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Everything posted by CPL
I think you've done a great job. I was able to get through to 'The Warehouse' on a first run. Not bad seeing as I haven't played the game in a few years. I was even able to pull off the speedrun strat in 'Eugene's Lair' which I was particularly pleased worked. 🙂 If anything it's slightly more forgiving than the speccy version - definitely a few close calls with enemies which I think should have killed me but in all honesty, it's no bad thing. Great job!
@UncleWan Hi! I grew up with the MSX version of Jet Set Willy 2 - which used the same music as the Amstrad version. For the remake I arranged/composed 24 different variations on the music which cross-fade depending on which room you are in / what state the game is in. There are a few cheeky nods to other games / franchises in there for a bit of fun. That piece was originally composed by Steve Wetherill who worked on the CPC version. He kindly gave me his blessing to rearrange it and include it in the remake. There's no way to download it. I suppose I could make a longer edit of certain variations. Might be an interesting project in itself!
Hi! Glad you found us. Considering the limiations of scratch I think you've done an amazing job. Looking forward to trying it! Redux is definitely worth checking out - it's the best version of the game out there as far as I'm concerned.
@alexh You can also always ask questions around here. There are quite a few people who really know how JSW and MM work on the inside.
@Spider It was a decent version of HoH too! It was the one game we had for it!
https://skoolkit.ca/disassemblies/jet_set_willy/ There's a complete disassembly of the original online. It's all commented and pretty easy to find your way around assuming you know a little programming already?
Thank you for posting this @AukonDK. I appreciate it. It's a shame the licensing / ownership of Jet Set Willy is such a mess. Otherwise I'd happily release it to the public. Matthew Smith has seen a video of it though, and he liked it, so that's enough approval for me. 🙂
@Hamish Here you go. This goes through all the variations on the theme that I made. Some are a bit tenuously linked - it's mainly the harmonic base that stays consistent so the music can fade into each other. Some are a bit daft. Some I'm not sure entirely work. But I had fun making them.
I love the Steve Wetherill tune. I guess because it was the one I grew up with, but for me that is THE Jet Set Willy theme. All the music in my JSW Scrolling Edition remake is variations on that theme, and it changes style depending on which room you are in. I made a musical tour video of all the variations to send to Steve Wetherill to check he was OK with me playing with and arranging his composition. He's fine with it, thankfully. I'll post the video here if people are interested.
It would be great to see more runs submitted. So get involved! DigitalDuck did briefly touch on this in his post, but to be fair to everyone who thinks they might like to try it, it should be said explicitly with relation to the Speedrun variant - The Miner Willy games run faster on a +2A than a 48K. I think 3 also runs at the same speed? Better known is the fact that they run faster with the music off. So if emulating, use +2A and switch the music off. Check speedrun.com for emulator restrictions. I'll also say that RuffledBricks has a great set of tutorials of how to speedrun them on youtube. It's how I got started, with a few additional route modifications that were revealed by crem's algorithm solutions.
@Jamie Howard Oh sorry, that was me on Mastadon. I thought the 'CPL' name might be a clue. 😁
@Jamie Howard I'd definitely be interested to hear about the transition from GMS to Godot. My JSW scrolling remake was all done in GMS but I'm tempted to translate it over or write something new in Godot. What's the learning curve like? You also get bonus points with me for the magic word 'MSX'. 🙂
I have spent a whole bunch of time playing this this week. It goes WAY deeper than I realised with the permanent upgrades etc. It's really quite impressive. Is there a screenshot map of the mansion anywhere?
@Pixel Stonk - Thanks for releasing that! I've had a quick play. Some really nice touches in there. You've clearly put a huge amount of work into it. I like the idea of the Music Room a lot. When I get a bit more time I'll sit and have a proper explore of the new mansion. I'm hitting the lag problem occasionally too. Maybe release an excecutable build on Itch.io?
Created with GameMaker Studio 2 2022-05-02 15-35-09.mp4 I've added one other new feature I've been meaning to add for a while - 'Viewpoints'. I always liked the 'zoom out' I had in the preview videos I made, and wanted a way to implement it as a feature rather than as a player controlled thing. So, I've put in a few flashing Ore Refinery eyes around the map - if you stand still on them for a view seconds, you get a nice view of a section of the map. Gives a reason to climb up on the watch tower too. Lots of good ideas there Spider. I'll look into the jumping pitch 🙂 Because the game now scrolls, there are no 'exits' per se - so no, there's no teleporting anywhere.
