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Norman Sword

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  1. Jet Set Willie - your interpretation of my comment is spot on. The Home Pride graders (Fred and co) with a halo of flour
  2. I have added the extra keys used, in the file heading.
  3. People? Concerning MJSW V3 Extracted data from JSW Central Number of edited rooms: 81 84 Number of rooms accessible without cheating: 81 84 (There is an additional room in relation to the previous versions: "Blue sky", an almost empty room (except for a flying pig) located above "Rescue Esmerelda".) Number of rooms which need to be visited to complete the game: 80 ("Entrance to Hades" should be omitted as entering it results in a multiple-death scenario.) ========================================= V3 has 84 rooms - all rooms accessible, without cheating. In V2 the original data was mainly left. This did allow strange room jumps. So for V3 I went through the data and changed the data as needed, to remove most of those strange room jumps. In some cases it was just as easy to add interconnecting rooms to tidy up the room layout. In JSW jumping up from the Watch Tower takes you to room zero. The data was not set to any logically connected room, and the data was left as zero. So jumping upward from the Watch Tower takes you to room/cavern 0. Which is defined as The Off Licence Whilst most of the wrong interconnections were simply changed to the nearest logical room. In some cases I added the undefined logical room. So now 1 jumping upward from the "Watch Tower" takes you briefly into "Tower over". Where you immediately fall back into "Watch Tower". 2 jumping upward from "Rescue Esmerelda" takes you briefly into "Blue sky". Where you immediately fall back into "Rescue Esmerelda" 3 jumping left from "Out on a limb" takes you through "Limbless". Where you fall downward into "the Front Door" and carry on downward into "The Security Guard" 4 Falling into "Entrance to Hades" will drop through into "A brief Visit" and carry on falling into "The Security Guard" Whilst playing and not taking wrong paths. The only room that should be seen, very briefly, is "Blue sky". The other added rooms are to remove infinite death loops, or to place Willy back in a more logical game map position. Falling into "Entrance to Hades" is no longer a death loop. After losing a life you will end up in "The Security Guard" - Safe to carry on. Jumping left from "Out on a limb" is no longer a death loop. After losing a life you will end up in "The Security Guard" - Safe to carry on. Note also you can do the jump from "On top of the house" and land in "Ballroom East" with the loss of one life only.
  4. Variations in game playing mode - for V3.01 Whilst technically there are 4 modes. The random game modes can be treated as just one mode. Similar to having a shuffled pack of cards placed before you. Taking a card from anywhere in the pack or just taking the top card. Will always (or should) result in an unknown card. The random modes are similar to the pack of cards description. Whilst technically you are getting an unknown cavern (card) by differing methods of logic, the result is the same, An unknown cavern (card) Fixed by play Fixed by room random by play random by room. The graphics I display below are the graphics and colours as used in Manic Miner. Whilst I use the graphics (as defined in Manic Miner), I change the colours in usage to make the portals less conspicuous when viewed in a room. Description - Fixed by play Here the portals access rooms in the order that they are played in Manic Miner. No matter which room the portal is entered from, the first access will always give "The Central Cavern". Since Manic Miner has 20 portals and each room has a specific portal design. Every room with a portal will display the current Manic Miner room that can be accessed. So if none are accessed then all the portals, when they are passed will display the portal from "the central cavern" When that cavern has been completed. the next portal graphic will be displayed. "the Cold Room" The caverns are thus accessed in order -- defined by play. Description - Fixed by room Here the rooms define which Manic Miner cavern will be accessed. "The Bathroom" will always access "The Central Cavern" "First Landing" will always access "The Cold Room" In a similar way the graphic shown for any room with a portal, will in this mode. Always display the same Manic Miner portal graphic, and give access to the same Manic Miner room on every play. Description Random by play and Random by room Here the graphic for room access will always be just a question mark . Giving no clue as to which cavern will be accessed. As stated above whilst the logic to arrive at the cavern differs, the end result is just a random cavern from Manic Miner. After any Manic Miner cavern has been completed, then it can no longer be accessed by the random selection. Again similar to picking the cards from the pack. Once selected, it is no longer available. This does mean that the 20th cavern will always be known by logic. Simply being the only remaining cavern left to play. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changing game mode. At the end of the scrolling message, I include the extra keys as used by MJSW which are not part of the keys used in Manic Miner or Jet Set Willy. I also wrote the keys into the game post ----------------------------------------- Hope the above answers your questions. ------------------------------------------ Addendum. V2 also allows for a change of game mode. Again the change in mode is accessed by pressing "1" on the title screen. The modes are the same as the first two listed for V3.01. With v2 there is no option of playing random order. In V3.02 - the random order is expanded to 20 random portal rooms from a list of 40 portal rooms. (that game is however not listed in any posts by me)
