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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community


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Files posted by Spider

  1. JetSet Willy 2 Acorn Electron

    JSW 2 for the Acorn Electron. The conversion itself was written by Chris Robson.
    This contains three files:
    The tape (.uef) as well as both types of disc image (DFS .ssd and ADFS .adf)
    The game code is identical however the disc versions include a loading screen too. Given the Electrons memory this version is in effect based on the 'tape' BBC Micro version, which is quite cut down. In summary most of the 'Space' screens are present but very few of the Mansion screens.



  2. JetSet Willy Acorn Electron

    JSW 1 for the Acorn Electron. The conversion itself was written by Chris Robson.
    This contains three files:
    The tape (.uef) as well as both types of disc image (DFS .ssd and ADFS .adf)
    The game code is identical however the disc versions include a loading screen too. All screens appear present matching the Spectrum/BBC/Amstrad versions.



  3. Manic Miner Oric Atmos

    Manic Miner for the Oric Atmos. Possibly *might* be compatible with the Oric 1 (if it has a memory/rom addon)
    There are actually two versions of this present generally on the Internet. One is credited to Matt Smith (this is the one in French with the bugs) and the other also mentions his name (and mentions



  4. Manic Miner ZX81

    This is the third party ZX81 version of Manic Miner, written in 1984. It is a standard ".p" ZX81 tape file.
    It is not (given the limited memory available) identical to other platforms, however there are eleven of the familiar caverns present although its a fantastic achievement and credit to the author for being able to do this at all.
    You do start with five lives instead of three however but the game is quite difficult so that is a very sensible compromise.
    The game language is Czechoslovakian
    A third party review of it can be found here (external link)
    The scrolling message reads:



  5. Manic Miner Updated

    We are pleased to release a mildly updated Spectrum version of Manic Miner.
    1. The new loading screen I put together here has been used.
    2. The code was again assembled using a 'real' speedlock loader for both its intended use (on a real machine) and for tape loading fanatics too. This is not intended as any form of 'protection' it is simply to cut down loading time from approx 3m15s to 2m30s. :) Only the game code is loaded rather than an emulator 'built' one as that would load all the memory which is not needed.
    3. The game code was based on the Software Projects release rather than the more common Bug-Byte one, the reason for this was simply as the Software Projects release was later so it made more sense to base it on the 'last' code as such.
    4. The 'typewriter' cheat was removed. The Software Projects version was "typewriter" instead of "6031769"
    5. To make the game a bit more initially friendly, Willy starts with seven lives instead of three however:
    6. There is no bonus life awarded every 10,000 points any more.
    7. Minor detail: The scrolling message was slowed down a fraction so its more readable.
    8. Minor detail: The scrolling message was altered very slightly to correct a few concerns:


    In essence the changes are to capitalisation, spacing and the 'forgotten' pause keys.
    Enjoy. :)
    Note: Load in 48K mode



  6. JSW Positioner

    A simple Basic program to allow convenient calculation of the starting position of Willy.
    This is really more suited to games that offer multiple start positions as otherwise it is far simpler to move the position in JSWED or another editor. Games offering multi starts however this will assist as the default starting co-ordinates of one room may not be suitable for another.
    It should be borne in mind this is a simple tool to assist rather than a 'solution' it simply makes working out a calculation a lot quicker than either calculating it yourself or inputting X and Y co-ordinates manually and looking at the result.
    Although the calculations are provided in the excellent disassembly thus:

    This is convenient if you know the exact "AT Y,X" spot otherwise it can become a bit annoying to re-run the calculation, especially if you accidentally mix up your X's and Y's. A simple input X,Y program would suffice however I felt the need for something a bit more friendly than "INPUT Y,X and display a result"
    The 'Positioner' is intended to be very easy to use indeed. :) The program is reasonably well error trapped and you are not able to position him on the extremities of the screen which could cause potential issues.
    Simply use the Q,A,O,P keys to move Willy to the correct location on the blank screen and the POKES (excluding the room #ID POKE which is 34795,#ID) are displayed in real time. This is a great boon as you can have JSWED open alongside to view the room layout to verify you have chosen the correct spot.
    The file is a straightforward .tap , just load it into your emulator and away you go. There is no need (or point) in loading any game data, just load the positioner afresh.



  7. Jet Set Willy: The Nightmare Edition

    Jet Set Willy: The Nightmare Edition


    Experience the timeless classic with a refreshing wave of new challenges and surprises! Solve the mysteries and find all the items... and be quick!
    Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner Community (jswmm.co.uk) is proud to present a new, enhanced version of "Jet Set Willy".
    The project was launched in the Contributor Lounge of jswmm.co.uk on 26th October 2015. The founding idea was to have a new JSW build, using the existing 48K engine, "with a few minor tweaks to platforms and the like". The plan was also to have 256 items to collect and to locate them in interesting places where Willy might not otherwise venture.
    The project exploded in the following weeks, when several Contributors joined in and launched an avalanche of ideas and suggestions for the new build. By the time "The Nightmare Edition" was ready for release on 26th January 2016, over 2000 posts related to it had been published. More than 100 working builds of the game were created, as well as various minor revisions and numerous working files related to the loader and loading screens.
    The general ethos of "The Nightmare Edition" was to work within Willy's original mansion, whilst maximising the difficulty of the classic rooms. However, a few extra screens have been added, inspired by the mythology surrounding the game. Another notable feature of "The Nightmare Edition" is that all unused graphics that were buried in the original JSW game engine since 1984 have been recycled and placed throughout the layout.
    The name "Nightmare Edition" was adopted at some point along the way to reflect the increased difficulty of the game and the devious puzzles designed to make the player suffer. The game contains a substantial number of changes, including technical novelties such as different tunes in various areas of Willy's mansion, and a suitably nightmarish font style! Unlike in the original, the time limit is a serious factor.
    The team of Contributors have worked hard together to convert their enthusiasm for "JSW" into a final product both enjoyable and challenging to the members of the wider ZX Spectrum community. The end result optimises the potential of Matthew Smith's original game layout, somehow managing to be both reassuringly familiar whilst at the same time fiendishly difficult - all within the 48K game engine!!
    A detailed readme file of the building history, credits and technical changes is included in the package.
    "Jet Set Willy: The Nightmare Edition" can be completed without losing a single life. The game has been play-tested extensively and is believed to be bug-free. However, if you find any problems, please report them to us at the community.
    Enjoy... and suffer!
    The download contains the following formats:
    Standard .tap file, suitable for general use and transfer to other formats such as +3 disk or Sinclair Vega.
    High speed .tzx file, suitable for transfer to use on a real machine. This tzx version must be loaded in 48K mode only.



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