to each cavern. The fact I have completed them shows me they can be completed. The screens have not been memorised by me and since they are all relatively new, I play them with only a limited memory of how to play them each time I see them.

    Changes from MM/JSW 
    This list just touches on some aspects of code change.
    I rewrote everything- some with better design than others.
    Full screen playing area - an increase of nearly 50% Willy now has a sprite mask. All sprites can move in any direction. Room events are changed to sprite events. E.g. Kong is a sprite and not a cavern that has Kong in it. Sprite events can be mixed. e.g. Kong- Skylab - light beams etc can all exist in any cavern. Sprite events specify their own graphics. e.g. you can have differing graphics on the Skylab graphic event in the same room. Sprites can cross other sprites - without killing Willy. Sprites can cross graphics in the background without killing Willy. every sprite can define its own graphic. Sprites can be 16, 8 or 4 pixels high. Addition of worm collision sprites. Addition of time phased dropping sprites. Addition of animated items/keys. Colour cycling on items/keys cycles correctly in 7 cycles and does not repeat in cycles of eight with duplicate colours. Keys/items can animate in  1 phase, 2 phase, 4 phases. Cavern graphics allow up to 16 differing graphics per room. Cavern graphics incorporate a new style of tile - being an invisible/ignore tile. Graphics such as the nasty graphics are during game cycle allowed to act as nasties and also be ignored. -- reason for ignore tiles -- In JSW/MM - Willy can stand on any tile -- These tiles need to be ignored due to being able to survive nasty contact. Graphics do not suffer the duplication of colours bug that plague the differing versions of JSW and MM. Possible to have two differing tiles and one colour. Multiple on screen Conveyors can be animated in different places.  Conveyors can have both left and right conveyors in the same cavern. Special code added to allow Willy to straddle two conveyors and not lock the movement keys out. Air bar is depleted in a progressive manor. Depletion when full is slow. When nearly empty depletion is fast. Rate of depletion is based on the height of the oxygen. The change in speed of depletion is constantly changing. Air bar depletion is also changed by the game level played. Easy levels use a slower rate of depletion compared to the harder levels of play. Dual title music playing routine  Music routine play pitch corrected notes. Music routine illuminates correct keyboard keys. Music routine allows music tempo change. Music routine allows notes of differing length Music routine allows rests. Music routine can play notes from 5 octaves Multiple game playing modes 0) Trainer, 1) Normal, 2) Expert, 3) Ace , 4) Lantern, 5) Torch. Each mode differs from the others modes in a specific way.

    Behind the scenes a lot of added code is taking care of several aspects of space management. Since this is just a short note those aspects and the details of the changes will not be added here.



  12. Manic Miner By S.P. And Bug Byte

    When Matthew wrote manic Miner he released the game originally with Bug Byte. When he re-released the game with Software projects some small changes were made to the graphics.
    This version is not a new version of the game and its main novelty is the ability to swap between the versions of the game.
    Whilst I made minimal change to the games playing style or data I changed some of the ways that the game plays.
    This is not a simple edit of the game it is a rewrite but leaves the basic data intact.
    I have added :-
    item collection sounds.
    sound effects for being hit by the solar ray
    sprite collision sound effects
    heavy landing sound effects.
    death collision graphic and sound effect
    an extensive cheat.
    an explanation to why you have died
    an animation of the high score being added
    a redraw of the title screen (fixing the keyboard graphics)
    a title screen animation of a spectrum analyser
    a credits screen
    a title screen animation showing the version about to be played (Bug Byte graphic or S.P. graphic)
    a sprite mask on the main character
    a redesign on how the screens update (to stop sprite glitching)
    the list of changes is extensive (Some listed above) the overall feel will still be that you are playing the original Manic Miner.
    This file is listed elsewhere on this site, Having been asked by several people where this file is listed, I realise it needs to be placed in the Manic Miner Download section so it can be found easier.
    Addendum To include extra keys - 
    Each game play alternates between Bug-Byte and Software Projects. The version can be seen as an animated graphic while the title music plays.
    To enter the cheat -- start game, and in the Central Cavern  type 6031769. If the cheat value is accepted a purple boot will be displayed.
    Once cheat is enabled. It stays active until the computer is switch off or the computor rebooted.
    To activate icons.
    Press 1 - Toggle fast turn   indicated by an icon on lower right with Miner Willie's legs and arrows
    Press 3 - Toggle tool kit activation - allows collapsed floor rebuild - press 9 to rebuild a collapsed floor
    Press 4 - Toggle Medical tool kit activation - This stops normal death events.
    Now the more convoluted keys.
    Press 9 and hold, now press the 1 key - the Cavern shown will be the previous cavern - if on the Central Cavern if will move to the Final Barrier
    Press 9 and hold, now press the 2 key - The cavern shown will be the next cavern. - If on the Final Barrier it will move to the Central Cavern 

    Note the 1 key icon toggle - does not need the activation of cheat - it is always available.