  5. Norman Sword

    TV mention

    A clip from Coronation Street ITV. (British TV , soap) Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy. Turns out - he was disappointed. JSW Manic Miner - Coronation Street.mp4
  6. This was going to be the loader picture on the spider jsw special -- Unfortunately it uses too much memory at run time, to be incorperated into the game as a loader screen. It is based on the Card picture I have previously shown. This program using the picture from MJSW the Scroll surround of JSW2, the graphics of JSW and MM (plus the basics of the christmas card) Would have made a nice loaded game screen.... jjsw24_spider_loader-NotUsed.tap
  7. FOR jsw 2024 - Taking 16 (real) seconds to display a game clock minute. Allows for a quick and easy calculation for the framing rate of JSW 2024. Each displayed minute the game cycles 256 frames of display/animation. So every second the game displays 256/16 frames of animation. ---- update rate 16 frames a second MJSW fast displays 10 game MIN in 110 sec or 1 game min in 11 sec - so the framing rate is upped to around 23 frames (at fast speed) and mjsw SLOW displays 3 game MIN in 65 sec or 1 game min in 21.6 sec - so framing rate is slowed to around 11 frames (at slow speed) MJSW at slow speed was set to roughly the originals games speed so JSW Original around 11 frames per sec JSW 2024 around 16 frames per sec MJSW (fast) around 23 frames per sec -of course MJSW can be played at any one of 16 speeds ranging from the super fast down to the slow original speed.
  8. The last version V3.01 is the last official version. However I did carry on changing the file and did add a lot more code. As is usual the amount of code change was extensive, whilst what is seen is not a great deal. The purpose of the changes was to write spider a personal version. Note I say a personal spider version and NOT a new version. The last version was V3.01 (the last official version). The spider update is V3.02. --- The updates for the Spider only version stop at midnight December 31st. (if it had been a new version it would have had its version number updated to V4.00) - instead it is just a variant of the official release of V3.01 updated to V3.02 - Not for release. So what did I change. 1) Jet Set Willy was an edit of Manic Miner. Due to the editing Matthew did , the code for movement was changed to allow for stairs. That code change also modified how Willy interacts with Walls. I decided to change my code to remove the bug that Matthew had introduced with his stair collision check routine. The change I wrote only occurs when playing the Manic Miner style caverns. When playing the Jet Set Willy caverns, the bug, Matthew wrote, is left intact. Remember I am trying to leave the Matthew bugs/quirks intact, so as to not change the game play. 2) The main screen changes, as done in the attract mode, are done by a routine I call the curtain effect. The original code simulated the appearance of closing curtains across a window. That was subsequently modified to do more. 3a) Curtains - The last official version draws curtains from the outside of the screen and draws them inward. The number of curtains can be from 1 to 4, and in any combination of the four directions This gave something like 24 combinations for the curtain effect. 3b) I added code to draw curtains from the middle outward. (in pairs, or four) 3c) I added code to remove the combinations of curtain that to me did not aesthetically look perfect. That was all the combinations that involved 3 curtains. 3d) I added code to slow down pairs of curtains that by logic revealed the screen faster than single sweep curtains. 3e) I added code to make an SFX on curtain reveals 3f) I wondered if I could add diagonal curtains. The answer was yes and they were added Each and every addition of code needed me to find other code that I could rewrite to make that code smaller. So whilst the above changes are not large pieces of code. The space for every addition was not available, until other code was modified to increase the available space. 4) I redesigned the credits page. For that I needed more graphics. 4a) I added a graphic to replace the Andy Ford text 4b) I modified the graphic drawing routine to allow changes in the graphic output via the insertion of inline code parameters. 5) I changed the method of changing the game music tempo. 5a) the music tempo now tracks the game speed more accurately. 5b) I removed the static Willies. They now dance all the time. The Music on/off has an icon indicating the sound status. 