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CPL reacted to Hadders in Jet Set Willy 3
Pixel Stonk.
I've joined this forum simply to offer my thanks for making this amazing title available. It's incredible. I've only scratched the surface. I feel really privileged to have found this. I can't believe more people aren't talking about it. I'm working on my mansion map currently.
Thanks so much. You, sir, are a legend.
CPL got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch
I think you've done a great job. I was able to get through to 'The Warehouse' on a first run. Not bad seeing as I haven't played the game in a few years. I was even able to pull off the speedrun strat in 'Eugene's Lair' which I was particularly pleased worked. 🙂 If anything it's slightly more forgiving than the speccy version - definitely a few close calls with enemies which I think should have killed me but in all honesty, it's no bad thing.
Great job!
CPL got a reaction from manic986 in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch
I think you've done a great job. I was able to get through to 'The Warehouse' on a first run. Not bad seeing as I haven't played the game in a few years. I was even able to pull off the speedrun strat in 'Eugene's Lair' which I was particularly pleased worked. 🙂 If anything it's slightly more forgiving than the speccy version - definitely a few close calls with enemies which I think should have killed me but in all honesty, it's no bad thing.
Great job!
CPL got a reaction from Spider in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch
I think you've done a great job. I was able to get through to 'The Warehouse' on a first run. Not bad seeing as I haven't played the game in a few years. I was even able to pull off the speedrun strat in 'Eugene's Lair' which I was particularly pleased worked. 🙂 If anything it's slightly more forgiving than the speccy version - definitely a few close calls with enemies which I think should have killed me but in all honesty, it's no bad thing.
Great job!
CPL got a reaction from jetsetdanny in JSW with scrolling
Hi! I grew up with the MSX version of Jet Set Willy 2 - which used the same music as the Amstrad version. For the remake I arranged/composed 24 different variations on the music which cross-fade depending on which room you are in / what state the game is in. There are a few cheeky nods to other games / franchises in there for a bit of fun.
That piece was originally composed by Steve Wetherill who worked on the CPC version. He kindly gave me his blessing to rearrange it and include it in the remake.
There's no way to download it. I suppose I could make a longer edit of certain variations. Might be an interesting project in itself!
CPL got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch
Hi! Glad you found us. Considering the limiations of scratch I think you've done an amazing job. Looking forward to trying it!
Redux is definitely worth checking out - it's the best version of the game out there as far as I'm concerned.
CPL got a reaction from manic986 in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch
Hi! Glad you found us. Considering the limiations of scratch I think you've done an amazing job. Looking forward to trying it!
Redux is definitely worth checking out - it's the best version of the game out there as far as I'm concerned.
CPL got a reaction from Spider in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch
Hi! Glad you found us. Considering the limiations of scratch I think you've done an amazing job. Looking forward to trying it!
Redux is definitely worth checking out - it's the best version of the game out there as far as I'm concerned.
CPL got a reaction from UncleWan in JSW with scrolling
Hi! I grew up with the MSX version of Jet Set Willy 2 - which used the same music as the Amstrad version. For the remake I arranged/composed 24 different variations on the music which cross-fade depending on which room you are in / what state the game is in. There are a few cheeky nods to other games / franchises in there for a bit of fun.
That piece was originally composed by Steve Wetherill who worked on the CPC version. He kindly gave me his blessing to rearrange it and include it in the remake.
There's no way to download it. I suppose I could make a longer edit of certain variations. Might be an interesting project in itself!
CPL got a reaction from Spider in Any JSW remakes open source?
@alexh You can also always ask questions around here. There are quite a few people who really know how JSW and MM work on the inside.
CPL got a reaction from Spider in Any JSW remakes open source?
@Spider It was a decent version of HoH too! It was the one game we had for it!
CPL got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Any JSW remakes open source?
@alexh You can also always ask questions around here. There are quite a few people who really know how JSW and MM work on the inside.
CPL got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Any JSW remakes open source?
There's a complete disassembly of the original online. It's all commented and pretty easy to find your way around assuming you know a little programming already?
CPL got a reaction from Spider in Any JSW remakes open source?
There's a complete disassembly of the original online. It's all commented and pretty easy to find your way around assuming you know a little programming already?
CPL got a reaction from Spider in JSW with scrolling
Thank you for posting this @AukonDK. I appreciate it.
It's a shame the licensing / ownership of Jet Set Willy is such a mess. Otherwise I'd happily release it to the public. Matthew Smith has seen a video of it though, and he liked it, so that's enough approval for me. 🙂
CPL got a reaction from jetsetdanny in JSW with scrolling
Thank you for posting this @AukonDK. I appreciate it.
It's a shame the licensing / ownership of Jet Set Willy is such a mess. Otherwise I'd happily release it to the public. Matthew Smith has seen a video of it though, and he liked it, so that's enough approval for me. 🙂
CPL reacted to AukonDK in JSW with scrolling
Excuse the resurrection of an old thread but @CPL has posted a full playthrough of this on their Youtube channel.