  13. Manic Miner: Back to the Mine

    "Manic Miner: Back to the Mine" - a MM remake by LiganTM. It's an edited version of the original MM, like MM3 and MM5, the graphics and enemies haven't been modified. The first version of the game was made public in July 2017, entitled "Manic Miner Hard". As it turned out later, it was a beta release. The final version was released in May 2018.
    Cavern Names :
    1. The Pyramid Entrance
    2. The Melting Iceberg
    3. The Collapsed Plains
    4. The Dried-Up Aquifer
    5. The Plumbing Store
    6. The Cloning Facility
    7. The VAT
    8. United Kongdom Customs
    9. The Germopharmacy
    10. The Apple Orchard
    11. Finding the Perfect Insurance
    12. The Pronce's Palace
    13. And Down the Trash Chute...
    14. Space Game Tutorial Level
    15. The Art Gallery
    17. The Factory
    18. Ameobological Site
    19. Localizing Ray Deflector
    20. The Pharaoh Gravestone
    A .tap tape file has been built to compliment the supplied .z80 snapshot for convenience. This include a semi custom loading screen too. The file is fully editable via JSWED or similar if required.
    EDIT (Daniel)
    The name of the thread has been changed to reflect the real, final name of the game. The earlier files have been removed and the final, bug-fixed file of "Manic Miner: Back to the Mine" has been uploaded.



  14. Manic Miner ZX81

    This is a port of the ZX81 version of Manic Miner back to the Spectrum, written by Russell Marks in 2003. The 'original' ZX81 version was authored by Alex Martinik around 1984 and is available here as per the 'original' the actual in-game language is Czechoslovakian.
    Note this does actually require a 128K Spectrum to run.
    The authors notes and documentation read as follows:



  15. Manic Miner PC

    Manic Miner for the IBM PC range of machines by Andy Noble.
    The download contains three versions as follows plus a small bonus too. All versions are complete and unmodified in any way (hence a .zip for each inside the main .zip) , they also include their original unmodified readme file, a requirement for distribution.
    0.75 , This is one of the earliest ones available, it also includes some of the Blitz Basic source code too. Please note this version needs a 32bit operating system, it will not function on a 64bit machine.
    0.79 , This is a slightly later version with a few bug-fixed applied. The good news is this will run on a 32bit or 64bit machine without any real issue as such.
    1.51 , A later version, again this is like 0.75 and requires a 32bit Operating System to function.
    The screenshots were taken using a 64bit OS using version 0.79. To play the 32bit versions you will either need a 32bit Operating System or perhaps an alternative solution:
    1. DosBox would work quite well
    2. If you are using WIndows7 Pro or Ultimate you will be able to obtain XP-Mode as a download from Microsoft. This is more or less a complete VM using 32bit XP and would be ideal
    3. Another alternative would be to use something like VirtualBox or VirtualPC but with these you would have to supply your own OS such as XP / 2K / 98 / possibly MS-Dos
    The bonus is the source data as well as some of the graphics and sound effects. Although these are present in one of the versions above, it seemed prudent to also split them out into a separate file for convenience too.
    Given the speed of modern computers, running the game on "slow" or "boring" speed is ideal. On the main title page press F1 to get to the options page.



  16. Manic Miner Oric Atmos

    Manic Miner for the Oric Atmos. Possibly *might* be compatible with the Oric 1 (if it has a memory/rom addon)
    There are actually two versions of this present generally on the Internet. One is credited to Matt Smith (this is the one in French with the bugs) and the other also mentions his name (and mentions



  17. Manic Miner ZX81

    This is the third party ZX81 version of Manic Miner, written in 1984. It is a standard ".p" ZX81 tape file.
    It is not (given the limited memory available) identical to other platforms, however there are eleven of the familiar caverns present although its a fantastic achievement and credit to the author for being able to do this at all.
    You do start with five lives instead of three however but the game is quite difficult so that is a very sensible compromise.
    The game language is Czechoslovakian
    A third party review of it can be found here (external link)
    The scrolling message reads:



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