5c) I slowed the overall speed of the game down. The slowing down of the overall game speed was to enable the game to play at the original game speed of Jet Set Willy. So MJSW at its slowest speed setting will now play at about the same speed as the original JSW. A side effect of the slowing down is it slows down all speeds. Whilst the fastest speed is still fast, it still has a big delay incorporated into each loop. 5d) I can/could remove the unneeded delay from the game loop introduced by the overall slowing down. Instead I use that extra delay to change the super fast music clicks into a more pleasing blip. 6) When cash is being taken from Willies ready cash for life rejuvenation. It now highlights and flashes the cash when it is depleted to zero. 7) When spider played the game without the sound on. It was obvious that KONG needed to have some SFX's. 7a) When the switch in the KONG room is flipped a compound SFX is played 7b) Followed by a slight delay 7c) followed by an SFX as periodically a piece of the wall barrier is erased 7d) KONG drop SFX and speed was changed. Eight) I Added some more objects to collect in the JSW part of the game. Just checked MJSW v3.02 now has 132 object in the JSW part of the game. No additions of objects in the Manic Miner part of the game. 8a) the added object (in most cases) are not objects that will take any effort to collect. The added objects on the whole are placed where Willy normally travels. 9) The portals are restricted to 20 known places when played in "fixed by play" or "fixed by room". In order to add more change when playing in the "random by room" or "random by play" versions. I have added an extra 20 portals. 9b) the random versions now selects 20 portals from a list of 40 portal locations. So the random element has the added variation of not being able to predict which room will have a portal in it. 10) Skylab crash SFX changed 11) The revealing of the final barrel/ Plinth screen (GAME OVER SCREEN) was done in MJSW v3.01 by scrolling the screen upwards. That was replaced by a routine to scroll the screen downwards. And finally for this version even that was replaced by a random reveal routine. 11a) the plinth or Barrel graphic is decided now by which screen/cavern he was in when he met his final demise. So in MM screens he will be placed on a plinth, and for JSW room on a barrel. In V3.01 only the barrel is used. 12) added sound to the congratulations final screen. 13) lots more - just not listed. Whilst the topics mentioned above have changed and can be seen or heard. The game code has been changed to enable me to add the above changes. So whilst V3.02 started as the code of V3.01 it has a very different look. On reflection of what I wrote above. I wondered why I added a slow down to the game speed. Just now I have remembered that one of the updates/test pieces of code I wrote was investigating the screen refresh routine. I ended up writing around six or seven differing versions, each using vastly different ways to update the screen. In code changes of this sort, the code has many design criteria it needs to meet. The ultimate code would be a logic change that removes all the code, so it becomes a routine that consumes no memory and runs instantly. That aim in most cases can not be met. In MJSW the code is already suffering from constraints to how much memory it is allowed to use. So in order to add these test routines. I switched off the curtain effect the multiple graphics on the JSW title screen, the animated end game pac man and the bed jump fanfare. With those routines removed I had a few kilobytes of now unused memory. The screen update code changes were time consuming to write, the differing versions allowed me to investigate which was the most viable to continue with as a means of updating the screen. Each version ran at a different speed. The fastest code version, was also the version that consumed far too much memory. The code I ended up using, was a compromise between speed and size. Once the code was picked for usage. I then needed to scan every routine I had written in the game and investigate how I could shorten that code to enable me to add the new screen update routine. Without going into further detail - I managed to add the new screen update code and re insert all the routines I had originally switched off .... Hence the next decision to slow the game down again. see 5c above. Remember V3.01 is the last official version. V3.02 is a spider modified revision - meant for spider only, and "I" will not post that version here.
  9. JetSetWilly start game game mode 0 - - collect last object game mode 1 - maria removed - object number defined by a specific byte - not by actual objects jump on bed game mode 2 - forced walk to toilet - room + x position defined - reach the x position to trigger reached toilet game mode 3 - animated head/toilet graphic - room + x position defined - reach the x position to trigger
  10. I remember seeing the MSX bee card - It was played on an MSX by Alan Maton, just for me. The card was a pre release demonstration.
  11. Several incorrect assumptions. The game logic only allows "the ITEM draw logic" to collect ITEMS. Other logic can leave colour that "the ITEM draw logic" will react to. So sprites can not collect an item Background colour will not collect an item Arrows do not collect items All the above do is colour in the ink cells and that allows "the ITEM draw logic" to assume when it detects white that Willy is over the ITEM, and then "the ITEM draw logic" will collect it. To have an invisible item. All that is needed is to define a graphic with no pixels present. "The ITEM draw logic" will draw the invisible item. If A white sprite/an arrow or Willy walks over the item. Then the fact that white is now present in the square where the item is defined is enough for "the ITEM draw logic" to collect the invisible item.
  12. Can confirm it loads and looks like your picture. The title screen looks strange as well - (But with artistic licence - perhaps that is how it is meant to look)
  13. Can confirm Both of the above run on my windows 10 PC.
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