CPL got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Playing around with the in-game tune in JSW
Here you go. This goes through all the variations on the theme that I made. Some are a bit tenuously linked - it's mainly the harmonic base that stays consistent so the music can fade into each other. Some are a bit daft. Some I'm not sure entirely work. But I had fun making them.
CPL got a reaction from Spider in Playing around with the in-game tune in JSW
Here you go. This goes through all the variations on the theme that I made. Some are a bit tenuously linked - it's mainly the harmonic base that stays consistent so the music can fade into each other. Some are a bit daft. Some I'm not sure entirely work. But I had fun making them.
CPL got a reaction from DigitalDuck in Playing around with the in-game tune in JSW
Here you go. This goes through all the variations on the theme that I made. Some are a bit tenuously linked - it's mainly the harmonic base that stays consistent so the music can fade into each other. Some are a bit daft. Some I'm not sure entirely work. But I had fun making them.
CPL reacted to IRF in Playing around with the in-game tune in JSW
Danny, the above linked blog by Steve Wetherill provides confirmation of something we were discussing a while back, when you were putting together a readme file for one of your/our projects (I can't recall which one off the top of my head).
You were attempting to give due credit for certain guardian sprites that you had adopted from Jet Set Willy 2. You had said something along the lines of "Sprites in rooms X, Y and Z taken from JSW2 by Derrick Rowson". I said that should have said "JSW2 by Rowson & Wetherall". You pointed out that JSW2 for the Spectrum was only itself credited to Derrick Rowson. I think in the end we settled on something like: "JSW2 by Rowson, which was itself back-ported from a version of JSW on another platform called JSW: The Final Frontier, by Derrick Rowson & Steve Wetherall".
Whilst you were right to insist on accuracy in terms of how the Spectrum version of JSW2 was credited at the time of its release (and I'm sure the 'source material' - original cassette sleeve notes for JSW2 - would have given Steve Wetherall a mention), my substantive point was that if your objective in the readme was to give direct credit to whoever designed the sprites (as opposed to, say, the new room layouts or game engine changes in JSW2), then solely mentioning Derrick Rowson might not have given that due credit.
Now, based on Steve Wetherill's blog that I linked to the other day, it transpires that he was indeed responsible for at least some of those sprites that you borrowed for the game that the readme was associated with:
Several of the new rooms contained sprites that I previously created for the demo that I’d originally sent to SP. I modified Willy, adding the space helmet, for the new Starship Enterprise “space” levels we added. Some of the sprites I created for Jet Set Willy CPC-464 -
CPL got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Playing around with the in-game tune in JSW
I love the Steve Wetherill tune. I guess because it was the one I grew up with, but for me that is THE Jet Set Willy theme.
All the music in my JSW Scrolling Edition remake is variations on that theme, and it changes style depending on which room you are in. I made a musical tour video of all the variations to send to Steve Wetherill to check he was OK with me playing with and arranging his composition. He's fine with it, thankfully. I'll post the video here if people are interested.
CPL got a reaction from IRF in Playing around with the in-game tune in JSW
I love the Steve Wetherill tune. I guess because it was the one I grew up with, but for me that is THE Jet Set Willy theme.
All the music in my JSW Scrolling Edition remake is variations on that theme, and it changes style depending on which room you are in. I made a musical tour video of all the variations to send to Steve Wetherill to check he was OK with me playing with and arranging his composition. He's fine with it, thankfully. I'll post the video here if people are interested.
CPL got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Gaming competitively and how it applies to Miner Willy
It would be great to see more runs submitted. So get involved!
DigitalDuck did briefly touch on this in his post, but to be fair to everyone who thinks they might like to try it, it should be said explicitly with relation to the Speedrun variant - The Miner Willy games run faster on a +2A than a 48K. I think 3 also runs at the same speed? Better known is the fact that they run faster with the music off. So if emulating, use +2A and switch the music off. Check speedrun.com for emulator restrictions.
I'll also say that RuffledBricks has a great set of tutorials of how to speedrun them on youtube. It's how I got started, with a few additional route modifications that were revealed by crem's algorithm solutions.
CPL got a reaction from DigitalDuck in Gaming competitively and how it applies to Miner Willy
It would be great to see more runs submitted. So get involved!
DigitalDuck did briefly touch on this in his post, but to be fair to everyone who thinks they might like to try it, it should be said explicitly with relation to the Speedrun variant - The Miner Willy games run faster on a +2A than a 48K. I think 3 also runs at the same speed? Better known is the fact that they run faster with the music off. So if emulating, use +2A and switch the music off. Check speedrun.com for emulator restrictions.
I'll also say that RuffledBricks has a great set of tutorials of how to speedrun them on youtube. It's how I got started, with a few additional route modifications that were revealed by crem's algorithm solutions.