Whilst this is still very much a back-burner project, I thought you guys might like to see a full mansion walk in the remake. You can see where I've had to remove rooms / add rooms. I'd like to know your thoughts. The biggest changes are to the roof and the basement (past the Forgotten Abbey) - I had to move a few rooms around for the map to work. I stole a few from Manic Miner and JSW2 as well. I've edited a few rooms to remove frustration. For example, "Under the Drive" needed tweaking to make it possible to get through reliably. I'm considering adding a few more objects to bring the total to an even 100. Maybe one halfway up the east wall so you *have to climb up it. I'm not sure. I want to stay faithful to the original - despite the changes I've had to make to make the game work in this way. I personally quite like the idea of being able to access the basement from the Security Guard side to allow the player a bit more freedom in routing around the map. But that would mean changes to the Wine Cellar to let the player get back out at that end. It's a long video - just short of 25 minutes - and that's after I edited out several minutes of me dying in the Nightmare Room and Forgotten Abbey, but I was running a test to check that all objects are collectible and that the engine is behaving as it should. There's one little control quirk left I can't seem to work out - it's *sometimes possible to walk against the conveyor. It's a weird one. Anyway - if you're interested - enjoy! (If you're impatient watch it at 2x speed 🙂 ) https://youtu.be/2IWWvsry_sk
Thanks! It's a bit of a scrappy run in parts of the second half. There's definitely room for improvement if someone wants to have a go at it!
You should be able to see that the rope_X_Table and rope_Y_Table are just the data lists NormanSword has put above in array form.
OK. I'll try and explain as best I can how I've done it from a GMS2 perspective. I'm a hobbyist coder in games terms and a bit messy in all honesty, so apologies for inconsistent naming schemes. I have a SPRITE defined for a single rope segment - in my version it's a 4x4 white square because I've done everything at 4x resolution in case I ever want to do an 'HD' version in future. eg. Willy's sprite is 64x64. I have 2 OBJECTS defined - one I call a "RopeGenerator", and another which I call "RopeSpriteSegment". The RopeGenerator is the object which actually gets put into the room. The RopeSpriteSegment has no code in it, but has two Variable Definitions - "parent_instance" and "segment_id". I've attached a very roughly commented extract from various GMS scripts shoved into a .txt file which drive the ropes / player in my remake. You'll probably have to work a fair few bits out yourself to relate it to your code, but it should give you a starting point and at least let you understand how the ropes are formed. When I saw how simple and elegantly Matthew Smith had done the rope I was really quite impressed. EDIT: Sorry there are a few typos in the text file I've just seen - 32 vs 33 segments (yay off by one errors!) etc, but the gist is there. RopeCode.txt
I'm the current speccy speedrun holder at 13m24s. I used several strats pulled from crem's AI runs to improve my routes - most notably the Eugene's Lair route. I also used some of RuffledBricks' techniques for a few of the levels I was having trouble with. It's a far from perfect run though - I made a big error on Amoebatrons 2, and missed the first jump in the 16th Cavern by a frame which led to a longer time. I'm pretty sure it will be beaten as soon as someone puts the time in to do the runs. I'm much happier with my Kong Beast run which hit all the strats I was aiming for. I've never played the C64 version. I found it an interesting watch as the mechanics and timings appear to be different. The jump arc look a little different too. I can only presume that the C64 version was coded from scratch and the 'Is Willy On a Conveyor' check is done AFTER the movement check. I've just checked the MSX version and it follows the Speccy conveyor logic - if you make that jump on Central Cavern the player just 'sticks' on the conveyor. However, some of the strats from the speccy don't work in the MSX version down to differences in the collision. For example, you can't run straight along the bottom on Amoebatrons 1. You *have* to wait for the 2nd nasty to go past. I'd love to see an AI WRITETYPER run. I can imagine it would be hilariously fast.
I've just added ropes to my scrolling JSW remake (done in Game Maker Studio 2 - nothing elaborate). I got the data from the disassembly. They aren't as complicated to implement as you might think. I won't go into it if you've decided you definitely don't want them, but if you're interested I can post an explanation of how they work.
Sadly, I'm not sure the rights problems are going to get resolved in any hurry. My (limited) understanding is that Matthew Smith owns the rights to the Bug-Byte version of Manic Miner, but not the Software Projects editions. JSW was very much a Software Projects title and there seems to be no clear owner. It seems to me like you'd have two options - 1) Release it free as a fan made tribute. Although, I appreciate you've clearly put a HUGE amount of effort into it already and would like (and deserve) some recompense for it. 2) Take the 'Miner Willy' assets, rooms and all, out of the game and release it as a new game with the same base engine. Whim looks fun. Good luck with it! CPL
I was just coming in here to ask that! Progress update would be great! @Pixel Stonk
I remember playing the multiplayer Jet Set Willy online many years ago (I wonder what happened to that). It was a lot of fun, but it had a few major issues - the main one being that once you'd figured out an optimum route you could nearly always win in any race. I know it's a weird thing to equate it to, but Mario Kart battles sprang to mind. Although the original levels would be fun, I feel like you need arenas. Assuming you're writing this for modern hardware - there's no reason to limit the screen scaling to the size of the classic screens. I also feel like an element of randomness - Mario Kart pickups or Worms style drops - would make this more fun. Double-speed walking? Spring boots for extra high jumps? Wall gloves to climb up the sides? Freeze Ray to stop other players in their tracks for a few seconds? Something that lets you steal collected objects from the next player you touch? I'm sure there could be plenty of good ideas.
Does anyone know if there is a speedrun community anywhere for MM / JSW? (Or is this it? 🙂 ). I see it has an entry on speedrun.com but no forums or discords associated with it. @RuffledBricks - I'm looking in your direction as the WR holder?