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About Spider

  • Birthday 07/02/1974

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  1. Spider

    Jet Set Radio

    https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=166858 Must admit, I had never heard of this before...
  2. To be fair the 'rebuilt' Manic Miner and JSW1 for these are much improved and have a 'spectrum' feel to them.
  3. Thank you from me too. They also have (for me at least) some other interesting 'Spectrum themed' platform games, namely Frankenstein , Automania and then things like Pyramid et al...
  4. No problems. That's a good point. I have found it best to work with a .tap file personally but others may prefer a snapshot.
  5. I'm surprised it opens the .zip properly. Extract the .zip and place the game file inside the JSWED folder/directory, then open that from there. 🙂 There's no issue with W7 (or W10 at least) with JSWED, it is not an OS concern that's for certain. I'm not 100% sure what else that file has for fixes, IIRC that one has something like a renamed Bathroom perhaps. I do have a fixed standard one somewhere on site, with the four official fixes applied as well as another one to 'fix' the Swimming Pool rope if needed.
  6. Have to agree (as a pet cat owner and also a carer of a feral colony) lovely. 🙂
  7. Spider

    With and without

    Yes but vs 8 (well 16 I suppose) ... Not a fan of its styling though or colour. The hardware I do like very much. Reminds me that I need to ask about (elsewhere) tape input as it doesn't work on the emulators I have to hand.
  8. Spider

    With and without

    The specs are OK... Sound is a SA1099 chip similar but higher spec than the AY chip found in the 128 Spectrum and Amstrad CPC ranges, amongst others. In particular its six channel , with stereo*** *** Technically the Spectrum is too but its been joined internally as I recall. Here: https://www.worldofsam.org/products/sam-coupe-specifications
  9. Now you've mentioned it, yes I see the similarity... https://homepridebaking.co.uk/
  10. Spider

    With and without

    Sorry its the same resolution in that mode as the Spectrum 256x192 , I mixed the numbers up. 🙂 The listing: Note I've tried to name the loops with easy to follow conventions. The linelength I did try with a conditional if it was in a high res mode set it higher however I couldn't recall the specifics and had no online access to the manual. So its there doing nothing really. Yes it will go larger so the high res low colours mode only fills a portion of the screen. You can see my experimentation in the video below, note unforuntately captured at half res so the text is not always readable sorry. You'll see the Basic (from the Sam) is virutally identical the Spectrum too: listing.mp4 Its worth watching , despite what some say I do rate this machine highly however (don't lynch me) I hate the styling of it, the hardware I like a lot. IMO it should of been in a case like the Amiga 500 , or the Sinclair PC200 , drive on the side etc and keypad. You'll see one mode is a single attribute line per row so 8 lines of colour per block as such, plus first the normal speccy mode , that one , then a high res low colour (like maybe 4 only selectable) then the high colour mode, 256x192
  11. Spider

    With and without

    The Spectrum one will run 'as is' on the Sam Coupe. I can't get a video at the moment. Running it in Mode 0 is the same as the Spectrum. Running it in Mode 4 (iirc I think its 4) , is the same resolution 192x256 however there's zero colour clash as each pixel in the 8x8 block has its own attribute value too. Cost=24kb vs 6.75kb
  12. Spider

    With and without

    Output video (BBC version) inc minor adjustments. My VDU 23 code is to just hide the cursor flash... Note late on I've used higher colour numbers to induce flash effect. listing.mp4 Spectrum version , again adjusted a bit. Top lines only to set bright white ink black paper properly. And the video... listing_s.mp4
  13. Spider

    With and without

    @Jet Set Willie I did try the BBC one and edited it sadly not saved. This was actually something I'd saved the page from long ago (dated 24/02/22 I'd saved it for some reason, just this page)
  14. Spider

    With and without

    It would have to be assembly then. Small steps to start with , maybe adding routines to call from Basic etc. AFAIK this is how FrankNStein was done, its compiled Basic but has a few pure assembly routines to call.
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